
zhì liànɡ xìn xī
  • quality information
  1. 基于XML的动态质量信息表达方法的研究

    Study on a new XML-based expressing method of dynamic quality information

  2. 本文研究了基于web浏览器的质量信息系统运行方式。

    A implementation issue of quality information system based on web browser is proposed in this paper .

  3. 基于WEB的铜管加工过程质量信息管理系统

    Quality management system based on WEB for production of copper tubes

  4. 是一种以观察和实验为依据的调查过程(empiricalinvestigation),该过程以测试为手段,为干系人提供产品或服务的质量信息。

    Is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test .

  5. 首先总结了质量信息与集成的意义,在介绍STEP标准及特点后,提出了基于STEP标准的质量信息集成模型。

    The meaning of quality information and integration and content of STEP are introduced . Meanwhile the quality information integration is bring forward .

  6. CIMS环境下炼油企业面向对象质量信息系统的集成研究

    Integration Research on Object-Oriented Quality Information Based on Refinery CIMS

  7. 首先,对客户管理系统(CRM)中关于压铸型中铰链的市场质量信息进行了分类筛选。

    First , the author screens and classifies the market quality information of die-casting hinges in CRM system .

  8. 基于BOM的制造质量信息获取

    Capturing manufacturing quality information based on BOM

  9. 方法:采用OLAP的前端展示工具,构建医疗质量信息统计资源库。

    Method The front-end display tool of OLAP is applied to the setup of the database .

  10. 中小型企业ISO9000质量信息管理系统

    A Quality Management Information System of Implementing ISO 9000 for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises

  11. 方法:对PVC的实际生产工艺和用户的质量信息进行对比、分析,找出质量影响因素,并通过改进生产工艺解决之。

    Methods : finding the factor which effect the quality through analyzing the feedback information and experimental data , then improve the produce technics .

  12. 研究了基于MES的质量信息管理系统的功能结构,并详细介绍各功能模块。

    It also studied the structure of quality information management system based on MES functions with detailed descriptions of each functional module .

  13. 文章结合特钢行业生产模式的特点,阐述了在CIMS环境下建立集成化质量信息系统(QIS)的必要性。

    With the characteristic of production pattern for special steel industry , the necessity of integrated quality information system ( QIS ) in CIMS is expounded .

  14. 在GIS图形中,质量信息的封装存储是质量分析、研究和表达的基础,只有将质量信息与图形的各种信息有机结合在一起,才能对图形质量做进一步的分析、表达。

    In GIS , quality information encapsulation is the foundation of the quality analysis , study , and express . We could make a future analysis of the quality only through the organic combination of the quality information with various other information of a map object .

  15. 济钢企业信息化建设,由C/S结构的质量信息系统采集基础数据,共享发布于WEB产品质量信息网站、与同时建设的OA办公自动化系统三者集成整合为一体,搭建起钢铁企业信息决策支持平台。

    Information platform is built in JiNan iron steel co. The base data of quality information system which is hold on the structure of C / S , production quality information and Office automation system integrated together , forming the whole decision-making sustaining system of information in iron steel corporations .

  16. 本文创新性地引用了RFID技术应用于烟叶烟箱,通过打叶复烤过程质量信息的收集完成质量链复烤环节的构筑,在国内甚至国际上都处于领先水平。

    This paper creatively applies the RFID technology used in tobacco smoke box . Through the collection of quality information in the threshing & redrying process , the completion of building the " quality chain " in redrying process has reached the international level and the leading domestic level .

  17. 由于质量信息不对称和信用缺失,B2C电子商务市场容易出现逆向选择问题和道德风险问题,相应的对策包括信号传递、信息甄别、建立委托&代理机制和完善信用制度。

    Because of the quality information asymmetry and lack of credit , B2C e-commerce market prone to the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard , and the corresponding countermeasures include signaling , screening information , the establishment of commission-deputy mechanism and improving the credit system .

  18. 确定和定义应该收集的质量信息。

    Identify and define the quality information that should be collected .

  19. 因此,判断图像的质量信息十分重要。

    Therefore , the assessment of image quality is very important .

  20. 面向产品全生命周期的质量信息表达体系研究

    Study on a expressing system of quality information oriented product lifecycle

  21. 基于因果追溯的制造业质量信息获取方法研究

    Research of new quality information acquisition method in manufacturing based on

  22. 这给人们选取高质量信息带来了困难。

    It brings difficulties for people to select high quality information .

  23. 棒材轧制质量信息的显示与管理系统

    The Display and Management System of Quality Information of Bar Rolling

  24. 收集并记录质量信息(创建档案)。

    Collect and record quality information ( create records ) .

  25. B/S模式下车间质量信息管理系统技术研究

    Research on Quality Management Information System Based on browser / server model

  26. 电气化铁路电能质量信息管理系统设计

    The Design of Power Quality of the Electrified Railway Information Management System

  27. 煤矿机械制造企业质量信息系统的设计开发

    Design of Quality Information System for Coal Mine Machine Manufacturing Business Enterprise

  28. 药品质量信息处理系统的研制与实践

    Development and Practice of the Information Processing System for Quality of Drugs

  29. 蓝牙通信技术的移动质量信息管理器研究

    Research on the Mobile Quality Information Manager Based on Bluetooth Telecommunication Technology

  30. 北京市生态环境质量信息发布与共享

    Information system for on-line publishing and sharing of urban ecological environment quality information