
  • 网络financial reinsurance
  1. 平滑财务再保险:时间风险平滑策略与后验分红

    Smoothing Financial Reinsurance : The Strategy of Smoothen Timing Risk and Posterior Bonus

  2. 财务再保险与偿付能力最适边界和可解决域研究

    Research on the Most Suitable Border and Resolvable Domain of Financial Reinsurance and Solvency

  3. 财务再保险作为一种新兴的风险转移工具,其发展已经有近五十年历史。

    Financial reinsurance , as a new risk transfer instrument , has four decades of development history .

  4. 财务再保险合同的性质认定是保险监管问题的第一步,也是最重要的一步。

    The cognizance of character is not only the first step but also the most important step in the supervision on financial reinsurance .

  5. 最后,本文简要分析利率衍生工具、财务再保险、加强寿险公司内控等防范利率风险的措施,以及这些措施在中国寿险业利率风险防范中的应用

    At last , the other measures for life insurance interest rate risk management such as financial re-insurance and enforcing inner control of company were analyzed in this paper

  6. 本文拟对英美国家财务再保险的监管进行对比分析,提出针对我国的监管建议。

    This essay intends to compare and analyze the US supervision system for financial reinsurance with that of the UK ; then the author would make suggestions for our supervision .

  7. 自上世纪九十年代开始,人寿保险公司发现财务再保险这种新的再保险方式同样能够帮助他们解决有关保险公司内部财务管理和风险控制的问题,于是财务再保险开始被运用到人寿保险行业中。

    Since 1990s , the Life Insurance companies have found that financial reinsurance would also be helpful to their financial management and risk control , and therefore have applied it into Life Insurance Industry .

  8. 财务再保险作用突出,通过它原保险人可将部份风险转嫁给再保险人,将相关费用确认为再保险交易支出,这样能使风险得到有效分散。

    Financial reinsurance has a prominent role when primary insurers could pass on part of the risk to re-insurers , recognizing related expenses as transaction costs under re-insurance , which effectively spread the risk .

  9. 原保险人也可利用财务再保险将实质上不具风险性的负债转移给再保险人,进而降低原保险人负债比率,改善报表,提高财务综合指数。

    Taking advantage of financial insurance , primary insurers can shift to re-insurers the Non-performing loans that virtually carry no risks , thus lowering the debt ratio , improving reporting as well as financial composite index .

  10. 其中本文讨论的财务再保险是原保险人财务管理的新的方式,巨灾保险衍生性产品是原保险人转移巨灾风险的新的方法。

    Financial reinsurance is a kind of new way that an original insurer carries on the financial administration , The insurance derivative products of catastrophe are new method that an original insurer shifts the catastrophe risk .

  11. 财务再保险的最大市场在美国,美国和英国的监管规定最为详尽,其他各国规定有宽有严,但一般都借鉴了美国和英国的模式。

    The biggest financial reinsurance market is in the US ; US and UK have the most detailed regulatory requirements ; other countries have strict or loose requirements , but are generally from the US and UK model .