
dān wèi shòu huì zuì
  • Unit bribery crime;crime of bribe taking by a unit
  1. 论单位受贿罪账外暗中的若干问题

    Discuss Some Problems about Give Kickbacks in Secret out of Account in the Crime of Bribe Taking by a Unit

  2. 对我国单位受贿罪账外暗中的理性思考

    Thinking About Secret Kickbacks in the Crime of Organizational Bribery

  3. 单位受贿罪解析

    Unit 's bribery crime analyzing

  4. 贿赂罪是多发罪,包括受贿罪、单位受贿罪、行贿罪、对单位行贿罪、介绍贿赂罪、单位行贿罪,是检察机关多年来立办案件的重点。

    Bribe crimes are multiple crimes , including bribery , institutional bribery , bribing crime , bribing institution crime , introducing bribe crime , institutional bribing crime , which are the working emphasis of prosecution these years .

  5. 现行刑法典单独设立一章规定贪污贿赂罪(第八章),在该章中又以四个条文分别规定了受贿罪、对受贿罪的处罚、单位受贿罪和斡旋受贿。

    There is a single chapter in the existing criminal code which regulates bribery and corruption ( chapter ⅷ) herein four articles provide bribery crime , the punishment of bribery crime , unit bribery crime and mediate accepting of bribes separately .

  6. 单位和国家工作人员可以构成单位受贿罪的共同犯罪,但不可能构成受贿罪的共同犯罪;

    The unit and national staff member can commit the complicity of unit 's bribery crime , but they can not commit the complicity of the bribery crime ;