
  1. 进经济结构会有所支持。消费也需要继续增长。为保证经济高质量增长,可支配收入占GDP的比重以及新增就业数量也需要增加。”

    omy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones , and an improving economic structure will support it . Consumption needs to keep rising . The percentage of disposable income in GDP and the number of new jobs created also need to rise to ensure high-quality growth . "

  2. IMF在报告中表示,IMF欢迎中国果断将政策重点从高速增长转向高质量增长的战略。

    The IMF also says in its report that it welcomes Chinese authorities ' strategy to decisively shift the policy focus from high-speed to high-quality growth .

  3. 高脂饲料喂养的大鼠中选取体质量增长最大的80%的大鼠按小剂量链脲佐菌素(STZ)(30mg/Kg)制备胰岛素抵抗的糖尿病大鼠模型。

    The diabetic rats model with insulin resistance was established by high fat diet and injection of streptozotocin ( 30mg / Kg ) .

  4. 上周,阿里巴巴执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)在宣布GMV取得里程碑增长时称,该公司的重点已放在追求高质量增长和可持续增长方面,这意味着其不再单纯从GMV增长的角度来衡量成功与否。

    When he announced the GMV milestone last week , Joe Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice-chairman , said : " Our focus on quality and sustainable growth means how we measure success is no longer dependent on a simplistic view of GMV growth . "

  5. 因此,高质量增长很重要。

    But again , quality growth is a very relevant topic .

  6. 他还呼吁当地人民巩固扶贫成果,促进高质量增长。

    He also called on local people to consolidate poverty alleviation achievements and promote high-quality growth .

  7. 经济增长要从数量增长转变到质量增长,提高资源配置效率;

    Change the economic growth model from number model to quality model and improve resources distributional efficiency ;

  8. 游泳运动对慢性中等不可预知应激大鼠体质量增长的影响

    Effect of swimming exercise on the increase of body mass in rats under chronic unpredictable mild stress

  9. 技术改造已成为促进产业结构升级从而提高经济质量增长的最为重要的途径。

    So technological transformation has been becoming a matter of primary importance for upgrading the industrial structure .

  10. 极低出生体重儿住院期间营养及体质量增长状况的临床观察及分析

    The clinical observation of status of nutrition and weight gain of very low birth weight infants during hospitalization

  11. 研究结果1.正常对照组皮毛光滑,身体健壮,饮食、活动、体质量增长正常。

    The normal control group : smooth fur , able-bodied , diet , activity , body in normal growth .

  12. 结果多潘立酮联合培菲康治疗儿童营养不良,食欲食量及体质量增长情况均有明显改善,总有效率92。

    Results Domperidone and bifid triple viable powder treat malnutrition children improve the childrens appetite and increase their body weight .

  13. 目的:从营养学角度出发,探讨早产儿奶摄入量与坏死性小肠结肠炎发生及体质量增长的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship of feeding volume to necrotizing enterocolitis and increasing body weight in premature infants .

  14. 刘昆部长还表示,中国将推动创新和产业升级,推动制造业的高质量增长,保持产业链稳定。

    The minister adds that China will promote innovation and industrial upgrading , advance high-quality growth of manufacturing and keep the industry chain stable .

  15. 4月采叶33显著抑制株高、地径、叶面积和叶生物量干质量增长;

    Harvest 3 / 3 of leaves in April significantly harmed the increment of tree height , basal diameter , leaf area and leaf biomass dry weight .

  16. 播种晚则瘤茎横径线性增长持续时间短,纵径、干鲜质量增长速率低,而菜形指数的变化由慢到快的递增演变为由快到慢的递减。

    Variation of tumorous stem index was from slow to quick growth pattern in earlier sowing date , while from quick to slow growth pattern in later sowing date .

  17. 当前,世界经济的发展模式正由数量增长型发展向质量增长型转变,市场也由以价格竞争为主转向以质量竞争为主。质量战略已经成为我国经济战略的一个重要组成部分。

    At present , the development of world economy changes from the quantity growth to the quality of growth , the market competition is becoming quality competition instead of price competition primarily .

  18. 大鼠体质量增长情况:在观察期内,与自来水组比较饮用纯净水和加镁纯净水未见显著影响。

    Increase of body mass in the rats : Compared with the tap-water group , there was no significant influence in the purified drinking water group and purified water containing magnesium group .

  19. 羟丁酸钠200mg/kg组大鼠各时间点体质量增长率与缺氧缺血组无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in body weight in 200 mg / kg sodium gamma-hydroxybutyrate group as com-pared with hypoxic-ischemic injury group at different time points ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 因此,地球体积的增大是现象,而地球的质量增长是原因,地球质量的增大是其退行运动原因。

    Therefore , the increase of the phenomenon of Earth 's volume , while the quality of growth is the cause of the Earth , Earth 's mass increases because of its retrograde motion .

  21. 随着我国会展经济的不断升温,会展业的发展已由数量增长型向质量增长型发展。

    With the constant intensification of the economy of convention and exhibition of our country , the development of the convention and exhibition industry has already developed towards quality increasing type from the quantity increasing type .

  22. 主要观察指标:①不同剂量表皮生长因子对放射性损伤后大鼠体质量增长、食物摄入量、每日食物摄入量、每日食物利用率的影响。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① The effect of different doses of epidermal growth factor on the increased body mass , food intake and food intake daily and efficiency of food utilization of the rats daily .

  23. 目的:观察参与运动的大鼠在慢性不可预知应激环境中与不参与运动的大鼠体质量增长的变化,探讨运动抗应激的作用。

    AIM : To observe the changes of increase of body mass in the chronic unpredictable mild stress environment between rats participated in the activities and those do not , and probe into the antistress role of exercise .

  24. 中国农村正在进入一个新的发展阶段.其特征是伴随短缺时代的结束,农业增长方式从数量增长型向质量增长型转变.从增长阶段走上发展阶段。

    Chinese countryside is entering a new developing phase . Its characteristics are the transformation of agricultural growth pattern from the quantitative growth to qualitative growing , from growth phase to developing phase with the ending of scarcities .

  25. 产业结构对于金融资产结构的影响机制体现在:产业结构的升级导致经济的高质量增长,进而影响金融资源的有效配置,最终表现为金融资产结构的调整。

    With respect to the impact of industrial structure on financial assets structure , the upgrade of industrial structure results in substantial economic growth and in turn leads to the effective allocation of financial resources , thus effecting the adjustment of financial assets structure .

  26. 紧接着,文章通过构建计量模型,并进行平稳性检验、协整检验、共线性检验、主成分回归等操作,计算出工业内部各个产业部门增长对经济数量增长和经济质量增长的贡献度。

    Then , followed by building a statistical model , and carrying stationary test , co-integration test , linear test , doing principal component regression , the article can get the contribution of the growth in various industrial sectors to the economic growth in the number and quality aspects .

  27. 使用受污河水灌溉的稻田,受到一定程度的污染,Cu、Ni、Cr平均质量分数增长率分别为25.69%、22.16%和25.54%,表现出明显的累积效应。

    The accumulation effect of the pollution was remarkable . The growth rate of average content for Cu , Ni and Cr was 25.69 % , 22.16 % and 25.54 % respectively .

  28. 新的模式还将带来更高质量的增长。

    The new model would also deliver higher quality growth .

  29. 但实现高质量的增长还需要做的更多。

    However , to achieve high-quality growth requires much more .

  30. 促进金融发展,有利于各区域经济稳定、快速和高质量的增长。

    By the development of finance it will be benefit to regional economic development .