
ɡuì zú zhènɡ zhì
  • aristocracy
  1. 英国近代贵族政治研究述评

    A Review on the Studies of English Aristocracy in Modern Times

  2. 贵族政治与官僚政治的差异及其文化解释

    The Difference between Aristocracy Politics and Bureaucracy Politics and Its Cultural Interpretation

  3. 而最后,他没有前辈们对贵族政治的强烈赞同。

    And last , he did not share their strong aristocratic sympathies .

  4. 主张贵族政治者愿意看到贵族控制政府。

    An aristocrat would like to see noblemen in control of the government .

  5. 早期罗马的事务是属于显著的贵族政治类型。

    The early phase of Roman affairs was an aristocracy of a very pronounced type .

  6. 杨朴在《金史》中的缺位与金初贵族政治有关,与其“献策”的现实价值和局限亦有关系。

    It is related with those aristocracy , practical value and history limitation of his advice .

  7. 理想国的诗人观,是柏拉图贵族政治理想的生动体现。

    The view about the poets in the Republic is the vivid expression of his aristocratic ideal .

  8. 辽朝世选制度的贵族政治特色及其影响

    Aristocratic Political Characteristics of The Hereditary Election System ( HES ) in Liao Dynasty and Its Effect

  9. 这是一种要把贵族政治一笔勾销,而把国王变成唯一、绝对的专制统制者的狡猾诡计。

    It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy , and make the king sole and absolute autocrat .

  10. 本文在结语部分探讨了贵族政治传统对于现代政治和现代社会的意义。

    The final part of this thesis discusses the significance of aristocratic tradition for modern politics and modern society .

  11. 国人的属性及其活动对春秋时期贵族政治的影响论杜预在政治上的改弦更张

    The Nature of Guo Ren and the Influence of Its Activities on the Aristocratic Politics of the Spring and Autumn Period

  12. 这种差异的形成是与春秋战国时期贵族政治向君主集权制的转变相一致的。

    The differences indicate the transformation from aristocratic politics to monarchical centralism in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period .

  13. 天聪时,部院等文职衙署设立后,他们又充斥并操纵部院要害部门,直到顺治中期,以世职集团为核心的清初政局还呈现着鲜明的贵族政治特色。

    Until middle of Shun Zhi period , aristocracy was also the brilliant characteristic of Qing Dynasty 's early political situation in which Nobility Rank Group were the nucleus of the government .

  14. 贵族政治作为社会政治发展的早期形态,在封建官僚政治成为主要政治形态的中国封建社会晚期早就失去其存在的条件。

    As an early form of social and political development , aristocracy no longer had any conditions for its existence in the later part of feudal China When bureaucracy had become the main polity .

  15. 秦始皇以焚书坑儒的手段打击了贵族政治的分裂思想,同时却严重摧残了文化,对于古文献的保存和学术的传授,造成了极大的损失。秦始皇施政定制根本上是以法家思想为依据。

    By these means , the First Emperor gave a heavy blow on the aristocratic splittism , but wrecked the culture severely at the same time , causing enormous losses in the conservation of ancient documents and impartment of learning .

  16. 春秋战国时期贵族政治向官僚政治的转变是当时社会巨大变迁中的重要内容之一,但是引起这个变迁的原因及具体过程长期以来却未曾真正被说清楚。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period the change from aristocracy to the bureaucracy was a huge change in the community and it was an important part , but the reasons and causes of the specific process of change has never really been made clear .

  17. 开玩笑啦。说真的,喜欢干邑白兰地的人包括贵族、政治人物,还有享乐主义者。

    joke aside , its royalty , it 's politicians .

  18. 历史上的曹沫出身鲁国中下级贵族,政治观念传统,而军事思想多有突破。

    Cao Mo was born a lower nobility of Lu . He is conservative in politics but had made many breakthroughs in military .

  19. 这种特权根植于教俗贵族的政治意图或财政危机,是以金钱为代价的贵族特权的一种割舍;

    In the origin , privileges of boroughs were rooted in aristocrats ' political intentions or financial crises , and were marked with money .

  20. 在近代,当贵族的政治地位和经济地位都不复以往的风光的时候,文化成为他们保持其优势的一条出路。

    In modern times , when aristocratic political position and economic status of the nobility are not important as usual , the culture become a way for keep its advantage .

  21. 这个已然是亿万富翁的王子在自己的王国挥洒着比其他欧洲贵族更多的政治实权。

    The billionaire prince 7 ) wields more real political power in his 8 ) realm than any other European royalty .

  22. 诗言志,通过诗歌叶芝表达了他的贵族主义的政治观、极端主义的社会观、二元对立和循环发展的哲学历史观。

    Through his poems Yeats expresses his ideas and thoughts , such as aristocratic politics , extremism government , dualism and circular historic philosophy .

  23. 而平民和贵族也在政治权利、土地分配和债务奴役等问题上展开了激烈的斗争,核心是土地分配问题。

    Civilians and political rights of the nobility also , land allocation and debt slavery issue in a fierce struggle , the core is a land allocation problem .

  24. 伴随着共和早期平民争取与贵族平等的政治权利的斗争,其形制逐步完善,官职人选也逐步向平民开放。

    With the struggle of plebs for the equal political rights with the patricians in the early Republic , the institutions gradually developed and the official position was gradually open to the plebs .

  25. 本文试从辽金两朝贵族女性的政治地位、家庭地位和法律地位入手,对辽金贵族女性的社会地位进行全面的论述,比较其异同,分析其变化及原因。

    This paper will illustrate the social status of aristocratic women in Liao and Jin dynasties comprehensively , compare their similarities and differences and analyze their changes . from the perspective of their political status , family status and legal status .

  26. 《唐璜》的主题是对英国和欧洲贵族社会、贵族政治的讽刺。

    It was intented to satirize aristocratic society and politics in Britain as well as in Europe .

  27. 春秋时期的贵族婚姻由于受到政治形势的影响,缔结婚姻的双方还会出现因一时之政治利益而结合,又因一时之政治利益而反目的情况。

    Both sides of the aristocratic marriage would unite or separate because of the political benefits in the Spring and Autumn period .

  28. 由于民间百姓与宫廷贵族经济水平和政治地位不同,人们在饮茶过程中的价值追求也不相同,因而在茶具文化上也呈现明显的差别。

    Owing to the different living standards and political status between common people and royal aristocrats , people seek different values in enjoying their teas , which leads to the obvious difference in the culture of tea set .

  29. 军队的管理以及替代了贵族统治的精英政治带来了国家的稳定,使国家可以因为工业、商业和农业的扩展而繁荣发展。

    The control over the military and the replacement of aristocratic power with something akin to a meritocracy brought about a stability that allowed the country to enjoy a period of prosperity due to the expansion of industry , commerce and agriculture .