
  1. 在中国,绝大多数的贷款担保人有违约风险。

    In China , most of loan guarantors are of default risk .

  2. 办理助学贷款是需要担保人的。

    A bondsman is needed in executing a student loan .

  3. 贷款有一个担保人就够了吗?

    Would a personal guarantee be enough to get a loan ?

  4. 在发达国家政府是贷款担保的主要担保人,对贷款担保定价研究的重要假设是担保人没有违约风险。

    The government is the main loan guarantor in developed countries , and the important hypothesis by which the issue of guarantee pricing is studied is guarantors without default risk .

  5. 科利尔补充说,还有一个后续问题是信托贷款合同中“担保人和质押品构成的网络”。他发现只有32%的信托贷款曾说服借款人,将土地作为无法还款时的抵押品。

    Mr Collier added a follow-on problem was the " web of guarantees and collateral " in trust loan contracts , having found that only 32 per cent of trust loans had persuaded borrowers to pledge land as security in cases where they could not repay .