
zhì pǔ tú
  • mass spectrogram
  1. 用Delphi开发质谱图扫描图像识别系统

    The Development of a Scanned Image Recognition System of Mass Spectrum by Using Delphi

  2. 总离子色谱质谱图(TIC)表明:多聚体RD中二聚体含量最高,热稳定性最好。

    It is found from TIC of GC-EIMS that the amount of dipolymer in RD is the largest with best thermal stability .

  3. 分别对W针尖上未组装和组装单壁纳米管进行热处理,然后对所得残气质谱图进行记录和分析。

    The tungsten tip was treated by heating before and after single walled carbon nanotubes ( SWCNTs ) were assembled on it , and the mass spectra of the residual gas were recorded and analyzed .

  4. 组分的定性依靠GC/MS联用技术和NIST谱库标准质谱图对照分析。

    Component qualitative analysis was performed by GC / MS method and compared with the standard mass spectra in NIST library .

  5. MALDI-TOF质谱图中的磷酸肽亚稳离子峰辅助判断丝/苏氨酸磷酸化类型;

    Metastable ion peaks of phosphopeptides in MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum are identified for the judgement of S / T phosphorylation type .

  6. 解析脂肪酸2-氨基-2-甲基丙醇衍生物的EI质谱图,确定了马齿苋脂肪酸中碳碳双键位置。

    The position of double bonds of the fatty acids form purslane was located by analyzing electron impact mass spectra of 2-amino-2-methylpropanol derivatives of the fatty acids .

  7. 利用相关质谱图,可获得大量的化学结构相关信息,可避免DAD检测器色谱峰可能带来的伪证。HPLC-MS技术灵敏度高,适用于血清中微量药效物质基础的研究。

    With HPLC-MS , a large amount of information related to chemical structure can be obtained . DAD can avoid peak detector of " perjury . " HPLC-MS technique applies to serum trace material base for efficacy studies with Higher sensitivity .

  8. 本文提出了利用Delphi提供的Canvas对象获取图像灰度信息的方法,为了充分体现这种方法的优点,本文对如何用它识别质谱图扫描图像进行了详细的论述。

    In this paper , the method of retrieving image grey scale information with canvas object provided by Delphi is presented . To illustrate the excellence of this method , how to recognize the scanned image of mass spectrum is discussed with detail .

  9. 结果:得到了样品总离子流以及选择离子流相应色谱峰的ESI-MS质谱图,初步鉴定出盐酸米诺环素的主要相关物质A,B,C,D。

    Ion power temperature : 150 ℃ . Results : The total ion current and each chromatographic peak of selected ion current were obtained , and resolution of these mass spectra was elucidated . The related substances A , B , C and D in minocycline hydrochloride were identified .

  10. 通过解析不饱和脂肪酸2-氨基-2-甲基丙醇化学修饰产物的EI质谱图,得到了不饱和脂肪酸中碳碳双键的定位规则,从而为分析不饱和脂肪酸精细结构提供了手段。

    The empirical rule governing the position of double bonds in olefinic acids was referred to by analyzing electron impact spectra of the chemical products modified by 2-amino-2-methylpropanol of the fatty acids . This method provides a new technical tool for analyzing fine structures of unsaturated fatty acids .

  11. 7种大环酮的EI电离质谱图有相似的谱态和一些相同的碎片离子,烯丙基离子(m/z41)和烯羰基离子(m/z55)是基峰。

    Electron impact mass-spectra of 7 macrocyclic ketones have similar appearance and several same fragment ions , allylic ion ( m / z 41 ) and allylic carbonyl ion ( m / z 55 ) are base peaks .

  12. 在常温下,用毛细管区带电泳法直接测定阿魏酸浓度随时间变化的规律,并根据HPLC-MS-MS得到的质谱图及紫外光谱图初步确定了转化产物。

    The temporal variation of trans-ferulic acid concentration was measured by capillary zone electrophoresis , and the structure of its conversion product & cis-ferulic acid was preliminarily confirmed with the aid of HPLC-MS-MS mass spectra , and ultraviolet spectra as well .

  13. 小鼠成熟卵丘-卵母细胞复合体蛋白质谱图的建立

    Establishment of protein map for mouse mature oocyte-cumulus complex

  14. 离子阱质谱图的特性研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of ITD Mass Spectrometry

  15. 电喷雾串联质谱图的叠合与多肽序列分析

    Superimposition and Analysis of ESI Tandem Mass Spectra

  16. 人工智能方法从质谱图推导分子量

    Intelligence Molecular Weight Prediction from Mass Spectrum

  17. 质谱图文件转换方法

    Translation method of mass spectral file

  18. 结果不同的培养基及培养时间会对细菌质谱图产生影响。

    Results demonstrate that different culture media and culture time can influence the reproducibility of the bacteria fingerprint .

  19. 通过对所得质谱图上数据的分析,可以获得被检测物质的组成,结构等信息。

    Using the mass spectrum dada analysis , we can obtain the material composition , structure and other information .

  20. 另外,EPRT数据库也增加了多肽鉴定的可信度,这对那些仅由一张二级质谱图鉴定出的多肽来讲尤其重要。

    It increased the confidence of peptide identifications , which was particularly important for peptides identified by single spectra .

  21. 结论本实验初步建立了变应性鼻炎和鼻息肉病的蛋白质谱图;

    Conclusion In our study , the mass spectra of patients with allergic rhinitis and nasal polyposis were initially established .

  22. 最后,将得到的纯净质谱图与标准数据库中的谱图匹配,以完成定性分析。

    Finally , we compare the spectrum obtained with the standard spectrum in the database to complete the qualitative analysis .

  23. 使用该优化参数,得到了简单的质谱图和对应于[M-H]-的强信号。

    Using the optimized parameters , simple mass spectra and a strong signal corresponding to [ M-H ] - was observed .

  24. 苯的飞秒质谱图与纳秒情况不同,分子离子为主,碎片峰很少。

    Different from that of nanosecond , benzene phtoionization using femtosecond laser has predominent molecular ion peak with very small percentage of fragments .

  25. 在色谱条件下,甲胺磷的保留时间为3.48min,其质谱图与标准谱库相一致。

    The retention time of MAP was 3 . 48 min , and the spectrum of MAP was the same as the standard data .

  26. 经分析发现,山麦冬、麦冬对照药材负离子的全扫描质谱图差异显著,从中选择16强峰建立山麦冬、麦冬对照药材甲醇提取物的特征图谱。

    From the negative-ion full scan mass spectra of the two standard herbs , 16 higher peaks were selected and two characteristic spectra were established .

  27. 薄荷共分离出35个组分,通过计算机库存质谱图和标准谱图册检索鉴定出了各个组分对应的化合物,用峰面积归一化方法计算出各组分的体积分数。

    Each component has been identified with the standard MS database in the computer , and the compound content also was calculated with its peak area .

  28. 结果得到金霉素样品液相色谱图以及液相色谱峰对应的一级质谱图。对谱图进行分析归纳,推测金霉素样品中含有四环素、差向异构四环素和差向异构金霉素杂质组分。

    RESULTS The chlortetracycline 's epimer , tetracycline and its epimer , as impurities in chlortetracycline have been determined by the liquid chromatogram and its first order mass spectrum .

  29. 运用本法解析有关蛋白质及多肽的质谱图,具有快速、准确、简便的特点,它为生化分析工作者检测蛋白质及多肽的氨基酸序列提供了一条比较可行的途径。

    It is shown that the process is rapid , accurate and simple , and provides a feasible method for the analysis of amino acid sequence of protein and peptide .

  30. 该算法旨在去除噪声的干扰,并从重叠的色谱峰中提取出独立的成分,最终得到纯净成分的质谱图,为下一步定性分析奠定基础。

    This algorithm aimed to remove noise and extract independent components from overlapping peaks . Finally , the mass spectrums of pure components were obtained . It was the basis for qualitative analysis .