
dài kuǎn běn jīn
  • Loan principal;principal of a loan
  1. “僵尸负债人”是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。

    Zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan , and whose repayments2 only service the interest charge .

  2. 在美国,她呼吁对更多的抵押贷款本金进行冲销。

    In the US , she calls for writing-off more of the principal on mortgages .

  3. 银行通常会给予申请人六个月偿还贷款本金的宽限期。

    Under normal circumstances , the banks will offer the applicants a six-month grace period for repayment of the loan principal .

  4. 本金减53.5%,从技术上而言是投资者的自愿行为,使他们放弃了收回贷款本金的权利。

    The 53.5 % haircut is technically a voluntary move on behalf of investors , making them ineligible to collect the principal on their loans .

  5. 如果政府无法履行金融义务,包括偿还贷款本金或利息,就将构成违约。

    A default would come if the government actually failed to fulfill a financial obligation , including repaying a loan or interest on that loan .

  6. 还需要针对房地产出台相关措施,更加大力地支持对不良抵押贷款本金的削减,尽管具体操作方案的设计颇有难度。

    An initiative on housing , with stronger support for principal cuts on distressed mortgages , is needed too , difficult as this may be to design .

  7. 但这些仅计算了逾期利息和贷款本金的逾期部分;按照国际定义,不良贷款可能要高出3到4倍。

    But these count only overdue interest and the overdue portion of loan principal ; under international definitions , NPLs may be three or four times higher .

  8. 他的计划是持有这处房产12年,并用每月125美元的收益归还贷款本金,以尽快还清抵押贷款。

    His plan was to keep the house for12 years and let the mortgage get paid down faster , by applying the extra $ 125 to the principle each month .

  9. 如贷款本金的最后一次偿还日不在付息日则借款人需在贷款本金的最后一次偿还日付清全部应付利息。

    If the last repayment day of loan principal is not within interest payment day , the borrower shall pay up all the interest payable on the last repayment day of loan principal .

  10. 商业银行依法向借款人收回到期贷款的本金和利息,受法律保护。

    Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended .

  11. 贷款的本金被周期性的(通常以月为单位)付款所分期摊销。这种还款是按照应付全部本金计算出的。

    The principal amount of loans is amortized by the periodic , usually monthly , payment of a fraction of the principal calculated to repay the entire amount of principal due .

  12. 工资税的削减幅度应再大一些;拿出巨额资金用于减记不良抵押贷款的本金;为创造新工作岗位提供高额补贴;恢复对各州政府的紧急财政援助。

    Cut the payroll tax more deeply ; commit serious sums to principal reduction of distressed mortgages ; aggressively subsidise net new jobs ; and restore emergency fiscal assistance to the States .

  13. 乙方贷款的本金和利息,应自颁发合营公司营业执照之日起十年内偿还。

    The principal of and interest on the Party B Loan shall be repaid over a term of ten years from the date of issuance of the JV company 's business license .

  14. 在借款日,借款者的负债只包括贷款的本金,有关利息的负债是在贷款期内逐天自然增长的。

    At the date that money is borrowed , the borrower has a liability only for the principal amount of the loan ; the liability for the interest accrues day by day over the life of the loan .

  15. 这一规定是为确保该公司能同时偿还5年期600亿美元政府贷款的本金和利息,以及政府持有的400亿美元优先股每年40亿美元的股息。

    This is designed to ensure that AIG can pay both the interest and the principal on a five-year $ 60bn government loan as well as $ 4bn a year in interest on $ 40bn of preferred shares owned by the authorities .

  16. 第五种,剩余贷款保持总本金不变,只将还款期限缩短。

    The5th kind , odd loan maintains total capital changeless , shorten reimbursement deadline only .

  17. 银行及贷款者必须考虑企业是否能力在经营中获取现金以偿还贷款的利息和本金;

    Bankers and creditors must consider whether the enterprise has the ability of making the cash in dealing to pay off the interests and capital ;

  18. 这个应用程序能用来为一个长的,给定用户输入的利率,贷款项目以及原始本金数量,根据本金和利息计算付款。

    This application calculates payments toward principal and interest for a long , given user-entered interest rate , loan term , and original principal amount .

  19. 抵押贷款未付的本金部分,不包括利息或其它费用。该余额因会计部门的疏失而尚未支付。

    The outstanding amount owing on a mortgage without including accumulated interest . The balance had not been paid due to an error on our accounting department .

  20. 此贷款已发行的本金金额和此贷款协议下的任何其他义务(包括逾期的利息支付)将以年利率9.5%的利率计息。

    The outstanding principal amount of the Loan and any other obligations under this Loan Agreement shall bear interest at the annual rate of9.5 % until paid .

  21. 新投资的最佳机会应该存在于后者,也正是后者最有可能产生能力,以偿还自己得到的贷款的利息与本金。

    It is in the latter that the best opportunities for new investment should exist . It is the latter that are also most likely to generate the ability to service and repay the loans they have received .

  22. 信贷风险是指在信贷交易过程中,由于各种不确定性,使借款人不能按时偿还贷款,造成银行贷款本金及利息损失的可能性。

    The credit risk is the probability that the commercial banks lose the corpora and the interests because of many uncertainties so that the borrowers can not refund the loans .

  23. 毕竟,平均不到6%的贷款利率并不高,而大部分基础设施建设贷款的本金要数年后才会到期,远远超过了多数地方官员的任期。

    After all , lending rates , averaging less than 6 per cent , are low and most infrastructure loans have no principal due for several years , well beyond the tenure of most local officials .

  24. 借款人到期不归还担保贷款的,商业银行依法享有要求保证人归还贷款本金和利息或者就该担保物优先受偿的权利。

    If a borrower cannot repay the guaranteed loan on time , the commercial bank which issues the loan has the right to ask the guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan or enjoy the priority of repayment by security in accordance with law .

  25. 对模型中损失函数涉及的贷款市场价格重新定义为贷款未来现金流的贴现值与贷款名义本金的比率,并结合示例说明了其期望值的算法。

    The market price of loans involved in the loss function is redefined as the ratio of present value of future cash flow to the loan , calculation of its expectation is showed with an example .

  26. 完工的20条高速公路银行投放了总共约200亿元贷款,但目前仅有一两条高速公路能够及时支付贷款利息,更谈不上偿还贷款本金。

    Altogether the banks have spent 20 billions on 20 completed highway constructions , yet till now , only one or two highways could pay off the loan interest in time , not to mention the pay-off of the loan principal .

  27. 银行借给他5000美元贷款开办企业。在借款期限内,借款人按照贷款人规定的还款办法,可分次或一次性地足额归还贷款本金和利息。

    The bank loaned him $ 5000 to start his business . Within the borrowing time limit , the borrower may , according to the methods of repayment provided by the lender , repay the principal and interests of the loan by installment or by lump sum in full .