
  • 网络quality competition
  1. 随着中国加入WTO步伐的日趋临近,质量竞争这种非价格竞争的主要竞争形式已具有更多的优势。

    With China 's step of entry to WTO drawing on , quality competition , the main form of non-price competition has more superiority .

  2. 双寡头模型下的产品质量竞争与厂商决策

    Product Quality Competition and Enterprisers ' Decision under Multidimensional Model

  3. QFD与质量竞争战略

    QFD and Quality Competitive Strategy

  4. 论述了我国在加入WTO之际,面对国际经济质量竞争激烈的形势,各行各业如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战。强调了质量技术监督部门在加入WTO中的战略任务。

    On the occasion of acceding to the WTO , facing competition of international economy , it was emphasized for parts of quality and technique supervision that how to grasp the opportunities and do well the strategic task in acceding to the WTO in China .

  5. 质量竞争战略与企业绩效模式的选择

    Study on the Quality Competitive Strategy and Performance-pattern of the Enterprise

  6. 当今,供应链竞争已经从质量竞争转向时间方面的竞争。

    Today , supply chain competition has shifted from quality to time .

  7. 产品质量竞争与激励的博弈机制分析

    The Game Mechanism Analysis of the Competition and Incentive on Product 's Quality

  8. 消费者将从质量竞争中获益。

    The consumer will benefit from quality competition .

  9. 综合质量竞争排名促进护理质量提高

    Improvement of nursing quality by general quality competition

  10. 市场竞争的实质是质量竞争

    The Essentiality of Market Competition & Quality

  11. 当前的房地产市场,正在从价格竞争、质量竞争转变为品牌竞争。

    The current real estate market is moving away from price and quality-oriented competition into brand competition .

  12. 市场竞争既是质量竞争、价格竞争,更是促销竞争。

    The market competitions are the quality competition and the price competition , but the sales promotion competition .

  13. 而由于日益激烈的质量竞争和对完美的追求,葡萄的产量也比以前减少了。

    Crop yields are now lower due to increasingly intense competition for quality and the search for perfection .

  14. 主要包括产品质量竞争策略,差异化定价策略,渠道扁平策略,多样化促销策略。

    Main competitive strategy including product quality , differentiated pricing strategy , channel flat Strategy , diversified marketing strategy .

  15. 这项计划获得了小型或者第三等级的原始设备制造商的追捧,因为这个计划可以帮助他们在质量竞争中提升档次。

    Smaller , third-tier OEMs were eager to embrace the program because it helped level the quality playing field among them .

  16. 当前市场竞争已经由价格和质量竞争转向品牌的竞争,市场资源配置不断向品牌优势集中。

    Market competition by price and quality competition to brand competition and market allocation of resources to keep the brand focused .

  17. 质量竞争不仅不会受到世贸规则的限制,而且在经济全球化的情况下,还可以打破贸易保护壁垒。

    Quality is not limited by WTO rules , by contraries , it can help us to get over trade barriers .

  18. 目前,现代企业之间的竞争已由产品竞争、质量竞争逐步演变为品牌的竞争。

    At present , the product competition and the quality competition are gradually evolved for the brand competition between the modern enterprises .

  19. 质量竞争是大学实现可持续发展、追求卓越的路径,大学只有以质量作为竞争的主要手段,才能获得持久的竞争优势。

    Only if Quality Competition was regarded as the main competition means , could the Teaching University obtain the lasting competition advantage .

  20. 市场竞争的四个层次,品牌竞争是最高的层次:价格竞争质量竞争创新竞争品牌竞争。

    Among the 4 layers of a market competition , brand competition is in the highest level : Price competition-quality competition-innovation competition-brand competition .

  21. 在日本市场上,蔬菜生产者之间不在是单纯的价格竞争,质量竞争日益激烈,中国对日蔬菜出口是否能保持良好的发展态势受到社会各界的关注。

    In the Japanese market , producers of vegetables are not a simple price competition , and quality competition tends to be fierce .

  22. 市场竞争经历了价格竞争、质量竞争和服务竞争,已过渡到品牌竞争阶段。

    Market competition through price competition , quality competition and the service competition , has made the transition to a stage of brand competition .

  23. 教学型大学进行质量竞争,需要培养质量竞争力,质量竞争力是大学核心竞争力的重要组成部分。

    Teaching University carries on Quality Competition needs to develop quality competence which is one of the important part of core competence of University .

  24. 银行竞争在经历了价格竞争、质量竞争和服务竞争之后,增添了更广泛的竞争形式&声誉竞争。

    After experienced price competition , quality and service competition , banking sector competition faces the broader form of competition & the reputation competition .

  25. 从传统的价格竞争到质量竞争,再到今天的品牌竞争,消费者更加理性的选择品牌竞争的优胜者。

    From the traditional price competition to quality competition , and then to current brand competition , consumers always reasoningly choose competitive and superior brand .

  26. 如今,中国家电制造企业的竞争已由传统的价格竞争、质量竞争等转向了物流竞争,谁能更快速更有效更经济地完成物流环节,谁就能在竞争中占有先机。

    Who can more effectively and more rapidly and economic links to complete logistics , who will be able to occupy preemptive opportunity in competition .

  27. 选课制激发了学生的学习积极性,增强了教师的质量竞争意识,推动了学校教学改革的深化。

    Curricular-variable system encourages students to display more initiative in study , strengthens teachers ' sense of quality competition and deepens the teaching reform in university .

  28. 世界经济的高速发展和工业竞争的日益激化,促使了卖方市场转向买方市场,竞争的焦点也由价格竞争转向了质量竞争。

    The high speed development of world economy and the increasingly sharpening of industrial competition make the seller 's market divert to the buyer 's market .

  29. 这种围绕让顾客满意、为顾客创造价值而进行的广义质量竞争,正在推动社会经济和科技创新的高速发展。

    This generalized quality competition around satisfying the customer and creating value for the customer is impelling the society-economy and the science and technology innovation developing .

  30. 所谓行销力导向竞争方式包括质量竞争、价格竞争、规模竞争、服务竞争、广告竞争等;

    The competitive mode of so called marketing force orientation includes quality competition , price competition , scale competition , service competition , advertisement competition etc. ;