
  • 网络data interpretation
  1. FORWARD测井解释平台为用户提供了较全面的常规测井资料解释方法和特殊项目处理模块。

    FORWARD logging interpretation platform provides users with more complete conventional log data interpretation methods and special data processing modules .

  2. 研究垂直方向的速度对NMR测井响应特征的影响,能够为仪器设计和资料解释应用提供重要依据。

    Researches on the effect of vertical logging speed on NMR logging responses can provide a sound basis for tool design and data interpretation .

  3. 他用醒目的视觉资料解释他的观点。

    He used striking visuals to get his point across .

  4. 强干扰背景条件下TEM探测铁矿资料解释方法研究

    Data explanation of TEM to explore iron deposit in strong jamming background

  5. 利用C++语言基于Windows操作环境开发了适用于煤田地震资料解释的煤层厚度辅助解释系统。

    The seismic coal thickness assistant interpretation system , which is suit for coal seismic data interpretation , is worked out by using C + + language on the base of Windows .

  6. 利用该方法还可以反演出VSP测井接收范围之外的上、下地层的层速度(这些层速度不能通过VSP资料解释得到)。

    The method can also be used to determine the velocities of overlying and underlying layers beyond the range of VSP log .

  7. 此系统可准确标定多波地震剖面与地质层位置对应关系,弥补了传统同类软件仅针对P波标定的不足,为进一步的多波地震资料解释奠定了基础。

    The system can accurately mark the corresponding relations between multi-wave seismic profile and geological layer location , at the same time make up the disadvantage of similar type of traditional software which only apply to P wave , and establish a foundation for further multi-wave seismic data interpretation .

  8. 从测量原理、特点和资料解释方法等方面对AMK-2000M固井质量检测仪器进行探讨和分析。

    Studied and analyzed are measuring principle and log data interpretation method of AMK-2000M detector .

  9. 饱和流体多孔介质中声传播的Biot理论在地震勘探、声波测井资料解释中具有极大的应用价值。

    Biot theory on acoustic wave propagation in fluid-saturated porous media is of great importance to data interpretation in seismic exploration and acoustic logging . The article gives a review of the Biot theory , J. G.

  10. 该方法及软件为多波地震资料解释奠定了基础,同时在技术上解决了在QT开发环境中C++语言与Fortran语言的混合编程问题。

    The method and software mentioned in this paper establish a foundation for the multiwave seismic data interpretation , and at the same time they have technically solved the problem of the hybrid programming with C + + and Fortran languages under the QT environment .

  11. 为此,本文利用声波测井、密度测井和中子测井的读数建立了三种孔隙率测井资料解释的联立方程,并用克莱姆法则(Cramer定律)给出最终求解的公式。

    For this reason , the simultaneous equations for jointly interpreting the three kinds of porosity logging data are developed by using acoustic logging , density logging and neutron logging data , and they are solved to obtain some formulae of final solution by using Cramer law .

  12. 文章根据地震资料解释系统的实际情况,给出了适合不同规模的地震资料处理中几种计算机系统的配置模式,结合目前常规解释应用软件的发展,提出地震解释系统逐步向基于IA构架的LIUNX转化趋势。

    This paper presents several configuration models of the different scale seismic data computer interpretation system . Combining with the development of the present interpretation application software , it puts forward that the seismic interpretation systems are gradually trending to the LINUX based on IA frame .

  13. 用测井资料解释碳酸盐岩油、气层

    Interpretation of well log data of carbonate oil and gas reservoirs

  14. 某水平井产量异常综合资料解释分析

    The Comprehensive Analysis of Abnormal Oil Rate in One Horizontal Well

  15. 欧拉反褶积法是磁测资料解释的重要方法。

    So Euler deconvolution method is important for magnetic data interpretation .

  16. 中国近海四分量地震资料解释及应用

    Explanation and application of 4-component seismic data for China offshore areas

  17. 常规测井资料解释含油饱和度的厚度参数校正

    Thickness Parameter Correction on Interpreting Oil Saturation with Conventional Well Logging Data

  18. 一体化解释技术在泌阳凹陷栗园地区三维地震资料解释中的应用

    Application of 3-D Integrated Interpretation Technique in Liyuan Area in Biyang Depression

  19. 地震资料解释中断层自动提取与组合技术研究

    Research on automatic extraction and combination for faults in seismic data interpretation

  20. 影响气层中途测试资料解释准确性的因素分析

    Analysis of influence factor on accuracy of drill stem testing data interpretation

  21. 虚拟现实地震资料解释平台的应用研究

    Application Research of Seismic Interpretation Platform Based on Virtual Reality

  22. 二流量试井工艺及资料解释分析方法

    Double Flow Rate Well Testing Techniques and Way of the Data Interpretation

  23. 网络技术在地震资料解释系统中的应用

    The application of network technology in the seismic interpretation system

  24. 地层测试压力恢复资料解释新方法

    A new method for interpreting pressure buildup data from DST

  25. 山区纵、横波联合勘探的资料解释

    Data interpretation of joint compressional and shear wave survey in mountainous region

  26. 高精度三维地震(Ⅲ):资料解释与配套技术

    High precision 3-D seismic : Part ⅲ Data interpretation and companion techniques

  27. 大斜度井测井资料解释处理方法

    Interpretation Processing Methods of High Angle Well Log Data and Software Development

  28. 地震资料解释中的误区与科学思维

    Long-Standing Mistaken Concepts and Scientific Thoughts in Seismic Data Interpretation

  29. 欠平衡状态下测井及资料解释

    Applications of Log Interpretation in Under-pressure Balance Drilling and Logging

  30. 相干体技术算法研究及其在地震资料解释中的应用

    Development and application of algorithm of coherency cub technique to seismic interpretation