
  • 网络responsible care
  1. 我国化学工业要承诺并实施责任关怀

    Responsible Care Should Be Commited , Implemented in Chemical Industry in China

  2. 化工企业责任关怀对企业绩效影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Effect of Responsible Care on Chemical Industry Performance

  3. 责任关怀制度和ISO14001的各自的发展过程以及责任关怀发展落后与ISO14001的原因;并对责任关怀和ISO14001两种环境管理体系作了比较和分析。

    The formation and features of RC 14001 , and the respective development of RC program and ISO 14001 , and reasons why RC lags the ISO 14001 in development are discussed and a contrast and analysis between RC program and ISO 14001 environmental management system are made .

  4. 行政活动中的自由裁量权需要政府的道德责任关怀;

    The right of free judgment in administration activity needs attentions from governmental moral responsibility .

  5. 责任关怀是化学工业业界一项自动自发的行为,牵涉到所有与环保、工业卫生和安全有关的事宜。

    A voluntary improvement process undertaken by the chemical industry , this initiative deals with matter of the Environment , Health and Safety ( EHS ) .

  6. 研究发现,家族企业创业领导者的愿景任务型和责任关怀型领导行为对员工组织承诺和组织公民行为的提升都有着显著影响。

    The research found that both the vision-task leadership behavior and the responsibility-consideration leadership behavior had significant impact on the organization commitment and the organizational citizenship behavior .

  7. 化工企业对各利益相关者的责任关怀的水平不同,其中对员工和消费的责任关怀最高,其次是对股东和社区的责任关怀程度,最后是对环境的责任关怀程度最低。

    The Chinese chemical industry fulfills responsible care for all stakeholders at different levels . The highest is staff and consumption , followed by shareholders and community , and finally is environment .

  8. 在五个责任关怀维度中只有社区和员工消费者维度进入企业绩效的回归方程,这样就能够定量化研究化工企业责任关怀的程度。

    In the five variables , only consumers , employees and community variable enter the final regression equation of the influence of organizational performance so that we can quantify the extent of chemical industry responsible care .

  9. 化工企业责任关怀与企业绩效是成显著性的正相关,其中和员工消费者的相关性最强烈,其次是社区的相关性,最低的为国家强制性环保的相关性。

    The Chinese chemical industry responsible care for all stakeholders has positive impact on corporate performance , among the significant coefficient , employees and consumers are the strongest , followed by community , the lowest in the country for mandatory environmental .

  10. 他邀请这些荷官到他的赌场申请工作,并宣称:我们有责任关怀澳门社会,有责任雇用高素质、有才华的澳门本地居民,并让他们在我们公司获得长远而成功的职业发展。

    He invited the Sands ' former dealers to apply for jobs , declaring that it is our duty of care to the Macao community to employ quality , talented local Macao residents and to nurture them for a long and successful career with our company .

  11. 我们谨此订立崇高的目标,对求真、道德、社会责任、人文关怀,不容一丝妥协。

    We aim high , and tolerate no compromise in quality , ethics , social responsibility , and human values .

  12. 恰当的介入体现了医生的责任感和人文关怀,过度的介入造成医生心理的倦怠,从而造成情感冷漠。

    Appropriate empathy shows responsibility and solicitude to patient , whereas immoderate empathy may induce burnout thereby resulting in emotional apathy .

  13. 由此,参展作品呈现出题材内容的丰富性,也鲜明地表现出艺术家们的社会责任心和人文关怀精神。

    As such , the exhibited works reflect the diversified themes and freshly show the social accountability and humanist concern of the artists .

  14. 最后提出,大众媒介应以高度的社会责任感和人文关怀意识,客观、公正地塑造大学生的媒介形象。

    Finally it points out that the mass media are supposed to be aware of social responsibility and humanistic care , and shape the image of college students objectively and impartially .

  15. 他说他们在一起这些年学习到的最重要的事情就是,婚姻是一生的承诺,需要用毕生的责任心来互相关怀。

    He says the most important thing they 've learned together over those years is that marriage is a lifetime commitment , with a lifelong responsibility to take care of each other .