
  • 网络lending decisions
  1. 该组合模型在实际应用中对于商业银行的信贷人员的贷款决策具有一定的指导性作用,能够为信贷提供支持。

    This combined model has certain guiding function in the practice of the lending decisions to the commercial bank credit officers , it could provide support for credit .

  2. 银行为保证借贷资金的安全,必须对借款者的资信进行严格考核,选择优质客户,并作出理性的贷款决策。

    Banks in order to ensure the safety of borrowing money , must carry on the strict examination of borrowers ' credit , choose high quality clients , and make a rational lending decisions .

  3. 京东国际公关高级总监约什·加德纳(JoshGartner)表示,京东希望能“大大提高其贷款决策的效率”。

    The Chinese online retailer , said Josh Gartner , senior director for international communications for JD.com , hopes to " greatly improve the efficiency of deciding who should be offered credit or not . "

  4. 乡镇企业贷款决策引致银行信贷风险研究

    Study on Banking Credit Risk Resulted from Credit Decision of Rural Enterprise

  5. 借用国外贷款决策系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Decision Support System in External Borrowing in Loans

  6. 商业银行公司贷款决策的定量评估与实证分析

    Quantitative assessment and empirical analysis of commercial banks ' decisions to issue company loans

  7. 关于贷款决策科学性的探讨

    Discussion of enhancing scientific decision on Loans

  8. 如何作出项目贷款决策

    How to Make Decision of Project Loan

  9. 科学的风险等级评定是银行项目贷款决策的重要基础。

    Scientific evaluation of risk rank is the important base of item of commercial bank .

  10. 实际上,决策分析和贷款决策过程对于实现科学贷款管理至关重要。

    Actually , the processes of decision analysis and loan decision playa decisive role for realigning scientific loan management .

  11. 第三章建立了基于有上界限制的组合贷款决策优化模型。

    In the third chapter we build a bank loan portfolio optimization model on the ground of upper limits .

  12. 但是真正发挥项目评估在贷款决策中的重要作用,需要认清项目评估体系存在的问题并进一步使之完善。

    But the important role of project evaluation in credit decision need the solutions of the problems in it .

  13. 第四章房地产开发项目评估在银行贷款决策应用研究。

    Chapter four the development item of the real estate is assessed in the decision application study of the bank loan .

  14. 关系型借贷是指银行的贷款决策主要基于通过长期和多种渠道的接触所积累的关于借款企业及其业主的相关信息进行。

    Relationship lending refers to the lending decisions based on the collected information of borrowing enterprises and their owners through long-term contact in multi-channel .

  15. 本文以有效降低银行信贷风险为目的,对乡镇企业贷款决策质量进行了较为深入、系统的研究。

    In order to debase the banking credit risk , a lot of research has been done aimed at improving the quality of rural enterprise 's credit decision .

  16. 政府干预和信息不对称是造成农村信贷配给的重要原因,银行和信用社对农户的贷款决策主要决定于政府的农村金融政策。

    Government intervention and information asymmetry are important source of rural credit rationing . The supply behavior of formal rural financial institutions in China mainly depends on government 's rural credit policy .

  17. 我担心的是,这样一家银行会由公务员来管理,他们将从政治理由出发做出贷款决策,最终会因为支持错误的企业主而浪费纳税人的钱。

    I worry that such a bank would be run by civil servants who would make lending decisions based on political grounds and end up squandering taxpayers ' money by backing the wrong entrepreneurs .

  18. 非财务因素分析是信贷决策分析的一个重要组成部分,它和财务分析相互印证、相互补充,为贷款决策提供充分和必要的依据。

    Non-financial factor analysis constitutes an important part of credit decision-making . When Non-financial factor analysis and financial factor analysis are confirmed and complemented mutually , we can have necessary and sufficient basis for credit decision-making .

  19. 以借用国外贷款决策系统为例,介绍了建立借用国外贷款决策系统的意义和作用,详细阐述了系统的设计与实现过程。

    Taking the example of decision support system in external borrowing in loans , introduces the meaning and effect on developing decision support system in external borrowing in loans , and elaborates the system design and the realization process .

  20. 无论如何,农村金融机构对农户的贷款决策行为还是造成了农户的信贷配给,给农村地区的金融生态环境造成不可估量的影响。2、农户信贷配给导致了农户的福利水平受损。

    However , the rural financial institutes decision-making on credit make for the farmer credit ration and also bring on un-measurable influence of the finance environment in rural area . 2 、 The farmer credit ration brings on the lost of the farmer welfare .

  21. 银行作为贷款人,其贷款决策中对环境的考虑将决定金融资源的流向和产业结构的调整方向,故银行的贷款决策对环境、经济与社会的可持续发展起着重要作用。

    As the lender , banks ' consideration to environmental factors in their loans decision-making will determine the trend of financial resources and the adjustment of industrial structure . So banks ' loans decision-making plays an important role in the sustainable development of environment , economy and society .

  22. 第五章建立了基于0-1规划的存量与增量全部组合贷款优化决策模型。第六章建立了基于VaR约束的多目标组合贷款优化决策模型。

    In the fifth chapter , we build a decision optimization model for accumulate and increment loan portfolio on base of 0-1 regulation .

  23. 第三步,通过构建基于VaR约束的个人信用贷款优化决策模型解决个人贷款组合的信用风险度量以及收益与风险之间平衡问题。

    Afterwards , the author construct a decision optimization model for individual credit loan portfolio on constrain of VaR to solve the problem of measuring the credit risk of individual credit loan portfolio and the balance of profit and risk .

  24. 中小企业贷款风险决策研究

    Study on Risk Policy-making in SME 's Loan

  25. 科学、客观、可靠的现金流量评价是保证银行项目贷款正确决策的关键因素。

    The scientific 、 objective and dependable cash flow appraisal become the the key factor for making right project loan decisions .

  26. 探讨了在不确定条件下商业银行质押贷款的决策行为,并建立了股票组合质押贷款的优化模型。

    The behavior of commercial banks under uncertainty is studied , and the optimum models of the stock mortgage loan portfolio are proposed .

  27. 通过对住房消费者信用指标的设置、各指标的权重和评分标准的确定,为商业银行决定住房抵押贷款提供决策依据。

    Through setting up housing consumer credit norms , defining proportion and mark standard , provides decision basis for commercial bank decided housing mortgage loan .

  28. 银行建立起合理的中小企业贷款风险决策机制不仅能解决中小企业贷款难现状,同时可以满足在利率市场化条件下商业银行对经济利润的追求。

    It can not only resolve SMEs ' loan difficulty , but also meet pursuit profit in interest rate market of commercial bank to establish risk making-policy mechanism .

  29. 结合银行风险监管实际,构造了不良贷款分析决策树及其七条骨干树枝,应用于具体设计实现的银行信贷风险监管系统。

    Combination of the actual supervision of bank risks , structural analysis of the non-performing loans and its seven key decision-tree branches , used to achieve the specific design of bank credit risk monitoring system .

  30. 目前包括工商银行大连市分行、建设银行大连市分行、农业银行大连市分行在内的多家银行在对企业进行项目贷款的决策过程中,普遍采用项目贷款评估的方法对项目贷款的可行性作出评价。

    Presently , Several banks , including ICBC Dalian Branch 、 CCB Dalian branch 、 ABC Dalian branch and so on , apply the project evaluation method to estimate the possibility of the project investment in the process of making the project loan decision .