
dài kuǎn xiàn é
  • Loan limit;basic credit line
  1. 我已经用完贷款限额。

    I 've already use them all up to the limit .

  2. 世界银行提高大借款国的贷款限额

    WB : Increase the Quota of Great Loaners

  3. 自由贷款限额[开发金融公司]

    Free limit of loan [ DFCs ]

  4. 与此同时,贷款限额意味着,2008年的信贷增速将低于2007年的水平,但仍较为强劲。

    Loan quotas , meanwhile , imply that credit growth will undershoot 2007 but was still robust .

  5. 商业银行的贷款限额将被取消,以便向优先项目、农村地区、较小型企业和技术革新项目发放更多贷款。

    Commercial banks'credit ceilings will be abolished to channel more lending to priority projects , rural areas , smaller enterprises and technical innovations .

  6. 出了上调利率和存款准备金率之外,央行还依靠贷款限额、“窗口指导”等非市场手段。

    Besides interest rates and reserve requirements the PBOC still relies on non-market tools such as loan quotas and " window guidance " to banks .

  7. 作者认为,以贷款限额管理为主的行政性直接调控及其传导机制已经越来越不适应社会主义市场经济的发展,必须加以改革。

    This article argues that it has become more and more unsuitable for socialist market economic development that administrative direct regulating mainly by loans quotas management .

  8. 为了鼓励经济发展,银行业一度放宽了贷款限额,鼓励经济发展的同时银行自身也能得到发展。

    In order to encourage economic development , the banking industry was relaxed lending limit , and encourage economic development while banks themselves can be developed .

  9. 提高贷款限额是世行自1997年规定单一借款国限额为135亿美元以来的首次。

    The borrowing limit increase was the first such increase the institution has adopted since the previous single borrower limit of $ 13.5 billion was set in1997 .

  10. 根据季度贷款限额,外资银行的贷款额度将定量分配。不过外界预计,与国内同行相比,它们将获得略为宽松的年度增长比例。

    Foreign banks ' lending will be rationed according to quarterly lending quotas , although they are expected to receive a slightly more generous year-on-year percentage increases than their domestic peers .

  11. 为了给小企业、农村地区和未特别指出的“优先项目”提供更多的资金,商业银行贷款最高限额将被废除。

    Credit ceilings for commercial banks are to be abolished in the hope of channelling more capital to small enterprises , rural areas and unspecified " priority projects " .

  12. 小额信用消费贷款的最高限额暂定为10万元人民币。

    The maximum borrowing limit of a petty consumer credit is temporarily set at RMB100,000 .

  13. 将贷款限制和限额分配方法对外公开,以提高透明度和可预见性。

    Make public the lending restrictions and quota allocation methodology in order to improve transparency and predictability .

  14. 规定信用贷款的最高限额,并延伸至满足公司员工所有公务旅行相关的费用。

    Line of credit that is extended to a corporation for travel related purposes to meet employee expenses for business travel .

  15. 净空:指贷款的法定限额和支付未偿还贷款余额之差。

    Headroom [ World Bank ] : The difference Between the statutory lending limit and the value of loans that are disbursed and outstanding .

  16. 第二,取消贷款规模的限额控制,实行资产负债比例管理。

    Second , control over the scale of loans will be lifted , and management over the liability rate on assets will be exercised .

  17. 问题不仅在于数目超过了银行发放私人贷款的最高限额,而且既无担保,又无抵押。

    Not only is the amount in excess of the maximum sum the bank can loan any individual legally , but it is absolutely without endorsement or security .

  18. 对安居工程和开发商品房的贷款,取消贷款规模的限额控制。

    Control over the scale of loans to the construction of housing for low-income families and commodity housing will be lifted .

  19. 几位银行业高管表示,面对贷款激增,银监会已向各银行发出口头“指导”,施加贷款限额并告诫放贷最积极的银行暂停放贷。

    In response to the lending spike , the regulator has issued verbal " guidance " to all banks , imposing lending quotas and warning the most aggressive lenders to temporarily halt loans , according to several banking executives .