
  1. 根据银行贷款损失率和失业率的正相关性,很容易判断这个数据并不合理。

    That simply made no sense given the positive correlation of bank loan losses with unemployment .

  2. 没错,拉美贷款损失率比北美高,但美联储甚至没有费心针对世界的这个部分设计模型。

    Sure , Latin American loss rates are higher , but the Fed did not even bother to model that part of the world .

  3. 通过对担保倍数、责任比例、贷款损失率等重要指标进行定量分析,找出它们之间的关系,确定合适的担保控制指标。

    Through analyzing the important indexes of the guarantee multiples , the duty ratios , the loan loss rate and so on , the paper finds out the relationship among them and decides the suitable control indexes .

  4. 银行不良贷款违约损失率结构特征研究

    Study on Structural Characteristics of Lgd on Bank Nonperforming Loans

  5. 抵押风险分析和抵押贷款违约损失率研究

    Collateral Risk and LGD of Collateral Loans

  6. 这一结论也与近几年银行信用卡贷款的损失率数据一致。

    This conclusion is also consistent with the loss rate data of credit card loan in recent years .

  7. 我国银行贷款违约损失率影响因素的实证分析湖南农业面源污染中氮、磷损失的影响因素研究

    Empirical Research on Impact Factors of LGD of China s Commercial Banks Loan ; Studies on Influence Factors of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Hunan Province

  8. 例如,2008-2012年期间,尽管全国失业率从10%上升到了25%,西班牙各银行公布的贷款平均净损失率却只有3%。

    For example , Spanish banks maintained that their net loan losses averaged just 3 % from 2008 to 2012 , even as unemployment in the nation during that time rose from 10 % to 25 % .

  9. 本文通过实证比较分析发现,现代信用风险度量模型对银行贷款的违约率、贷款损失和损失率的预测结果的差异性较大;

    By means of empirical comparison , the paper finds that the forecast outcome of possibility of default and ratio of loss of banking loan with current credit risk measurement models is very distinct .

  10. 在假设的压力情境下,这些贷款必定会损失殆尽,尽管在现实中,与北美相比,亚洲、欧洲、中东和非洲的零售贷款损失率更低或者持平。

    The stress scenario must have absolutely murdered these , although in reality retail credit losses in Asia , and in Europe , the Middle East and Africa , are lower or in line with North America .