
  • 网络Liquidity;Funding Liquidity;Financial liquidity
  1. 首先,他们房屋的价值会下跌而更加难以出售,从而削弱他们的安全感和资金流动性。

    First , their houses would be worth less and be harder to sell , thus cutting into their sense of security and liquidity .

  2. BP表示,正采取谨慎措施管理其资产负债表和资金流动性(包括提供流动性缓冲),以确保该公司具备履行所有未来财务责任的灵活性。

    The UK oil group said it was taking a prudent approach to managing its balance sheet and its financial liquidity , including providing a liquidity buffer , to ensure that BP has the flexibility to meet all its future financial obligations .

  3. 根据净现值是大于零的,获利指数高达约8.8,可以得出易方MID项目是盈利的,资金流动性好,资金周转速度快。

    The NPV is greater than zero . The profitability index is about 8.8 . From the view of the data can be drawn that MID project is profitable because its capital mobility is good . Cash-flow speed is fast .

  4. 我国资金流动性波动规律的信息披露问题研究

    Study on the Problems of Fluctuation Information Disclosure in Capital Liquidity

  5. 储蓄与投资相关性及资金流动性分析

    Analysis on Correlativity between Savings and Investment and Capital Liquidity

  6. 我国资金流动性过剩与房地产价格关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Excess Liquidity with Real Estate Price in China

  7. 商业银行信贷资金流动性过剩问题及对策研究

    Research on Problem and Policy to Excess Liquidity of Credit Funds in Commercial Bank

  8. 本港金融市场的特色是资金流动性高。

    Hong Kong 's financial markets are characterised by a high degree of liquidity .

  9. 第二个原因便是,资本制度和资金流动性的限制暴露弊端。

    The second reason is that regulations on capital and liquidity are starting to bite .

  10. 微观产能利用对我国宏观资金流动性影响的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the Impact of Micro Capacity Utilization on Capital Liquidity in Macro Field

  11. 欧洲风能协会认为经济危机在2010年有一个深度的影响由于在贷款市场中资金流动性差。

    EWEA expects the financial crisis to have a deeper impact in2010 due to poor liquidity in the loan markets .

  12. 相对于寿险公司,财产保险公司的保险标的更广,资金流动性更高,面临的风险也更大。

    Relative to life insurance companies , property insurance companies a broader subject matter insured , liquidity , facing greater risk .

  13. 随着信息技术的进步,金融市场的全球化确保了前所未有的资金流动性。

    The globalisation of financial markets , when joined with the progress of information technology , ensures an unprecedented mobility of capital .

  14. 个人账户养老金属于缴费确定型养老金,风险变量主要包括资金流动性要求、个人余寿以及投资收益率,也就是平时所说的流动性风险、个人长寿风险和投资风险。

    Personal account pension is the defined contribution plan . The main risk variables include capital fluidity 、 personal remaining life 、 return on investment .

  15. 调控者应当采取措施确保金融机构能够更好应对资金流动性风险,包括创造出强劲的流动资金作为支撑。

    Regulators should develop and implement procedures to ensure that financial firms implement policies to better manage liquidity risk , including by creating strong liquidity cushions .

  16. 此外,她还表示,余额宝能够满足学生们投资少、资金流动性高的需求。

    Moreover , Yu ' ebao caters to students ' needs . Their investment is small and they require a high degree of liquidity , she said .

  17. 该计划将补充政府的新权力,购买不良资产从银行和挣扎的步骤美联储已经采取提高资金流动性。

    That program would supplement the government 's new authority to purchase bad assets from struggling banks and steps the Federal Reserve has taken to boost liquidity .

  18. 各主要国家的中央银行作出提高资金流动性的努力,纽约华尔街因之获利之后,亚洲股票市场星期四也反弹至两周来的最高点。

    Asia 's stock markets on Thursday rallied to two-week highs , following similar gains on Wall Street from efforts by leading central banks to boost liquidity .

  19. 现代商业银行经常要面临的重要任务之一就是保证充足的资金流动性,以实现安全性、流动性和营利性的有机统一。

    In order to accomplish the consistency of safety , liquidity and profitability , modern commercial banks often have the mission of keeping the adequate liquidity of capital .

  20. 我们当然可以使货币投机者碰个焦头烂额,但需要现金在其他地方补仓的投资者,已经转向本港这个资金流动性十分高的市场,寻找资金。

    We can burn the currency speculator , but the investor in need of cash to cover positions elsewhere has turned to our highly-liquid market to find it .

  21. 为了抑制通货膨胀,收紧市场资金流动性,央行于本周四增加利率,这是央行近三年来首次加息。

    BEIJING-The central bank on Tuesday raised interest rates for the first time in nearly three years in an attempt to combat inflation and soak up excessive market liquidity .

  22. 但这份报告称,中国外汇储量的积累使这个国家资金流动性增大,而且增加了“繁荣-衰退周期”的几率,这个周期可能会有损全球经济。

    But the report said China 's buildup of reserves is flooding the country with liquidity and raising risks of a " boom bust " cycle that may harm the global economy .

  23. 在这三项原则中,流动性居于关键的地位,资金流动性管理己成为现代商业银行经营管理水平的重要标志。

    Among the three characteristics , liquidity is the lifeline of commercial bank . The liquidity management of money has already become the important sign of the level of the commercial bank operation management .

  24. 但负债并非越多越好,上市公司应该依据自身的经营规模、盈利状况以及资金流动性等因素,权衡制定适合自身发展的最优债务融资结构。

    However , the debt can also bring the bankrupt risks , so each company should make its best debt polices according to its scale , profit-making capability , liquidity of capital and so on .

  25. 影响竞争力最大的因素在于资金流动性与市场规模扩充能力,尤其是外资保险业的流动性出现快速变弱的现象,恐将是一重大问题。

    The biggest impact on the competitiveness factor is funds liquidity and the market scale capacity , especially the funds liquidity of foreign capital insurance is rapidly weakening , that would be a major problem .

  26. 转轨时期,商业银行信贷资金流动性操作所滋生出的信贷资金流动性负外部效应及流动性悖论等现实问题,阻碍着货币供应的调控效应。

    During the transformation , some realistic problems such as liquidity negative external effect and liquidity paradox resulted from the operation of credit loan fund liquidity in commercial banks have hindered adjusting effect of money supply .

  27. 东南亚国家企业负债率“高高在上”,泡沫经济导致投出的资金流动性极其差,造成企业偿债能力低下,银行不良资产过多,终铸成金融危机。

    The gearing ratio of Southeast asia 's company is " high and high at up ", the bubble economy cause the mobility of funds very bad , resulting in the lower solvency , the bad property of bank is excessive , leading to the financial crisis eventually .

  28. 本文运用截面时间序列模型,对我国1992年&2003年各省数据进行计算分析,发现我国整体上资金流动性不强,随着时间的推移流动性有加强的趋势。

    In application of sectional time series model in this paper , the author has computed and analyzed the data of Chinese provinces from 1992 to 2003 , finding that the capital liquidity in China is low and that the liquidity tends to be high with the passing time .

  29. 随着银行试图改善资产负债状况,并筹资偿还政府的纾困资金,流动性可能也仍存在问题。

    Liquidity also remains questionable as banks seek stronger balance sheets and raise capital to pay back government support .

  30. 我国农村政策性金融扶贫资金的流动性,反映在资金的导入,管理使用和退出三个环节上。

    The rural aiding poor fund fluidity in policy finance is reflected by the three links : financing , managing and withdrawing .