
  • 网络money supply;the supply of money
  1. 货币供给、流动性K值与经济增长&1960~2007年美国经济发展史分析

    Money Supply , Velocity of Money and Economic Growth : An Analysis of the History of American Economic Development 1960 ~ 2007

  2. 1993年以来名义货币供给量M2在绝对量和增长率两方面均远远超过名义GDP。

    Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate .

  3. 货币供给与GDP关系实证分析

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Supply of Money and GDP

  4. 同时,铸币税又是一种弹性货币供给的制度形式。B供给。

    At the same time , the existence of seigniorage provides an institutional mechanism of elastic monetary supply for the society . B.instead of the other portion .

  5. 城镇居民可支配收入、房屋竣工面积、国内货币供给和GDP不是引起房价变动的主要因素。

    Furthermore , personal income , housing completion and M1 and GDP are not main factors causing the change of property price .

  6. 要建立能够适应WTO挑战的货币供给机制,必须考虑资本流动和汇率波动对本国货币供给的影响。

    The inflow of foreign capital and the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate and other factors like these will give high impact on domestic money supply .

  7. 与欧洲央行形成对照的是,美联储(fed)一直在执行为符合美国政府和华尔街需要而设计的利率和货币供给策略。

    In contrast to the ECB , the US Federal Reserve has been implementing interest rate and money supply strategies configured to meet the needs of the US government and wall street .

  8. 我们采用状态空间方程模型过滤出预期的工业产出增长率、预期的货币供给M1增长率和预期通货膨胀率,发现特有波动率与预期的工业产出增长率和通货膨胀率显著的正相关。

    Using the state-space model , we filter out the expected industry output growth , the expected monetary supply M1 growth , and the expected inflation rate .

  9. 经过分析发现,货币供给量与宏观经济的波动轨迹之间存在着相似性,随后通过Granger因果检验证实它们之间存在因果关系。

    Through the analysis , we found that there were similarities between the fluctuation of money supply and macroeconomic variables , thus we found their causal relationship by the Granger causality test .

  10. 其研究结论为:(1)货币供给量M1是唯一的外生变量,其增长不是价格水平变动的直接因,而是通过全社会实际固定资产投资间接地成为价格水平变动的因;

    Money supply M1 is the sole endogenous variant . Its growth does not directly lead to the movement of price level , but indirectly influences it through total social real fixed investment .

  11. 文章选用2001年-2009年的季度数据,检验了利率与GDP间的协整情况,建立IS模型,然后再检验利率与GDP、货币供给量M1间的协整情况,建立LM模型。

    This article selects the quarterly data of 2001-2009 , examines the cointegration between interest rate and GDP , established IS model , and then tests the cointegration of interest rate 、 M1 and GDP , established LM model .

  12. 基于此,文章运用VAR模型构建了与产出相关的货币供给路径,并将该路径作为货币供给冲击方程引入到现金先行模型中,从而将货币因素纳入到真实经济周期模型中进行分析。

    After that , this article constructed the money supply equation on output by the VAR model , and introduced the equation into CIA model as the money supply shock . Thus we could analyze money in the real business cycle model .

  13. 接下来的实证分析中,用协整分析和误差修正模型分析我国的货币供给对CPI影响,结果表明货币供应量和CPI之间存在长期的均衡关系。

    By positive analysis , we use co-integration and error correction model to test the impact of money supply to CPI , the result shows that there is long term equilibrium relationship between money supply and CPI .

  14. 这说明货币供给量M1存在一个影响股市的作用机制:货币供给量通过影响投资者对单位流动性(包括水平和风险)的溢价要求而影响股票价格的涨跌。

    This means there is a mechanism of M1 affecting the stock markets , that is , by influencing the required unit premium of liquidity ( includes its level and risk ) M1 affects the stock price significantly .

  15. 但是,如果考虑到实现内部、外部共同平衡,则根据现实M-F模型,汇率取决于政府支出、实际货币供给量、本国总产出和主要贸易伙伴国总产出,利率为中间变量。

    This paper also conclude that the exchange rate depends on government expenditure , real monetary supply , home GDP and main trade partners ' GDPs , and interest rate is a medium variable .

  16. 其次,介绍了市场经济体制下我国利率政策的变化、IS-LM模型的构建以及利率与物价水平、经济增长和货币供给量等主要经济变量间的关系。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the changes in interest rate policy of the market economy in China , construction of the IS-LM model and the relationship between interest rate and the main economic variables , for example price level , economic growth and money supply .

  17. 货币供给结构和数量已发生变化;

    The monetary structure of supply and quantity have already changed ;

  18. 中央银行货币供给量逐渐减少,中央银行货币供给因素逐渐弱化。

    The Central Bank gradually reduced the volume of money supply .

  19. 对我国货币供给有效性的实证分析

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Our Country 's Currency Application

  20. 内生金融理论视野中的基础货币供给

    Basic Money Supply in the View of the Endogenous Financial Theory

  21. 国际收支对货币供给的影响研究

    A Study on Effect of International Payments on Money Supply

  22. 股票价格波动对货币供给的作用

    Fluctuation of Stock Prices and Its Effect on Money Supply

  23. 财政支出受货币供给变动的影响较小;

    The fiscal expenditure has little effect on money supply .

  24. 首先,货币供给主要来自金融机构。

    First , these institutions provide the bulk of the money supply .

  25. 基于协整分析与误差校正模型的我国货币供给研究

    China 's Money Supply Study Based on Co-Integration Analysis and Error-Correction Model

  26. 中国货币供给的内生性与货币政策分析

    The Endogenous Money Supply and the Monetary Policy in China

  27. 我国货币供给量具有强烈的内生性,但内生的特点又与西方经济有许多不同。

    China 's monetary supply has different features from the Western economy .

  28. 货币供给与利率之间存在着相互作用、相互影响的内生关系。

    There is interactive endogenous relation between money supply and interest rate .

  29. 货币供给与外汇管理体制改革

    Money Supply and the Reform of Foreign Exchange Administration System

  30. 中国货币供给内生性与可控性的实证分析

    China 's Money Supply Endogeneity and Empirical Analysis of Controllability