
dài kuǎn tuō qiàn lǜ
  • delinquency rate on loans
  1. 美国降低国家担保学生贷款拖欠率的经验及启示

    How the Default Rate of Federal Student Loans in the USA is Reduced and its Implications

  2. 此外,对盈利性大学和公立大学的贷款拖欠率进行比较,并非衡量他们接受政府补贴数额的良好方法。

    In addition , comparison of default rates between for-profit colleges and public colleges is not the right measure of how much government subsidies they receive .

  3. 房利美表示,这是大约两年来首次降低准备金,得益于贷款拖欠率的下滑以及房地产价格企稳,准备金的下降趋势或将得以延续。

    The company said the reduction , the first in about two years , was likely to continue thanks to a combination of falling delinquency rates and stabilising property prices .

  4. 根据他们的新闻稿中表示,具体的“贷款拖欠率包括至少一逾期付款,但不包括在止赎程序的贷款。”

    According to their press release that specific " delinquency rate includes loans that are at least one payment past due but does not include loans in the process of foreclosure . "

  5. 可能盈利性大学在这种比照方法中还是和他们竞争的公立大学之间有一定差距,但比起通过贷款拖欠率进行比较差距已经缩小不少。

    The for-profits may still look worse on this measure than do the public colleges they compete against , but the difference would be much smaller than the differences in default rates .

  6. 其根本原因在于大学生贷款拖欠率高,诚信意识差。

    The true reason for this situation might be found from the fact that some students are weak in their consciousness of confidentiality and trust and keep a high rate of default for returning the loan .

  7. 本文通过界定信用担保概念,分析信用担保机制如何能降低学生贷款拖欠率,论证谁适合作担保主体,力图寻找提高还款率的内在机理。

    This paper analyzes the usefulness of credit guarantee mechanism against default and explains who should be the credit guarantor in student loan scheme , and tries to find out the mechanism in raising the repayment rate as well as controlling the cost of student loan scheme .

  8. 另外,根据美国银行家协会(AmericanBankersAssociation)的数据,多种贷款的拖欠率在去年第三季度均有所下降。

    In addition , delinquencies for many types of loan fell in the third quarter , according to the American Bankers Association .

  9. 历史模型告诉我们,在经济衰退期,非保障消费贷款的拖欠率小于5%。

    Historic norms suggest that unsecured consumer loans default at a rate of less than 5 per cent in periods of recession .

  10. 然而在过去的几年中,助学贷款的实施产生了许多如贷款拖欠率高、银行惜贷等问题,国家助学贷款还远远不能满足广大贫困生群体的需求。

    However , in China only a small part of needed students were aided from the student loans policy and many problems have arisen such as the bank 's reluctance and the high default rate .