
  • 网络guigang city
  1. 贵港市具有局域地缘优势、资源优势和较好的工业基础条件。

    The advantages of Guigang lie in its comparative local-regional geographical advantages , resource advantages and its better industrial foundation .

  2. 文章引入层次分析法(AHP),对贵港市土地利用总体规划实施效果进行量化研究。

    This paper quantitatively estimates the effect of implementation of general land use planning in Guigang city , Guangxi , by the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) .

  3. 广西贵港市甘蔗生长和产量性状的研究

    Study on Sugarcane Growth and Yield Characters in South East Guangxi

  4. 论人口老龄化的影响及其应对措施&以广西贵港市为例

    On the Impact of Population Aging and Its Countermeasures

  5. 近日,广西贵港市一家新开的“老公寄存处”的照片被发布在中国的网页上。

    Recently , photos of a newly opened husband cloakroom in Guigang City have appeared online in China .

  6. 贵港市的劣势是地缘大环境、第二产业和产业结构等方面存在的问题。

    But its disadvantages lie in its comparatively broad geographical disadvantages , hysteretic secondary industry and industry structure .

  7. 阐述了贵港市柑桔产业的现状和存在问题,结合当地的资源和区位优势,提出做大做强贵港市柑桔业,政府应拿出必要的启动资金;

    The current status and existing problems of citrus industry in Guangxi were expatiated in this paper , it put forward that the citrus industry should be strengthened and extended according to the local resources and advantage , and the government should provide the required initial deposit .