
zhì liànɡ bǎo zhènɡ tǐ xì
  • quality assurance system
  1. 先进制造技术AMT(AdvancedManufacturingTechnology)的飞速发展对质量保证体系提出了更高的要求。

    The rapid development of Advanced Manufacturing Technology has given higher requirement to Quality Assurance System .

  2. CIMS中分级质量保证体系的研究

    A Study on the Hierarchical Quality Assurance System in CIMS

  3. ISO9000质量保证体系体现了现代管理的思想和原则。

    ISO9000 standards reflect the thoughts and principles of modern management .

  4. ISO9000质量保证体系带来的效益

    The Benefit Have Been Brought By ISO9000 Quality Assurance System

  5. 总护士长在推行ISO9000质量保证体系中的作用

    The function of chief head nurses in implementing the ISO9000 quality standards

  6. 实施ISO9000标准健全质量保证体系

    Carrying Out ISO 9000 Standard Perfecting Quality Insurance System

  7. 在MPPⅡ中实现ISO9000质量保证体系

    Implementation of ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System in MRP ⅱ

  8. 公共卫生硕士(MPH)质量保证体系初探

    System of Quality Guarantee of Master 's Degree in Public Health

  9. NEC海外采购的质量保证体系

    The Quality Insurance System for NEC Purchase Overseas

  10. 在推行ISO9000质量保证体系中,总护士长要充分发挥其中介指挥和督导作用。

    The chief head nurses play important roles of direction and supervision in the process of implementing ISO9000 quality standards .

  11. 按照ISO9000标准建立质量保证体系是企业走向国际市场最有效的途径。

    Establishing the quality guarantee system according to ISO9000 standard is the most effective way of enterprises walking up to international market .

  12. HACCP是国内逐步推广实施的一个食品安全质量保证体系,是当今食品卫生监管部门所关注的热点。

    HACCP is a system concerned by food inspection agency to ensure the food safety being carried out gradually all over the country .

  13. ISO9000系列标准是一套被国际上各认证评审机构唯一认可的质量保证体系。

    The series of standards of ISO9000 , a unique system of quality guarantees , have been approved by all international appraising organizations .

  14. 应用Borlandc++FORWINDOWS软件,建立462汽车缸体铸件质量保证体系专家系统,包括推理机(含缺陷识别及分析)、知识库、人机对话及输出平台。

    A inference engine of quality assurance expert system for 462 cylinder castings was established by using Borland C + + for Windows , which includes defects identification and analysis .

  15. 现在国内很多铸造企业虽然已经通过了ISO9000质量保证体系的认证,却没有真正应用到实际中。

    At present , many domestic casting enterprises have been qualified for ISO 9000 quality system , but it never has been really applied into actual production .

  16. ISO9000系列标准是被国际社会普遍认可的,具有高信度的质量保证体系。

    The series of ISO9000 standard , which is widely approved by the international community , is a system that has high credit in the quality guarantee .

  17. JIT要获得成功对企业的内外部条件都有一定的要求:内部需要企业的生产系统有很强的灵活性、很短的设备调整时间、完善的质量保证体系等;

    There are some conditions for JIT to make a hit . Enterprise needs agile production system , short adjusting time of equipment , perfect quality guaranteeing system etc.

  18. 起源于美国的危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)因其科学性、实用性和有效性得到许多国家的认可和采用,正在成为世界公认的能有效保障食品安全的质量保证体系。

    Because of its scientific , practical and efficient characteristic , the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) system originated in United States has been accepted internationally .

  19. 指出了通过在医院引入ISO9000这种先进的管理方式,改善了医院的质量保证体系,推动了医院管理的标准化、规范化,提高了医院整体实力。

    By introducing advanced management method of ISO9000 , hospital quality guarantee system was improved , standardization of hospital management was promoted to boost the integral strength of hospital .

  20. 从原料控制、生产控制、CIP清洗等方面讨论UHT奶的质量保证体系。

    This paper attempts to elaborate on the quality assurance system of UHT milk by focusing on raw milk management , production control , CIP , etc.

  21. 哈尔滨轴承集团公司,有专门的研究开发机构,积极开发新产品,依靠新技术不断的进行技术改造,严格按照ISO9000全面质量保证体系运行。

    Harbin Bearing Group Enterprise , which has special R & D institute , keeps developing new products and innovating in technology , and operates strictly according to ISO9000 Quality Management System .

  22. 本文论述了在标准情报业界建立ISO9000质量保证体系的必要性与可行性,并通过该所的实例介绍了ISO9000质量保证体系的建立及运行情况。

    Is it necessary to build ISO9000 quality systems for standards information services ? Is the condition for establishing the quality system abundant ? The article tries to make answers for these questions , and shows you a real example .

  23. QFA5400摄影升降移动车的生产,是在一整套健全的质量保证体系下完成的。

    Dolly can be used as mobile vehicle as well.QFA5400 is manufactured under quality guarantee system .

  24. 提出微胶囊化技术有利于营养素的活性在面粉储存、加工过程中的稳定,建立了营养强化面粉的质量保证体系(HACCP),确保营养强化面粉的质量。

    It was put forward that a technology for manufacturing microcapsules of trace nutrients was favorable for protection of their activity during storage and processing . The quality of nutritional-enriched flour could be ensured through establishment of a quality guarantee system ( HACCP ) .

  25. 在阐述国内外公共卫生教育现状及发展趋势的基础上,分析了我国MPH教育培养过程中存在的主要问题,并对其质量保证体系进行了初步的探讨。

    Based on the current situation and trend of master of public health ( MPH ) education in China and other countries , the authors analyzed the main problems in MPH education and made some advice on the system of quality guarantee .

  26. 新国标GB/T14684-2001《建筑用砂》明确提出了生产企业要提供产品合格证的这一要求,促使人工砂生产企业建立质量保证体系,推动了机制砂的应用。

    The new national stander GB / T14684-2001 " The sand used in construction " definitely request the production company must to provide the check out certificate of the production which force the supporter to build quality ensure system and promote the application of the machine made sand .

  27. 现代远程教育质量保证体系内涵的理论分析

    Theoretic Analysis on the Quality Guaranteeing System of Modern Distance Education

  28. 开放式控制器开发中的软件质量保证体系

    The software quality control system of development of open architectural controller

  29. 建立质量保证体系提高铸件合格率

    Establishing System of Guaranteeing Quality for Improving Qualified Rate of Casting

  30. 浅析现代饲料厂质量保证体系

    Analysis of the Quality Guarantee System in the Modern Feed Mills