
  • 网络Discount Market
  1. 短期拆放和贴现市场

    Call money and discount market

  2. 伦敦贴现市场同业公会

    London Discount Market association

  3. 短期拆放和贴现市场在混凝土完全硬化之前拆模可以缩短周期时间。

    Call money and discount market Short cycle times can be achieved by detaching the mold plates before the concrete is completely set up .

  4. 建立起了全国统一的银行间拆借市场,初步形成票据贴现市场和国债回购市场。

    Stock market is developing rapidly , a uniform market for inter-bank borrowing and lending has been set up , bill discounting market and Treasury bond market have come into being .

  5. 随后,一系列的利率逐步放开:短期证券市场、贴现市场在近年来发展迅速,国债利率也基本实现了市场化。

    Afterwards various kinds of interest rates were also liberalized : short-term security market , discount market have both been developing rapidly in recent years , and the interest rate of the government bonds is also determined basically by the market .

  6. 随机贴现模型资产市场定价方法

    Stochastic Discount Model-Based Assets Pricing Method

  7. 这是基于贴现利率与市场抵押利率之间存在的连动关系。

    Using this technique , it takes the market discount rate into account but the market mortgage rate .

  8. 存款准备金、再贴现、公开市场业务并称为货币政策的“三大法宝”。

    Deposit reserves , rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy .

  9. 对于由个体或私人企业实施的项目,正确的贴现率为市场利率。

    For projects carried out by private individuals or companies , the correct rate to use for discounting is the market rate of return .

  10. 本文探讨了企业价值评估的三类方法:贴现法、市场法、成本法,并介绍了经济增加值法和实物期权法这两种新的方法,分别讨论了各种方法的适用性和局限性。

    This thesis gives an analysis on the three methods of corporate valuation , including discounted cash flows method , market method , and cost method .

  11. 一条公共消息描述理查德港离岸平仓价市场为“相当令人失望,”同时指出现货价格贴现于票据市场将持续到2011年的第一季度。

    One utility source described the Richards Bay FOB market as " pretty depressed ," pointing to physical prices discounted to paper stretching out to the first quarter of2011 .

  12. 土地使用权资本化,通过把农民使用土地所带来的潜在收益予以贴现,进入市场交易,从而建立起我国现有制度约束条件下的土地要素的流转机制。

    The capitalization of the rights of agrarian land use is to discount the future potential income accrued from the land use , and make the land-using rights traded in the markets .

  13. 货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。

    Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation .

  14. 第二,本文在国内学术界首次研究了再贴现率和公开市场操作对中国股票价格的影响。

    In the second place , this paper firstly studied the impact of open market operations on the stock prices of China .

  15. 目前主流评价模型的基本思想主要有两类:基于资金时间价值的贴现思想和基于市场交易价格的调整思想。

    Nowadays , thoughts of evaluation model mostly based on two main theories : the discounted cash flow and the method of adjustment on market transaction price .

  16. 所有货币银行学的教科书都强调央行有三大政策工具:再贴现率、公开市场操作和存款准备金率。

    All textbooks on money and banking highlight the three principal policy options open to central banks : discount lending , open market operations , and reserve requirements .

  17. 美联储昨日宣布提高贴现率,让市场措手不及。贴现率是商业银行从美联储紧急贷款的利率。

    Markets were caught off-guard by the Fed 's announcement late on Thursday that it had raised its discount rate the level at which commercial banks tap the central bank for emergency funding .

  18. 法定存款准备金作为一般性货币政策之一,与其他两个货币政策工具再贴现率和公开市场业务被并成为货币政策的三大法宝。

    As one of the common monetary policies , Required Deposit Ratio is among the so-called " The Three Leading Cards ", while the other two are Rate of Rediscount and Open Market Operations .

  19. 因为贴现率不同,市场上出现两类参与者:借方(房地产商)和储蓄方(家庭),借方面临信贷约束。

    Due to different discount rates , there are two types of agents in the market : the borrower ( the house developer ) with borrowing constraint and the saver ( the family ) .

  20. 存款准备金制度与再贴现率、公开市场一起被称为中央银行货币政策的三大法宝。

    As the deposit reserve system and the rate of rediscount and market overt operation are called the three magical weapons of central bank , but there are some arguments on the system and utility of deposit reserve in the theory recently .