
  • 网络financial management system
  1. 重庆海外旅业集团财务管理体制的设计

    Design for the Financial Management System of Chongqing Overseas Tourist Group

  2. 国有资本财务管理体制研究

    A Study on the Financial Management System of the State-owned Capital

  3. 加强高校财务管理体制改革的思考

    On Strengthening the Structural Reform for Financial Management of the University

  4. 九五铁路财务管理体制改革展望

    Prospects of Railway Finance Management Reform during the Ninth Five-Year Plan

  5. 市场经济条件下构建报社财务管理体制的思考

    The System of Establishing the Press Financial Management in the Market Economy

  6. 集权制是企业集团财务管理体制的现实选择

    Unitarianism is the actual choice of financing management system in enterprises grouping

  7. 期货交易所财务管理体制创新研究

    Research on Innovation of Financial Management Mechanism in Futures Exchange

  8. 明确有效的现代大学制度和良好的协调反应机制以及高效的资金筹措机制和财务管理体制。

    The high effective capital-raising mechanism and financial management system .

  9. 财务管理体制的设计是一个权变的动态的设计过程。

    The design of the financial management system is a course with movement .

  10. 建设适应社会主义市场经济的铁路财务管理体制

    Build up A Railway Financial Management System that Adapts to Socialistic Market Economy

  11. 优化集团企业财务管理体制的研究

    Researches in Optimizing Financial Management System For Enterprise Group

  12. 改革部队基建财务管理体制构想

    Reform of troops financial management system of capital construction

  13. 高校分级财务管理体制的构建框架

    Conformation Frame of the Grade Finance Management System in the Institutions of the Colleges

  14. 而财务管理体制是企业集团管理体制的重要组成部分,在提高企业集团绩效方面正日益凸显出其重要性来。

    Financial management system is the important part of management of the enterprise group .

  15. 国营企业财务管理体制改革

    Reform of financial management system of state-owned enterprises

  16. 高校财务管理体制也随之发生了深刻的变化。

    Meanwhile , great changes have taken place in financial management of colleges and universities .

  17. 第二章主要是对交通企业集团财务管理体制的分析。

    Chapter ⅱ is about the analysis on the financial management of a enterprise group .

  18. 军队财务管理体制改革研究

    On reforms of PLA financial management systems

  19. 论军队综合大学财务管理体制的一级管理模式

    Financial management model of Military Universities

  20. 同时,企业家族式管理也使得其内部财务管理体制不健全、不规范。

    At the same time , their internal financial management system was neither sound nor standardized .

  21. 高等学校内部财务管理体制,就是处理高校内部各级各单位之间财务关系的管理形式。

    The financial management system deals with financial relationship among departments within an institution of higher education .

  22. 第六部分,S寿险分公司财务管理体制新设计。

    Part VI : the new design of financial management system about S pension insurance division company .

  23. 本文所讨论的是企业集团财务管理体制的设计与选择问题。

    What this article discusses is the design and the choice of the enterprise group financial management system .

  24. 在统一领导,分级管理的财务管理体制下,加强预算分级管理更为关键。

    In this system of unified leadership and classified management , it is crucial to strengthen the budget management .

  25. 企业集团的资金管理模式是由集团的组织模式和财务管理体制决定的。

    The fund management model of an enterprise group is determined by its organization structure and financial management system .

  26. 第四部分对企业集团财务管理体制的设计和合理选择作了简要的讨论。

    The fourth part has a concise discuss about the design and the choice of the enterprise group financial management system .

  27. 具体提出了我国高校组织结构的优化方法,和对于校院两级财务管理体制下,预算管理体制的优化措施。

    And optimization Budget management system measures for the two level ( Universities and School ) under the Financial Management System .

  28. 首先介绍了企业集团财务管理体制的三种基本模式及各自的适用范围;

    Here , the author introduces three kinds of basic financial management system modes of enterprise group and its accommodation at first ;

  29. 第二部分侧重从各影响因素谈企业集团财务管理体制的设计。

    The second part talked about the design of financial management system of the enterprise group through the factors which affect it .

  30. 财务管理体制是整个财务管理系统的框架,是设计具体财务管理制度的依据和基础,在财务管理系统中居于主导地位;

    Financial management structure , the frame and leading role of management system , is also the evidence and foundation of system .