
  • 网络Loan Management
  1. 执行开发银行有关贷款管理的规章制度。

    The relevant bylaws of the Development Bank on loan management shall be carried out accordingly .

  2. 因此贷款管理在商业银行的日常经营管理中仍是主要目标。

    Therefore , loan management in the daily operation and management of commercial banks is still the main objective .

  3. 可以是房利美(FannieMae),房贷美(FreddieMac)或者联邦房屋贷款管理局(FederalHomeLoanAdministration,FHA)。

    It 's Fannie Mae , it 's Freddie Mac or the Federal Home Loan Administration , which is FHA .

  4. 基于SSB整合技术的房屋贷款管理系统

    Application of House Loan System Based on SSB Integrated Technology

  5. 文章介绍了J2EE连接器的技术原理,应用该技术提出了一个贷款管理系统,并阐述了该系统的构建、设计与实现。

    In this paper , the technology of J2EE Connector is introduced . On the basis of the technology a credit manager system is proposed , and the implementation of the system is described .

  6. 从我国银行贷款管理特点出发,针对贷款风险问题,探讨了ABC管理法在贷款管理中的应用,为银行贷款管理提供一种有效的技术方法。

    Starting with the credit management characteristics of our bank , this paper is aimed at the credit risk and expounds the application of ABC process to credit management of bank , thus providing an effective basis for its management .

  7. 加强贷款管理,提高信贷资产质量;

    Strengthen the credit management and improve the credit capital quality ;

  8. 加强粮食购销贷款管理的对策

    Countermeasures for strengthening the management of purchase-and-sales loans to grain firms

  9. 信用风险是商业银行贷款管理中面临的最主要的风险。

    Managing credit risk is particularly important in commercial banks .

  10. 山东农行不良贷款管理策略研究

    The Research on Poor Credit Management of Shandong Agricultural Bank

  11. 国家助学贷款管理信息系统的可持续发展研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of the Management Information System of National Educational Loan

  12. 山区综合开发试点贷款管理难点及对策

    Administrative difficulties and Countermeasures on multipurpose developing experimental loans of the mountain counties

  13. 完善了外商投资、借用国外贷款管理。

    Management of foreign investment and loans was improved .

  14. 林业和治沙贴息贷款管理面临的主要问题与对策

    Main issues and Counter-measures on the management of forestry and sand-control discount interest loans

  15. 对农村信用社不良贷款管理的新思考

    Reflections on the management of the bad loan in the rural credit co-operative society

  16. 河北省高校国家助学贷款管理信息系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management Information System on State Student Loans for Universities in Hebei

  17. 对高校贷款管理的思考

    Reflection On The Management of University Loan

  18. 贷款管理转变刍议

    Changes of credit management

  19. 军队生产经营借贷款管理对策研究

    Control of operational loans

  20. 同时,我国要加快利率市场化步伐,合理运用证券市场信用控制,完善股票质押贷款管理办法,运用窗口指导,将股票价格作为辅助监测指标。

    Stock mortgage loan ; the central bank 's window operation ; the stock market be an auxiliary monitoring index .

  21. 中央政府以加强对地方政府投资平台的贷款管理为目标是适宜的,但利率仍然很低。

    The central authorities are rightly aiming to control lending by local government investment platforms . However , interest rates remain low .

  22. 此部分对《证券公司股票质押贷款管理办法》关于风险防范措施进行了评价,然后指出应在股权质押设立前、设立时以及设立后适用不同的风险防范措施。

    The author holds that different measures should be made before , at the time and after the establishment of the shareholding pledge .

  23. 针对目前金融改革的不断深入、银行间的竞争日益激烈等现状,对银行的贷款管理水平提出了更高的要求。

    According to the deepening of current financial reform and the increasingly fierce competition among banks , bank credit management demands a higher level .

  24. 本系统包括四大功能模块:学生个人信息管理、学生贷款管理、还贷风险控制、系统管理。

    This system includes four function module : students ' personal information management , student loan management , loan risk control , management systems .

  25. 2004年8月人行和银监会颁布了《汽车贷款管理办法》。

    In August 2004 , " Auto Loan Management " was issued by the People 's Bank of China and the Banking Supervisory Committee .

  26. 认为乡镇企业贷款管理成本较高是银行不愿向其贷款的主要原因;

    This paper thinks that the main reason why the banks will not supply loans lie in the higher credit cost for the town-run enterprises .

  27. 贷款管理作为银行重要的资产管理内容,对于银行的收益水平、资产质量和客户结构都具有重要的意义。

    As one of important fields concerning assets management , credit management has a significant bearing on the profit , assets structure and customer structure of banks .

  28. 与政府部门保持良好关系,并在项目开发和贷款管理等方面得到有关部门和地方政府的大力支持;

    CDB has maintained good relationship with government bodies and enjoys vigorous support from relevant government agencies and local governments in terms of project exploration and loan management .

  29. 提高工作效率,逐步实现了贵州省国家助学贷款管理的科学化、信息化、标准化、规范化。

    Raise a work efficiency , gradually carried out an expensive state province nation student loan to manage of scientific , information-based , standardize , the norm turn .

  30. 实现贷款管理同时,对还款方式也灵活设计,主要实现了正常按合同还款、延期还款和提前一次还款。

    Implementation of loan management at the same time , it is also designed for repayment , mainly to achieve a normal contractual repayment , deferment and repayment in advance .