
bái lǐnɡ fàn zuì
  • white-collar crimes
  1. 负责调查白领犯罪行为的SFO现在必须决定是否展开正式调查,这可能导致罗尔斯罗伊斯及相关人员被提起公诉并面临巨额罚款。

    The SFO , which investigates white-collar crime , must now decide whether to launch an official investigation that could result in prosecution of the company , individuals and potentially large fines .

  2. 它们往往也缺乏对复杂的白领犯罪展开调查所需的资源。

    Investigators also often lack the resources to investigate complex white-collar crime .

  3. 而且不像其他白领犯罪那样集中指向持续性犯罪。

    Also , unlike other white collar crime violations which concern ongoing violations .

  4. 白领犯罪的若干问题研究

    Research on Problems of White-collar Crime

  5. 中国白领犯罪研究

    Research on White-collar Crime in China

  6. 萨瑟兰与白领犯罪

    Edwin Sutherland and White-collar Crime

  7. 白领犯罪:美国21世纪面临的挑战之一

    White-Collar Crime in the United States : A Challenge for the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  8. 由于白领犯罪,企业界每年损失数百万美元,产品也因之更贵。

    Businesses are losing millions of dollars , and products are more expensive due to white-collar crime .

  9. 内幕交易像许多白领犯罪一样,既难以侦破也难以证明。

    Insider trading is , like a lot of white collar crime , hard both to detect and to prove .

  10. 如何才能减少白领犯罪呢,这就是我要跟大家谈的主题。

    How to reduce the white-collar crime ? And that 's what I want to talk with you the theme .

  11. 白领犯罪将不再增长,所有的利益攸关方均可确信他们的投资是安全的。

    The growth of white-collar crime will be halted so that all stakeholders can have confidence that their investments are safe .

  12. 职务犯罪、白领犯罪与精英犯罪在某些方面有相似之处,而区别也是比较明显的。

    Job-related crimes , white-collar crime and the elite crimes are similar in some respects , but the differences are relatively obvious .

  13. 如果我们能够做到以上三点,我相信,白领犯罪一定能够得到控制。

    If we manage to do well in all three areas , I believe that white-collar crime could be kept under control .

  14. 如果不能及时有效的治理白领犯罪,他会给社会带来重大的经济损失。

    If we do not stop white-collar crime in a timely and effective fashion , it will bring significant economic losses to society .

  15. 学界对精英犯罪的研究还比较少,但对于职务犯罪、白领犯罪等的研究则比较深入。

    The academic study of the elite crime is still relatively small , but there are more in-depth study about job-related crimes and white-collar crime .

  16. 本文从社会学的角度论述了萨瑟兰的生平、提出白领犯罪的背景、提出白领犯罪的意义以及白领犯罪的新近发展。

    This paper discusses the life of Sutherland , The background in which it was raised , the significance and later development of white-collar crime .

  17. 这是打击白领犯罪的一种主动方法,帮助斯皮策揭露了华尔街的利益冲突,并令他成名。

    It was a proactive way of fighting white-collar crime that helped Mr Spitzer ferret out conflicts of interest on Wall Street and made him famous .

  18. 公司犯罪不应与白领犯罪混淆,后者指的是犯罪者的职业,其罪行可能是针对企业的。

    Corporate crime-committed by businesses-should not be confused with white-collar crime , which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business .

  19. 统计数据为有关欺诈和白领犯罪的直觉真理提供了支持:相比暴力犯罪,接受过良好教育的人更容易犯此类罪行。

    The statistics support the intuitive truth about fraud and white-collar crime : that the well-educated are more prone to indulge in it than to commit violent crimes .

  20. 但被释放之后的利森却发现一个新的邀请:向商学院学生讲述其堕入白领犯罪的故事。

    But on his release , Mr Leeson found a new calling : speaking to business school students about his descent into the world of white collar crime .

  21. 如果我是布什总统,我就会让一个团队全职搜索可以令人信服地在美国领土上进行审判的海外白领犯罪案件。

    If I were President Bush I would have a team working full-time to seek out white-collar crime overseas that can credibly be dealt with on US soil .

  22. 这么做的目的是让学生理解白领犯罪的抽象概念,例如洗钱和欺诈,并将真实的生活后果与这些情节联系起来。

    The point is to take the abstract concept of white collar crimes , such as money laundering and fraud , and attach real life consequences to these scenarios .

  23. 廉署以发起大规模“黎明突袭”闻名,而一些律师认为,鉴于该机构如今大部分调查活动事关白领犯罪,这种做法的杀伤力过重。

    The agency is known for its dramatic dawn raids , which lawyers say amount to overkill , given that most of its work today involves white collar crime .

  24. 从历史上看,英国在涉及白领犯罪的案件时,对罪犯判以长期徒刑的意愿不如香港或美国那么强烈,这一点令人遗憾。

    It is regrettable that the UK has historically been more reluctant to convict and impose long sentences in cases of white-collar crime than in Hong Kong or the US .

  25. 论文区分白领犯罪、法人犯罪、单位犯罪与职业犯罪,认为需要更新研究方法、变革研究观念。

    The pater further distinguishes white-collar crime , legal person crime , employer 's crime and professional crime , and suggests that methods of study and ideas of study bi innovated .

  26. 1939年,美国社会学教授埃德温·萨瑟兰首次提出白领犯罪的概念,白领犯罪问题开始逐渐受到人们的关注。

    In 1939 , sociologist Edwin Sutherland first introduced the concept " white-collar crime " and the criminal behavior of the powerful and rich began to catch attention from academia and society .

  27. 精英犯罪与职务犯罪、白领犯罪都可由对权力和金钱的过度追求以及法律制度不完善、监督不力等导致。

    The cause of the elite crime and job-related crimes , white-collar crime are all due to the over-pursuit of power and money , as well as the imperfect legal system and lack of supervision .

  28. 帕夫洛表示,这是为了让学生们意识到自己的责任,从而打破白领犯罪的神秘,因为“他们与悬崖的距离比他们想象的要近”。

    It is about making the students aware of their responsibility , Mr Pavlo says , and taking the mystery out of white collar crime because " they are closer to the edge than they think " .

  29. 白领犯罪辩护律师罗伯特•卡茨博格指出:“在人们看来,自己要缴纳的欠税、罚款和罚金不是太少就是太多”。

    " People think they either have too little or too much to pay " in back taxes , fines , and penalties , said Robert katzberg , a white-collar criminal defense lawyer with clients of Swiss banks .

  30. 本文从职务犯罪概念的界定入手,分别探讨了职务犯罪与经济犯罪、白领犯罪、法人犯罪的联系和区别,目的是为了对职务犯罪准确定性,准确量刑。

    This article starts from defining duty crime , and then analyzes the connection and difference between this crime and economic crime , white-collar crime , legal-person crime in order that we can judge and sentence exactly in punishing .