
  • 网络Post loan management;management after loan
  1. 第三,在贷后管理方面提出相应的银行政策建议以及建立健全的商业银行贷后管理体系。

    In third , putting forward the corresponding policy suggestions and to establish perfect the commercial bank management after loan system .

  2. 本系统所涉及的相关操作主要有系统登陆、贷前管理、贷中处理、贷后管理、系统管理和批量模块等环节,针对各环节不同的业务功能点不同划分不同的功能模块。

    The relevant operations involved in this system mainly include system login , management before loan , processing in loan , management after loan , system management and batch module . Different function modules have been divided in accordance with different business functions in different procedures .

  3. 本文通过引用相关数据研究w银行房地产开发贷款现状,提出其贷后管理工作存在借款人风险、项目风险和贷款管理风险。

    By studying the current situation of W Bank real estate development loans with relevant data , this article points out that there are borrower risk , project risk , and loans to manage risk .

  4. 这也对商业银行贷后管理有一定的实践指导意义。

    This post-loan management of commercial banks has some practical significance .

  5. 关于加强国内商业银行贷后管理的思考

    A Consideration on Strengthening Management after Domestic Commercial Bank Loan

  6. 加强贷后管理,努力将风险控制在最低限度;

    Manage the credit capital and control the risk to the lowest level ;

  7. 浅议贷后管理工作存在的主要问题和治理对策

    Talking about the Main Problems Existing in Post-lending Management and Some Management Games

  8. 完善贷后管理体系的思考

    Thought on Perfecting the Loan Management

  9. 这部分主要介绍国家助学贷款的特点、意义、实施情况、发展的阶段性特征和贷后管理的特点,并结合笔者自身工作经验介绍了现阶段国家助学贷款贷后管理工作的结构。

    It mainly introduces the characteristics , significance , implement and development of National Student Loan .

  10. 强化贷后管理,确保信贷资金支持实体经济。

    We will strengthen post-loan supervision and ensure that loans are used to support the real economy .

  11. 就此,文章认为应该从信用评定、贷后管理和审慎推进三方面加强管理,以实现小额信贷业务风险的最小化。

    Suggestions of credit evaluation , loan management and a suitable speed of implementation are put forward to minimize the risks .

  12. 现金流分析预测系统是某银行信贷业务系统的关键组成部分,是为更好的对贷款客户进行多层次的贷后管理。

    Cash flow analysis and forecasting system is a key component of a bank credit system . It provides a better multi-level management of the loan customer .

  13. 我国商业银行并购贷款业务开展仅有一年,绝大多数的商业银行对并购贷款业务毫无经验可谈,在对并购贷款的审查、风险评估、贷款合同设计以及贷后管理方面还比较陌生。

    On the aspects of M & A loan review , risk assessment , loan contract designing , and post-loan management , our commercial banks are still relatively unfamiliar .

  14. 对此,应大力推行生源地贷款,构建完善的贷后管理系统,更好地推进国家助学贷款工作的开展。

    To these problems , we should vigorously implement loans in the students birth place , build a comprehensive post-lending management system and better improve the national students loan work .

  15. 信贷管理过程,按照业务流程的顺序,包括信贷调查、信贷审批、信贷发放和贷后管理四个环节。

    Credit management process , according to the sequence of the business process , include the credit investigation , the credit examination and approval , the credit issuing , the credit management of credit issuing .

  16. 第三章在第二章调研结果的基础上设计了微小企业贷款的业务流程,包括申请、审批、发放和贷后管理的流程以及调查分析的技术。

    Based on the research in the second chapter , Chapter Three designs a new microcredit business processes , including application , approval , loan provision , Post-lending Management , and the technology of investigation and analysis .

  17. 首先,分别介绍了商业银行信用风险控制措施,即限额控制、信贷审批、贷后管理、经济资本计量与配置、以及资产证券化与信用衍生产品。

    First , I will introduce the control measures for commercial bank credit risk : Credit ceilings , Credit investigation and approval , Bank loan approval , After-credit management , economic capital evaluation , measurement and allocation , asset backed securitization and credit derivatives .

  18. 能否及时发现、识别,并妥善防范、化解、处置风险,持续提高信贷资产质量,确保信贷资产安全,关键看银行的贷后管理能力。

    Ability to detect , identify , and properly to prevent , resolve , dispose of the risk of continuing to improve the quality of credit assets , to ensure the security of credit assets , the key to the ability of banks post-loan management .

  19. 本文以城市商业银行的贷后管理为研究对象,通过对比国内外银行贷后管理情况,分析城市商业银行的贷后管理存在的问题,并提出了解决方法。

    The research subject of the paper is credit post-loan management of urban commercial banks . Solutions are put forward by way of comparing the post-loan management between domestic and foreign commercial banks , and analyzing the problems of post-loan management in urban commercial banks .

  20. 校园地助学贷款和生源地助学贷款互为补充的政策涉及贷后管理主体的改变,给助学贷款市场带来大的波动,进而影响整个国家助学贷款体系的稳定。

    The co-substitution policies about the campus-granted student loan and the locally-granted student loan will change the management body after loan and bring large fluctuations for the campus-granted and locally-granted student loans market , thus affecting the stability of the whole national student loan system .

  21. MM国有商业银行贷后风险管理存在的问题与对策研究

    The Problem of MM Commercial Bank Credit Risk Management after Loan and Counterplan Research

  22. 出口船舶建造贷款贷后风险管理

    Risk Management after Providing a Loan for Export Ship Construction

  23. 另外,也要加强贷后风险管理以及谨慎处理问题信贷。

    Moreover , we should strengthen the loan , risk management as well as discrete processing question credit .

  24. 贷后风险管理是信贷风险管理的重要组成部分,是防范和化解信贷风险的重要手段。

    Credit risk management after loan is the important part of credit risk management of national commercial bank .

  25. 提出商业银行对集团客户统一授信,利用各种渠道获取真实信息,减少关联企业相互担保,加强贷后跟踪管理。

    It puts forward that commercial bank should unite together to grant the credit quota to the group client , make use of all means to obtain true information , lessen the guarantee between related parties , and strengthen the management of group client lending .

  26. 目前,国有商业银行在贷后风险管理中存在着一些不容忽视的问题,造成了信贷风险不能及时发现,错失了风险化解的最佳时机,影响了信贷资金的安全。

    Now there are quite a few problems existing that is hardly ignored in the credit risk management after loan of national commercial bank , that cause the credit risk difficult to finger out betimes so that we missed the best chance to avoid the danger .

  27. 在建船舶贷款的贷后风险管理主要包括贷款资金的封闭式管理、船厂的风险管理、造船项目的监管、船东付款管理、外部风险管理和危机管理六个方面。

    The risk management of export ship construction after a loan provided covers six directions , including sealed management of the loan , risk management of the shipyard , supervision of the shipbuilding project , payment management of the ship owner , external risk management and crisis management .

  28. 贷后风险管理作为商业银行信贷风险管理的重要一环不容忽视,但目前国内商业银行、特别是中小银行对贷后风险管理的重视程度往往不够,理论界也缺乏专门的研究。

    Post-loan risk management as the important part of commercial bank credit risk management can not be ignored . However , at present the emphasis on post-loan risk management of domestic commercial bank 、 especially small and medium-sized banks is not enough , theorist also lack of specialized research .

  29. 最后,就并购贷款银行债权在现阶段积极参与公司治理,在风险管理可行性规则安排方面,本文就专业团队陪养、贷款资金管理、贷后业务管理方面能归纳总结并提出建议。

    At last , at this stage of how to participate in M & A lending bank debt of corporate governance , this article from a professional team-building , loan management , post-loan paper discusses three aspects of business management , risk management of commercial banks to make recommendations .

  30. 按照我国商业银行信贷业务的流程,同时也为了方便论文的结构安排,分为了贷前管理制度和贷后管理制度。

    For the process of credit business and the structure of the paper , these two parts are separated as the pre-loan management system and after-loan management system .