
  1. 在贷款利润率的神经网络预测系统中采用信息传输Tanh函数。

    A neural network test system for loan profit rates was established by using the information transfer Tanh function , which replaced the Sigmoid function in this paper .

  2. 贷款利润率的神经网络预测技术

    The Neural Network Test Technique on Loan Profit Rates

  3. 融资成本的降低将提高银行面向消费者、企业和投资者贷款的利润率,从而推动利润增长。

    Lower funding costs boost profits because they increase the margins earned by banks on their loans to consumers , companies and investors .

  4. 分析师仍然预计,在贷款增长和利润率提高的推动下,中国银行业全年将实现强劲增长。

    Analysts still expect strong growth for the full year , helped by loan growth and improved margins .

  5. 相比之下,抵押贷款及其它贷款的利润率有了明显提高。

    By contrast , margins on mortgages and other loans have improved dramatically .

  6. 假如监管部门不允许银行扩大贷款风险,那么贷款利润率以及放贷额就会受到抑制。

    Provided regulators do not allow banks to crank up their credit risks , profit margins on loans are restrained along with their volumes .