
  • 网络Loan method;arms-length lending
  1. FHLB的现金注入规模远远超过了美联储通过直接贷款方式为各家银行提供的数十亿美元资金。

    The scale of the cash infusion by the FHLBs vastly exceeds the few billion dollars of cash lent to banks by the Federal Reserve through its direct lending facility .

  2. 最后本文利用所建立的贷款方式选择模型对样本银行进行实证研究,得出了有效实用的结论。

    The study finds that model is effective and applicable .

  3. 我们可以通过贷款方式得到必要的技术和设备。

    We can get necessary technology and equipment on credit .

  4. 这种贷款方式称为抵押借款。

    This kind of bank loan is called a mortgage .

  5. 银行转变贷款方式的收益研究

    Study of the Yields when Banks Change from Credit Loan to Mortgage Loan

  6. 我国住房抵押贷款方式的设计思路

    Thought of Mortgage Instruments Design in China

  7. 至于贷款方式的借款。

    In the case of loans .

  8. 应收账款质押就是利用此向银行等机构寻求质押担保贷款方式。

    Accounts receivable pledge makes use of its content to ask for pledge security loans from banks .

  9. 要想解决这一大难题,与传统贷款方式相比,团体贷款方式不失为一种好的办法。

    To solve this major problem , compared with conventional loans , group loans is definitely a good way .

  10. 首先,过去几周,美联储完全改变了其贷款方式。

    First , the Fed has completely changed the way it goes about lending in the past few weeks .

  11. 对现实的经营绩效的考察显示,通过关系型贷款方式,社区银行成功实现了对风险的控制。

    The actual operation performance demonstrated that , through way of relationship lending , the community banks successfully controlled the risks .

  12. 但是无论是拿艺术品还是葡萄酒做抵押,这种贷款方式都是有附加条件的。

    But whether it 's based in art or wine , this kind of financing comes with its set of strings attached .

  13. 开展“竞争力大赛”,激励、发现并传播创新型贷款方式和合作方式,从基层开始树立实施意识。

    A " competitiveness competition " to incentivize , discover and disseminate innovative lending and engagement approaches , building implementation from the bottom up .

  14. 大部分可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。

    And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they 're on their feet .

  15. 接着,在对期权思想和资本资产定价理论介绍的基础上,建立了贷款方式选择模型。

    Secondly , based on the introduction to the option theory and capital asset pricing model , we establish a model of the loan collateral choice .

  16. 现今,无论是发展中国家,还是发达国家都竞相引入这一贷款方式,以解决国内低收入群体的信贷难题。

    Recently almost all of the countries in the world are rushing to introduce the loan model in order to solve the credit problems of domestic low-income groups .

  17. 在国内目前尚不允许地方政府发行市政债券的情况下,通过集合委托贷款方式募集项目建设资金的积极影响将是相当深远的。

    Since local government is not allowed to issue the municipal bond at present , the positive impact of raising the construction fund of the project by public entrusted loan will be quite far-reaching .

  18. 贷款方式和信贷风险总体再评价方法的改变给世界经济新增了诸多不确定因素和风险,对外国直接投资产生了负面影响。

    A change in lending behavior and a general reassessment of credit risk has added new uncertainties and risks to the world economy , resulting in a negative impact on foreign direct investment ( FDI ) .

  19. 小额信贷扶贫到户不同于传统的小额信贷方式,该种贷款方式完全由村民自己运作,贷款对象面向贫困农户,运作成本低,还贷率达100%。

    The microfinance faced poverty farmers is different from the traditional microfinance . This means is operated by farmers , object of loan is poverty farmers , operation cost is very low , and return rate is a hundred percent .

  20. 看你采取哪种贷款方式了,商业贷款、公积金贷款、组合贷款,这些只要带好银行需要的手续就可以在银行办理了。

    See you take kind of which kinds of loan , commercial loan , accumulation fund loan , combination borrows money , the formalities that these want to take good bank to need only can be in a bank deal with .

  21. 目前我国的住房融资工具实际上是利率浮动的贷款方式,这在通货膨胀时期会因利率上升而抑制中低收入居民的住房消费。

    In fact , the house financing tool is rate floating credit in our country at present . In this case , the rate rising in the period of inflation will choke back the housing consumpation of inhabitants with low or moderate income .

  22. 项目融资是70年代以后国际金融市场推出的一种新型的贷款方式,经过近三十年的创新和发展,项目融资已成为国际上大型工程项目建设、开发、筹集资金的重要手段。

    Project financing is one of the new styles of loans on the international financial market since the 1970s , after nearly 30 years ' innovation and development , Project financing has become an important measure for international project construction , and raising funds .

  23. 在对贷款方式研究的基础上,通过对等额本息法和等额本金法两种基本还款方式的对比分析,阐明了个人住房抵押贷款还款的选择方式。

    Based on the research on the loan modes , this paper makes comparative analysis on the two basic repayment modes , the equality corpus and interest and the equality corpus , this paper expounds the selection of the repayment mode of the personal housing mortgaging loan .

  24. 中国加入WTO后商业银行将面临较大的信用风险,可从商业银行内部评级系统的构建,不同的贷款定价方式,资产分散化等几个方面来加以防范和解决。

    Against the potential credit risks of the commercial banks after China'accession to WTO , we should take precautions against and dispose of these risks by strengthening the construction of internal evaluation system , differentiating the loaning prices and dispersing the assets .

  25. 同时展现了基于KMV模型定价策略的优势,坦言劣势,给出该模型在我国的应用中的建议,力图寻求一个完善、实用、高效的商业银行贷款定价方式。

    KMV model also demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of pricing strategies . Then I put forward the suggestion about KMV model in application to find a perfect , practical and efficient loan pricing .

  26. 计及贷款偿还方式的船舶经济指标表达式

    The Formula of Ship Economic Criteria with the Credit Payback Mode

  27. 职业院校通过学生贷款的方式从纳税人那里获得数十亿美元。

    Career colleges receive billions of dollars from taxpayers through student loans .

  28. 第二章发达国家农村信用社贷款定价方式。

    Secondly , it harms the Rural Credit Cooperative development .

  29. 一般认为,按揭是一种贷款担保方式。

    It is generally thought that mortgage is a way of loan guarantees .

  30. 这种直接向美联储贷款的方式,通常是为商业银行而设计的。

    Such direct borrowing from the Fed has typically been reserved for commercial banks .