
  • 网络Quality Training
  1. 指导设计师应用ADDIE模型或它的变化模型来开发满足特定目标听众需要的质量培训。

    IDs apply the ADDIE model or some variation of it to develop quality training that satisfies the needs of the identified target audience .

  2. 浅谈企业工人的质量培训

    A Simple Discussion on Quality Training to Enterprises ' Workers

  3. 数字技术在护士血液标本采集质量培训中的应用

    Application of digital technology during blood specimen collection quality training for nurses

  4. 数字化血液标本采集质量培训模块的研制与应用

    Design and application of the digital training modular of blood sample collection

  5. 戈登伯格:我很早就开始接受了管理质量培训。

    Goldenberg : I was trained early on to focus primarily on management quality .

  6. 最后,祝愿利乐质量培训学校取得丰硕的培训成果!

    Finally , I wish that Tetra Pak Quality School will be a great success .

  7. 通过提供价格合理的高质量培训,我们致力于培养学习者为有高度竞争力和充满自信的人。

    By providing affordable quality training , we strive to equip learners to be highly competitive empowered and assertive individuals .

  8. 在满足国际最高标准的同时,它还可以为本地提供质量培训的潜力。

    Whilst maintaining the highest international standards , it will also provide the potential of training for quality employment for local communities .

  9. 组织和编写供应商质量培训所需的各类资料,采取各种可行的方式对供应商进行培训,帮助供应商不断提高生产能力,质量水平和交货准时率。

    Compile and draft the training materials on supplier quality control , and deliver the training to the suppliers to improve their productivity , quality and punctuality .

  10. 国际飞行员学校1991年建立,致力于向航空领域高质量培训飞行员和航空服务人员。

    Topfly Top Fly , International Pilot School was founded in1991 with the objective of offering the aeronautical sector a quality training alternative for pilots and flight attendants .

  11. 二是以人为本抓好核心能力提升,通过高质量培训,确保人力资源保障到位,着眼长远做好机构能力建设;建立专业化的中小企业客户经理队伍。

    To enhance core competencies with people-oriented . to ensure Human Resources putting in place , to focus on long-term institutional capacity building through high-quality training and to establish a professional team of client managers for SMEs .

  12. 世纪之初澳大利亚建立了国家质量培训框架体系,进一步完善并落实了职业教育培训机构的教育与培训质量控制标准,明确了各州(领地)注册/课程认证机构的标准。

    In the early period of this century , national quality training system has been established in Australia , which has perfected quality control standards for vocational education and training , and clarified standards of the registered / curriculum standard organization of various states .

  13. 质量培训框架作为澳大利亚新的职教体系的3个重要组成部分之一,统一了澳大利亚各州培训机构办学标准和资格认证体系,为全面提高职业教育与培训质量起到了非常积极的作用。

    Quality training outline , as one of the three important components of new vocational education systems in Australia , has unified training organization standards and qualification systems of various states , which has played a very important role in improving quality of vocational education and training as a whole .

  14. 煤炭企业在贯彻ISO9001~2000标准中,对企业职工进行有效的质量教育培训仍存在不少问题,如少数管理者质量意识不到位、培训需求盲目、培训评估不完善、培训信息不畅等。

    In the efforts to implement ISO 9001-2000 , there exist a number of problems in safety awareness cultivation of the staff and workers .

  15. AVTECH技术很自豪能够成为全球领先的高质量的培训在新泽西州。

    AVTECH Technologies is proud to be a leader in top-quality training in New Jersey .

  16. 在公告栏上列出了下一次质量改善培训期的不同时间。

    Posters list the times of the next quality-circle training sessions .

  17. 协助公司各部门进行质量管理培训;

    Quality Inspection The quality control for production procedure ;

  18. 根据检验程序、质量标准培训和发展质量检验员。

    Training and develop all quality inspectors regarding inspection procedures , quality standards .

  19. 提供高质量的培训服务,是获得市场的重要因素。

    Providing the high quality of training service is the important gain of market share .

  20. 关于企业质量教育培训工作的系统思考

    Systemic Thinking on Quality Education & Training

  21. 确定质量体系培训需要。

    Quality system training needs are identified .

  22. 有质量管理培训经验或供应链物料管理优先考虑。

    With training experience on quality management or supply chain and material management is preferred .

  23. 因为太多的质量管理培训是无关紧要的。

    Because of too much quality management training is to be of no great importance .

  24. 组织结构、测量和报酬在质量管理培训、宣传中没有引起注意。

    Organizational structure , measurement and compensation in quality management training , publicity and no attention .

  25. 教学手段和考核方法的改革,是确保中学校长培训质量和培训效果的重要措施。

    The innovation of the teaching and assessment methods is an important means to guarantee good quality and effects in the training of schoolmasters .

  26. 今天的学生需要成为精明的消费者,应该寻找最廉价、最快捷、表现最佳的高质量专业培训项目。

    Students today need to be savvy consumers and should be looking for the cheapest , fastest , high-quality programs that demonstrate the best performance .

  27. 我们在合庆园区内设有设施齐全的培训中心,为我们的员工和客户提供高质量的培训课程以及人才发展培训项目。

    Cooper possesses a newly built training center at the Heqing campus , providing Cooper employees and our customers with high quality training and talent development programs .

  28. 例如,领导能力、判断力、成熟度、分析能力、韧性、过去的业绩,以及参加质量保证培训课程的经历。

    Examples of these factors are leadership , sound judgment , maturity , analytical ability , tenacity , past performance and attendance on quality assurance training courses .

  29. 培训内容要更新,培训方法要改革,培训形式要灵巧,把提高培训质量作为培训工作的核心和生命力所在;

    Fourth , training content to be upgraded , the method to be reformed , Regard improving training quality as the core and vitality of the training ;

  30. 质量教育培训是对企业质量方针、目标的实现和效益的提高具有极为重要的作用。

    Quality education training plays a key role in the realization of quality policy and objectives , and is important for the increase in efficiency of the enterprise .