
  • 网络white label;White Labelling
  1. 研究公司Gartner估计,2011年白标手机销售量下降了7%,降至1.86亿部(占全国手机销量的42%),今年还将再降30%。

    Gartner , the research firm , estimates that white-label handset sales dropped 7 per cent in 2011 to 186m units , or 42 per cent of all mobile phones sold in China , and will plummet another 30 per cent this year .

  2. 华为推出了一系列低价、低技术含量的手机产品,让许多人以为该集团不过是又一家跟风的中国“白标”制造商。

    The company 's portfolio of cheap , low-tech devices had led many to mark the group down as just another " me-too " Chinese white-label manufacturer .

  3. 白度测量定标归一问题

    The Unification of Standards for Whiteness Measurement