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zàn tàn
  • gasp in admiration;highly praise
赞叹 [zàn tàn]
  • [highly praise; gasp in admiration] 称赞;叹赏

  • 赞叹不已

赞叹[zàn tàn]
  1. 昔日的嘲笑变成了赞叹。

    Former laugh at into a gasp in admiration .

  2. 无论是出入写字楼的白领,行色匆匆的贸易商,抑或慕名而来的游客,只要来过这里,定将为她而赞叹、流连忘返。

    No matter the white-collar , busy traders , or tourists who come here because of its reputation , only if they came here , they would highly praise it and reluctant to leave .

  3. 人群低声赞叹着。

    The crowd murmured in appreciation .

  4. 成千上万的动物在辽阔的平原上活动构成了令人赞叹的奇观。

    The wide plain , with thousands of animals on the move , was an awesome spectacle .

  5. 这座宏伟的教堂一定会让你止步赞叹。

    This magnificent church cannot fail to stop you in your tracks

  6. 我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。

    I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts .

  7. 我忍不住发出一声赞叹。

    I couldn 't repress a sigh of admiration .

  8. 那部电影的特技效果尤其令人赞叹。

    The film 's special effects are particularly impressive .

  9. 这座英式亭阁是令人赞叹的钢和玻璃建筑,大小和威斯敏斯特教堂相当。

    The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey .

  10. 体操运动员的高超技艺令人赞叹。

    People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the gymnasts .

  11. 她的演奏动人心弦,全场观众赞叹不己。

    Deeply moved by her performance , the whole audience gasped with admiration .

  12. 弟兄俩站在死鼠跟前,用又是吃惊又是赞叹的口气谈论着。

    The two brothers stood over the dead rat and spoke in tones of awed admiration .

  13. 它还有一段令人赞叹的历史。在公元前约2800年的巴比伦,人们已经开始制造和使用已知最早的肥皂。

    It also has an amazing history . In Babylon around 2,800 B.C. , the earliest known soap was made and used

  14. 咂咂嘴,表示赞叹或惋惜。

    Smacks the lips , indicated that acclaims or regretted .

  15. 来美国观光的人无不赞叹这块土地幅员广阔、多姿多彩

    The American scene awes the viewer with both its variety and size .

  16. 如果说AberdeenStreetSocial的猪肉令人赞叹,那么HoLeeFook的猪肉简直能够改变人生。

    If the pork at Aberdeen Street Social was sublime , the pork at Ho Lee Fook was nearly life-changing .

  17. Chen穿过装有大理石台面的狭窄厨房,看了看窗外的景观,赞叹道,“真棒!”

    Mr. Chen walked through its narrow kitchen with marble countertops and checked out the view . ' Fantastic ! ' he declared .

  18. 除了可以生成令人赞叹的Java代码之外,EMF还可以生成Eclipse插件,以及图形化的可定制编辑器。

    In addition to generating Java code with all sorts of bells and whistles , EMF can also generate Eclipse plug-ins and graphical , customizable editors .

  19. 沃兹尼亚克理应得到历史的赞誉,因为是他设计出了AppleII上令人赞叹的电路板和相关的操作软件,这是20世纪最伟大的个人发明之一。

    Wozniak deserves the historic credit for the design of its awe-inspiring circuit board and related operating software , which was one of the era 's great feats of solo invention .

  20. 航空工程师、Scaled联合公司总裁伯特·鲁坦说,飞机和飞行员的表现都极为出色,令人赞叹。

    Burt Rutan , aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites , said the plane , and the pilot , performed admirably .

  21. 在他的博客DoYouTravel上,杰克最近分享了那些令人赞叹的照片背后的秘密,并且把拍摄照片的秘诀归结于对时间的掌握。

    Taking to his blog , Do You Travel , Jack recently shared the secrets behind his awe-inspiring photos and said that they key to taking the perfect pic is all about timing .

  22. 使得各项业务的KPI指标均达到或超过客户要求,频频赢得客户的信任和赞叹。

    All the projects had achieved or excelled the customers'KPI targets , and won their trust and praise .

  23. iPad和iPhone打出的令人赞叹的组合拳(iPhone本身明年也将成为一项价值600亿美元的业务),就是对这一商业模式的奖励。

    The impressive one-two punch of the iPad and iPhone ( which should itself become a $ 60bn business next year ) has been the reward .

  24. 京都工艺纤维大学(KyotoInstituteofTechnology)教授、战后现代主义作品的倡导者松隈洋(HiroshiMatsukuma)认为,东京建筑值得赞叹的一点就是,它们体现了历史的层次。

    Hiroshi Matsukuma , a professor at the Kyoto Institute of Technology and a champion of postwar modernism , sees the virtues of Tokyo architecture in its layers of history .

  25. 影星JonHamm表示,将这部影片设为开幕影片是非常令人赞叹的。

    Star Jon Hamm told us that the setting here at Sundance for his film 's premier is really

  26. 这些材料设备由它们的生产商陶氏化学(DOWchemical)捐赠,它还包括一个给房子供电的全集成光电系统,房子的温度显然是属于比较凉爽的(接近于令人赞叹的程度。)

    These devices , donated by their manufacturer Dow Chemical , which include a fully integrated photovoltaic system to power the house , would certainly fall into the cool ( bordering on awesome ) category .

  27. 苹果Siri服务打开了我们的想象力;但谷歌拥有令人赞叹的语音识别技术、算法和卓越的平台实力,来完成这些事情。

    Siri has opened our imagination ; but Google has amazing voice recognition , algorithmic and platform strength to accomplish these things .

  28. 在那些少数几个令人赞叹的Sprint中,团队真正地进行着自组织并尽其所能地工作着,这些都成了越来越遥远的回忆。

    Those amazing few Sprints , when the Team was truly self-organizing , and performing at the level they were really capable of , were becoming more and more of a distant memory .

  29. 三星在过去十年取得的成就是令人赞叹的,在此期间,苹果凭借iPhone斩获了全球智能手机市场大部分利润,同时诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓(BlackBerry)等竞争对手都已中途出局。

    Samsung has done something remarkable inthe past decade , as Apple has taken most of the global profits from smartphoneswith the iPhone , and competitors such as Nokia and BlackBerry have fallen bythe wayside .

  30. 上海汽车城管理总监为BG超摩特技表演引来的大群观众的热烈反应极为赞叹,并预邀BG团队在年底的其它汽车城活动中前来再一次表演。

    The Auto city management was so thrilled by the outcome of the spectators'response to the show so BG was invited back in Dec for another of their big auto events .