
  • 网络Crime of Loan Fraud
  1. 首先,从贷款诈骗罪犯罪构成的实质上看。

    First of all , to see from the essence of the crime of loan fraud .

  2. 第一部分对贷款诈骗罪的概念及立法沿革进行了研究。

    The fist part makes a study of the concept and legislative progress of the crime of loan fraud .

  3. 单位应构成贷款诈骗罪主体之理论建构

    The Theoretical Construction of a Unit as the Criminal Agent of Loan Fraud

  4. 第三部分是对贷款诈骗罪的客观行为的具体分析。

    The third part concerns special analyses on objective acts of the crime .

  5. 贷款诈骗罪司法认定问题研究

    Study on the Problems of Judicial Determination in Crme of Fraud in Loaning

  6. 谈贷款诈骗罪的构成

    Analysis of the Composition of Loan Crime of Fraud

  7. 其中,贷款诈骗罪就是这些金融犯罪中比较多发的一种。

    In these kinds of financial crime , Loan Fraud is a common one .

  8. 贷款诈骗罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Loan Swindling

  9. 第二部分对贷款诈骗罪的犯罪客体和对象进行了研究。

    The second part makes a study of the object and target of the crime .

  10. 贷款诈骗罪是严重扰乱社会主义市场经济秩序的经济犯罪。

    It is the economic crime of upsetting the socialist market order that the loan is swindled .

  11. 对贷款诈骗罪数额的认定标准、对审判实践中普遍存在的本罪的共犯形式、对本罪的未遂形态进行了分析。

    I here analyze the criterion , common patterns of complicity and the abortive modality of this crime .

  12. 因此在贷款诈骗罪的犯罪主体应当包括单位。

    So we should regulate that the unit also could commit crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans .

  13. 贷款诈骗罪是金融诈骗罪的诸多问题中争议较大的犯罪之一。

    The crime of loan swindling is one of the most controversial crime in the crime of financial fraud .

  14. 从立法趋势上看,单位应该构成贷款诈骗罪的主体。

    TRENDS From the tendency of legislation , the unit should be regarded as the criminal agent of loan fraud .

  15. 贷款诈骗罪主体及非法占有目的的认定

    Determination of the Subject and the Aim of Illegal Possession of the Crime of Defrauding a Financial Institution of Loans

  16. 本文分为四章,第一章着重论述了贷款诈骗罪的确立及犯罪构成。

    This article falls into four chapters . First emphasizes the establishment of the crime of loan swindling and its constitution .

  17. 该部分总结了我国刑法设立贷款诈骗罪的经过以及我国刑法中对贷款诈骗罪的规定。

    This section summarizes the establishment of Loan Fraud in Chinese Criminal Law and the provisions of Loan Fraud in Criminal Law .

  18. 并根据实践需要对贷款诈骗罪与近似犯罪的区分以及该罪的非标准形态的认定作了分析。

    Besides , distinction between the crime and the similar , and its non-standard form and the like are expounded in terms of practice .

  19. 为了保证金融信贷业和市场经济的正常发展,必须严厉打击贷款诈骗罪。

    To ensure development of the financial industry and the market economy , we must try our best to crack down on Loan Frauds .

  20. 本文共分为四个部分,大约3万字,主要内容为:第一部分:贷款诈骗罪基本概况。

    This article is divided into four parts , about 3 million words , mainly as follows : Part ⅰ: Basic overview of Loan Fraud .

  21. 但是我国贷款诈骗罪并未将单位纳入犯罪主体,这将不利于在当今社会国家对金融犯罪的打击。

    But criminal law do not regulate that when a unit commit a crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans , how should we do .

  22. 建议将单位列为贷款诈骗罪的主体,增设贷款虚假陈述罪。

    It is suggested that we should consider unit as the main part of the crime of fraud in loan and add the crime of false statement .

  23. 为维护国家正常的金融秩序,打击金融业务犯罪活动,刑法设立了贷款诈骗罪。

    With regard to protect normal financial system and fight with crime , there is a crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans in our criminal law .

  24. 金融是现代经济的核心,贷款诈骗罪作为金融领域多发常见的破坏性严重的犯罪,是金融犯罪的重要组成部分。

    The crime of loan fraud , as an important part of financial offences , is a serious crime with great destructive result frequently committed in financial field .

  25. 在罪与非罪中具体解决了贷款诈骗罪与贷款纠纷的界限、有担保的贷款诈骗的行为的认定、贷款诈骗罪中数额的认定三个方面进行阐述。

    The first part analyze the boundary of Loan Fraud and loan disputes , the identification of secured lending behavior of fraud , identification of the amount of Loan Fraud .

  26. 贷款诈骗罪构成要件的疑难问题集中地体现于二点:单位骗贷问题与非法占有目的。

    The problems on the elements of the crime of fraud for loans are highlighted on two points : the problem of unit fraud for loans and the purpose of illegal possessing .

  27. 贷款诈骗罪是一种在实践中发案较多、破坏性极强、危害后果特别严重的一种金融诈骗犯罪,严重破坏了我国的金融秩序。

    The crime of swindling loan is a greater incidence in practice , highly destructive , the financial fraud crimes with serious results , which seriously damages our country 's financial order .

  28. 据此确定这种情况下是定性为贷款诈骗罪的共同犯罪还是贪污罪或职务侵占罪的共同犯罪。第四部分:贷款诈骗罪认定中的界限。

    After that we could identify the common crime as a common crime of Loan Fraud or a common crime of Corruption or related crimes . Part ⅳ: Boundaries in identifying the crime of Loan Fraud .

  29. 第六部分是贷款诈骗罪的罪数形态,就该罪牵连犯、连续犯、法条竞合的处断进行了系统阐述。

    The sixth part is about the form of quantity of the crime , it makes a systematic explanation of the judgement and treatment of implicated offender , continuous offence and the article coincidence in the crime .

  30. 同时,对本案中本罪与贷款诈骗罪竞合关系进行简单论述;第三部分是对本案处理结果的评析,分为理论总结和判决评析两部分。

    Meanwhile , in this case the relationship between crime and Loan Fraud competing brief discussion ; The third part is the case , the results of the assessment , review and decision theory assessment is divided into two parts .