
  • 网络Financial strength;Capital;deep pockets
  1. 中国加入WTO后,中国企业的生存和发展将面临着巨大的威胁和挑战。不仅面临着大量外国企业在技术质量、资金实力等方面的竞争,而且面临外国企业先进管理优势的压力。

    With the entrance to the WTO , Chinese enterprises are facing huge threats and challenges to their existence and development , which include not only the competition from the technological quality and capital strength of foreign companies but also the pressure from the managerial advantage of foreign companies .

  2. 在中国这个资金实力雄厚、技术团队强大、理论研究深厚的背景下,B2B业发展势头强劲,日益成熟,但同时也存在着平台布局不够合理,资信机制不完善,行业门槛高等劣势。

    In the background of Chinese capital strength , strong technical team , deep theoretical research , B2B industry development is strong and increasingly matures , but there are some disadvantage , for example unreasonable platform layout , imperfect credit mechanism , higher industry threshold .

  3. 首尔方面希望说服G20国家支持增加IMF的资金实力。

    Seoul hopes to convince the G20 countries to back the increased IMF funding .

  4. 加入WTO后,国内寿险公司面临着资金实力雄厚、技术专业化的国际保险集团的挑战。

    After entering WTO , life insurance company of China is being faced with challenges of many international insurance companies with large funds and specialized technique .

  5. 加入WTO以后,外资银行将以雄厚的资金实力,低廉的资金成本和优质的服务与我国商业银行展开激烈竞争。

    After China joins WTO , foreign capital bank is going to compete with commercial bank of China by abundant capital , low cost and service in high quality .

  6. 就F公司而言,其管理和生产经验基础雄厚,资金实力明显,完全有实现自主研发的能力。

    To F company , its management and production experience have strong foundation , financial strength is obvious too , it has entirely independent research and development ability .

  7. 我国已经加入WTO,国外医药巨头都已经进入中国,他们巨大的技术和资金实力正在改变我国医药领域的原有格局。

    Our country already joined WTO , the overseas medicine giants all already entered China , their huge technology and the fund strength were changing our country medicine domain the original pattern .

  8. TTI公司获得风险投资的过程,说明业界的信誉、资金实力、运作程序、管理团队都至关重要。

    TTI Company obtain course of risk investment , prove prestige , fund strength , operation procedure , group essential management of industry .

  9. 但不太受欢迎的一面是,该公司将从首次公开发行(ipo)中获得资金实力,从而能够通过收购进行垂直整合,成为其所在交易市场的更大的生产商。

    Less welcome , however , is the financial heft that will result from its initial public offering , which will allow the company to vertically integrate through acquisitions , becoming a bigger producer in markets in which it trades .

  10. 电信企业拥有丰富的运营经验和充足的资金实力,在原有业务领域的发展进入一定瓶颈期后已经将IPTV视作未来发展的一个重要战略产品。

    Telecommunications enterprises with rich experience in the operation and adequate financial strength , the original business in the field of development into a certain period after the bottleneck has been the future development of IPTV as an important strategic variety .

  11. 而在内部条件上,HJ公司具备质量管理、土地储备量较大和一定的品牌优势,也存在资金实力有限、专业人才不足等劣势。

    In the internal conditions , HJ Company has quality management , land reserves and a larger brand advantages , there are limited on financial strength , expertise inadequate inferior .

  12. IHS驻上海的光伏产业分析师谢锋(FrankXie)表示,那些资金实力雄厚、或有国际业务的企业有能力挺过补贴发放延迟期,而部分较弱的公司却难以完成自己的项目——尤其是考虑到整体经济放缓的背景。

    Frank Xie , a solar analyst for IHS in Shanghai , says those with strong financial backing or international businesses can ride out the subsidy delay but some weaker companies will struggle to complete their projects , particularly given the wider slowdown .

  13. 本公司拥有雄厚的资金实力及良好的商业信用。

    The company has strong financial strength and good business credit .

  14. 生产设备先进,资金实力雄厚。

    It also possesses advanced production facility , strong financial resources .

  15. 这给你一个更大的资金实力玩。

    This gives you a much bigger bankroll to play with .

  16. 你能否容忍这一漫长的过程,你的资金实力能否容忍?

    Can you tolerate the lengthy process , your financial strength can tolerate ?

  17. 增强资金实力,完善治理结构;

    strengthening financial capacity and improving governance structure ;

  18. 但太平洋彼岸同行们的资金实力立刻令它们相形见绌。

    The size of their coffers is being swiftly eclipsed by those across the Pacific .

  19. 同时讲述了民族地区国有商业银行在资金实力、民众认知程度、本土化优势、客户基础、本外币连动、市场份额以及发展潜力等几方面存在的优势。

    The advantages are from local and foreign currency interaction , market share and growth potentials .

  20. 有着雄厚的资金实力和舱位保障,我司定能为国际、国内客户提供最为优质的服务。

    With guaranteed cargo space , our company could definitely provide better service to international clients .

  21. 这一切都意味着,企业也拥有更强大的资金实力,去寻求它们自己的收购机会。

    All this means that companies also have greater financial firepower to pursue their own acquisitions .

  22. 奢侈品行业有着令人眼红的机会、以及利用这些机会的资金实力。

    The luxury goods industry has enviable opportunities , and the financial clout to capitalise on them .

  23. 他们的资金实力非常雄厚。

    They were extremely well-funded .

  24. 跨国商业银行与国内银行相比在治理结构、管理经验、资金实力和智力资本方面都有着很大的优势。

    Multinational banks have advantages of better governance structures , financial strengths and management experiences over the domestic banks .

  25. 当末日降临时,只有政府才有足够的资金实力处理这个成绩。

    When the end came , only the government had the balance sheet big enough to handle the problem .

  26. 有理由相信分包商没有足够的能力、资源或资金实力;

    There are reasons to believe that the subcontractor does not have sufficient competence , resources or financial strength ;

  27. 盛产石油的沙特阿拉伯积聚了强大的资金实力,但其掌权的王子们年事渐高,且专注于继承权的争夺之中。

    Oil-rich Saudi Arabia packs financial clout , but its ruling princes are ageing and absorbed by a struggle for succession .

  28. 公司拥有雄厚的资金实力、技术力量、先进的管理水平、高效优质的售后服务系统。

    The company has solid financial strength , technical strength , advanced management , high quality and efficient after-sales service system .

  29. 产业竞争力和资金实力是影响城市综合竞争力的主要因子。

    Industrial competitiveness and financial capacity of the government are the key factors that influence the general competitiveness of the cities ;

  30. 国际汽车企业纷纷进入中国市场,其雄厚的资金实力、强大的技术创新能力和高效率的管理水平对中国的汽车企业构成巨大的竞争压力。

    International auto giants make compressive stress to Chinese enterprises because of abundant capital , mighty technology and efficient management level .