
dài kuǎn lì xī
  • Loan interest;interest on loans;cost of capital
  1. 它是税,贷款利息,地租还是借款?

    Is it taxes , interest on loans , land leasing or borrowing ?

  2. 银行介绍一种计算贷款利息的新方法。

    The bank has introduced a new method of calculating the interest on loans .

  3. 批评人士指出,证券公司提供这些用股票来抵押的资金是有其动机的,因为它们既能通过IPO的股票交易赚取佣金,又能收取贷款利息。

    Critics say brokers have an incentive to provide the funds , which are secured against the shares , as they earn commissions on share trading in the IPOs and receive interest on the loan .

  4. 娶了一位百万富翁为妻的政府部长肖恩伍德沃德(ShaunWoodward)被曝在过去4年内报销了10万英镑(合15.0829万美元)的抵押贷款利息。

    One minister , Shaun Woodward , who is married to a millionaire , was revealed to have claimed 100,000 ( $ 150,829 , 112,534 ) in mortgage interest over four years .

  5. 该账户中的资金将减少应付贷款利息。

    Any funds in the account reduce the loan interest paid .

  6. 银行储蓄、贷款利息计算机的硬件设计

    A Hardware Design for Bank Deposit and Loan Interest Compute Machine

  7. 他申索100000的基本免税额及100000的居所贷款利息扣除。

    He claims basic allowance of100000 and home loan interest deduction of100000 .

  8. 我们允许贷款利息扣减,而不管房价已经多么高。

    We allow mortgage interest deduction regardless of how expensive the house is .

  9. 目前,贷款利息为各大银行贡献大约五分之四的利润。

    Loan interest accounts for about four-fifths of income at the big banks .

  10. 最大的改变是提高贷款利息。

    The biggest change is to increase loan interest .

  11. 所以贷款利息不是可变资本。

    So loan interest is not alterable capital .

  12. 子女是否符合资格申索扣除所缴付的居所贷款利息?

    Are the children eligible to claim deduction of the home loan interest paid ?

  13. 美国贷款利息将小幅上涨。

    It 's getting a little more expensive for the US to borrow money .

  14. 银行贷款利息为百分之十二。

    The bank charges interest at12 percent .

  15. 他预计抵押贷款利息会进一步降低。

    He expects yields to continue tightening .

  16. 在以个人入息课税方式评税下有关居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?

    What would be the tax treatment for the home loan interest deduction under personal assessment ?

  17. 就该对夫妇的居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?

    What is the tax treatment for the couple in relation to home loan interest deduction ?

  18. 也就是说,我将按他存款利息的两倍来收取他的贷款利息。

    That is , I would charge him twice as much interest as he made by saving .

  19. 计息积数[货币总库]:这是用来计算货币总库中贷款利息的一个中间变量。

    Charge number [ currency pool ] : An intermediate variable used to calculate currency pool interest .

  20. 欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息

    Interest on syndicated Eurocurrency credits

  21. 所有者权益账户的变更,例如贷款利息,收益分摊和提款账户。

    Changes in Capital account , such as interest on loan , share of profit and Drawing , etc.

  22. 美国人可以在其应税收入中扣减最高100万美元的抵押贷款利息。

    Americans are allowed to deduct interest payments on mortgages up to $ 1m from their taxable income .

  23. 在美国,它有时也可能宣布股本贷款利息的扣税。

    In the United States , it is also sometimes possible to declare the equity loan interest as tax deductible .

  24. 转贷业务,以贷款利息减去借款利息后的余额为营业额。

    For re-lending businesses , the turnover shall be the balance of interest on lending less the interest on borrowing .

  25. 在一般情况下,该纳税人可获得扣除他所缴付的居所贷款利息。

    In normal circumstances , the taxpayer is entitled to the deduction of the home loan interest paid by him .

  26. 它许诺来充分煮沸的税制改革提出消除或降低贷款利息扣除额。

    It promises to come to full boil with the proposed tax reform eliminating or reducing the mortgage interest deduction .

  27. 此类合同通常包括以下条款:公司承诺,如未能在特定日期前上市,将提高贷款利息。

    The contracts often included a promised interest rate hike if the company did not list by a specified date .

  28. 由于现金周转不灵,这家公司请求银行缓缴贷款利息两个月。

    Due to a cash-flow problem , the company is asking the bank for a two-month reprieve on interest payments .

  29. 银行将不再对低成本学生减税,只有如此,那些收入较高的毕业生才会缴更多的贷款利息。

    Banks will lose tax cuts to pay for lower student costs , while higher-earning graduates will pay more interest on loans .

  30. 这一点并不让人意外,因为健康保险税收优惠或抵押贷款利息补贴等措施颇受欢迎。

    This is unsurprising given the popularity of , say , the health insurance tax credit , or the mortgage interest subsidy .