
  1. 基于遗传算法的质量成本优化及控制研究

    The Research of Quantity cost Optimization and Control Based on Genetic Algorithm

  2. 质量成本优化探讨

    Inquiring into optimization of quality cost

  3. 继而论述了期望区间理论和顾客期望分析模型,以及顾客期望的质量成本优化。

    Then the paper discusses the theory of customer expectations interval , the analysis model of customer expectations and the quality cost optimization .

  4. 本文首先分析了传统质量成本优化模型和零缺陷下的质量成本优化模型,指出了它们存在的局限性;

    Based on the analysis on the traditional quality cost optimization model and that under zero-defect , the dissertation points out the limitations exist in these two models .

  5. 以精益六西格玛管理理论为指导,建立了适合了本单位汽车增压器配件产业的质量成本优化绝对量模型和质量成本优化相对量模型,清晰阐明了产品质量水平与质量成本之间的关系。

    Under the guideline of lean-six sigma management , it establish new quality cost optimization model , which clarify the interrelation between product quality level and product quality cost .

  6. 进而探索质量成本优化途径,给出质量总成本与其构成要素的量化关系,以及实现最优质量成本的条件。

    Then it goes to probe the optimization way of the quality cost , give and offer the total cost of quality instead of forming the quantization relationship of key elements , and realize high quality terms of cost most .

  7. 质量成本优化模型主要是反映产品质量水平与产品质量成本之间的关系、以及识别和确定质量成本各构成要素之间的比例关系,是质量成本管理的一项重要内容。

    The quality cost optimization model mainly reflects the correlation between the product quality level and the product quality cost . It also identifies the composing elements of quality cost and determines the relationship between them . It is an important item in quality cost management .

  8. 论施工项目质量成本的优化控制

    Discussion on Optimization and Control of Quality Cost in Construction project

  9. 根据概率统计原理,提出了质量成本的优化模型,并对此模型的求解进行了推导,由此得出了控制质量成本的质量检验方法的确定原则。

    Based on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics , an optimized model of quality cost is propounded , and the solation of the model is derived . Therefore a definite principle of how to control quality cost by the testing method is acquired .

  10. 针对一种大型产品结构的质量一成本优化问题,设计了一种病毒进化遗传算法,提出了相应的编码解码方案和适应度的计算。

    In order to solve the problem of quality and cost optimization of a large product structure , a virus evolutionary genetic algorithm ( VEGA ) is developed , and then the coding and decoding representation of the solution as well as the calculation of the fitness function are designed .

  11. 质量成本模型及其优化

    Model of Quality Cost and Optimizing

  12. 优化工艺提高质量降低成本&优化摩托车减振器生产工艺实例

    Optimize Engineering , Improve Quality and Reduce Cost & An Example of Optimization of Production Engineering for Motorcycle Shock Absorber

  13. 在产品设计过程中,质量-成本的优化控制是关键,如何实现产品在有限范围内的质量最优,是企业需要解决的一个实际问题。

    Quality-cost optimization and control are the key factors in the process of product design . How to gain the optimal product quality with limited cost is a practical problem to be solved in enterprises .

  14. 考虑到传统质量成本理论及其优化观念与6σ管理思想产生严重对立的实际情况,提出基于6σ管理的动态质量成本决策模型。

    Considering the sharp contrast situation between the traditional quality cost theory with the optimize idea and the 6 σ management idea , the author proposes the dynamic quality cost decision-making model based on the 60 management .

  15. 基于遗传算法质量工期成本多目标优化研究

    Multi-object optimization about quantity date & cost based on genetic algorithm

  16. 不同质量观念下质量成本优化分析的比较

    Optimizations of Quality Cost Based on Different Quality Concepts : a Comparison

  17. 基于制造-质量损失成本的公差优化分配法

    Optimal method of tolerance allocation based on comprehensive model of manufacture-quality loss cost

  18. 质量成本的管理及优化策略

    Cost of Quality Management and Optimal Strategy

  19. 并在曲线四象限划分的基础上,有针对性的提出了结构层次集-质量成本水平集-优化策略集的优化策略三维体系。

    Based on the curve quadrant division , the thesis put forward three-dimensional system of optimization strategy about structure level set-quality level set-optimization strategy set .

  20. 并结合本单位汽车增压器配件产业实际运作状况进行了分析,验证了建立的质量成本模型和质量成本优化模型的可行性,给高层管理人员在质量管理决策时提供重要信息。

    On the basis of analysis of the performances of our auto turbocharger components domain , it validate the feasibility of these models , which will provide important information for higher administrators if they form quality management decision-making .

  21. 不可否认,传统质量成本特征曲线曾经对我们认识质量成本进而优化质量成本产生过非常积极的作用。

    Undeniably , the traditional quality cost characteristic curves once play a positive role in our understanding and optimizing of the quality cost .

  22. 本文就以当今社会代表性的几种质量观为基础,对不同质量观念下质量成本的优化分析进行比较,从理论上说明企业获取最优质量成本的依据和途径。

    Based on several of the current representative quality concepts in modern times , the paper compares the optimizations and explains the basis and the way of obtaining optimization of quality cost .

  23. 流程工业基于作业链网的分步作业成本计算研究在全面质量管理过程中应用作业成本法,可以兼顾质量和成本,优化生产作业链,从而实现企业价值最大化的目标。

    Study on Activity-Based Process costing in the Continuous Process Manufacturing Industry To apply it in the total quality management , enterprises can balance quality and cost to maximate their value .

  24. 工程实例的结果表明,本文所采用的施工工艺、方法及质量控制体系,能够确保实现工程项目的工期、质量、成本等优化统一的目标。

    The result of the project case shows that , the method of construction technology and quality control system which are adopted in this paper ensures to achieve the goals which optimize and unify the time limit , quality and cost etc.

  25. 针对优化质量成本控制问题,建立了质量成本指标体系,提出了如何获得最低质量成本水平的优化控制模型,通过算例证明了该模型的有效性。

    The system of quality cost indexes is built for the optimization of quality cost . The optimization control model of minimal quality cost level is proposed . The efficiency of the model is illustrated by an example .

  26. 分析了Feigenbaum质量成本模式的假定与实际情况的差距,提出了融合在PDCA循环中并能克服这些差距的质量成本优化方法

    This paper discussed the defects of Feigenbaum 's quality costs model in practice and gave an approach for quality costs optimizing in PDCA cycle . This approach can avoid the defects of Feigenbaum 's model

  27. 本文阐述了质量成本科目的内涵,并对质量成本与质量策划时的质量功能成本概念作了清晰界定,最后,对传统质量成本优化模型的缺陷进行了剖析。

    The article describes the intension of quality cost subject , then it gives a distinct definition between quality cost and quality function cost in quality planning . At last , it analyses the defects of optimal model of traditional quality cost .