
  • 网络Financial inspection;financial examination;check-up on the financial work;Financial check-up
  1. 法律赋予监事会的财务检查权没有具体的程序规定,缺乏可操作性。

    There is no specific right of financial inspection of supervision committee under the law , lacking of maneuverability .

  2. 财务经理被检查机关传讯。

    The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution .

  3. 转移了应该出去财务处为检查的人并且相应地给固定资产。

    The person who has been transferred should go to Finance Dept for check out and give Fixed Assets back accordingly .

  4. 多克特曼称,媒介采购员现在会“就手做做会计工作”,公司的首席财务长会检查他们的工作。

    Now , the media buyers ' do the accountancy on the fly ' and the company 's chief financial officer checks their work , says Mr. Dochtermann .

  5. 欧足联希望下一步将重心放在那些在破产边缘苦苦挣扎而急需外部资金支持的俱乐部身上,这些俱乐部将要按照欧足联拟订的许可制度进行一次彻底的自身财务状况的检查。

    Uefa are expected to focus on clubs who are struggling under the weight of debts which require servicing , and they are to undertake a radical review of their own club licensing system .

  6. 监事会的监督记录以及进行财务或专项检查的结果应成为对董事、经理和其他高级管理人员绩效评价的重要依据。

    The record of the supervisory committees supervision as well as the results of financial or other specific investigations shall be used as an important basis for performance assessment of directors , managers and other senior management personnel .

  7. 复杂的ERP系统让汇票核对工作更为可靠,并可以实现汇票核对跟踪,财务部门就可以检查供应商汇票状况。

    Complex ERP systems make the invoice matching process more reliable and allow invoice approval tracking , so the accounts payable department can check the status of supplier invoices .

  8. 检查打印所有月度财务报表,及检查月度财务报告中的报表安排。

    Review the monthly schedules after these have been typed and checks arrangement of these schedules in the monthly financial statements .

  9. 实施财务风险评估、检查运作和控制制度,提出控制弱点和管理的必要改进。

    Conducts financial risk assessments , reviews operations and control systems and recommends control weaknesses and needed improvements to general management .