
chì dào jǐ nèi yà
  • Equatorial Guinea
赤道几内亚[chì dào jǐ nèi yà]
  1. 他将是美国非洲企业理事会(CorporateCouncilonAfrica)举办的晚宴的贵宾,该理事会也是本周举行的赤道几内亚经济论坛(EquatorialGuineaEconomicForum)的联合发起人之一。

    He will be guest of honour at a dinner hosted by the Corporate Council on Africa , also co-sponsor of an Equatorial Guinea Economic Forum this week .

  2. 赤道几内亚Mbini大桥总体设计

    Master design of Mbini Bridge in Equatorial Guinea

  3. 方法对赤道几内亚巴塔地区医院18例AIDS合并隐球菌脑膜炎患者进行临床综合分析。

    Methods 18 patients with AIDS - associated cryptococcal meningitis were analyzed .

  4. 与此同时,赤道几内亚国民的平均收入为每日2美元左右。

    Meanwhile the average income for citizens is about $ 2 a day .

  5. 联合国赤道几内亚公民投票和选举特派督察团

    Mission for the Supervision of the Referendum and the Election in Equatorial Guinea

  6. 芳人:居住在加蓬,赤道几内亚及喀麦隆的人。

    Fang : a member of a people inhabiting gabon , equatorial guinea , and cameroon .

  7. 赤道几内亚使用的货币单位。

    Monetary unit in Equatorial Guinea .

  8. 委内瑞拉哥斯达黎加赤道几内亚巴拉圭和西班牙使用的辅助货币单位。

    A fractional monetary unit of Venezuela and Costa Rica and Equatorial Guinea and Paraguay and Spain .

  9. 赤道几内亚的大部分领土是非洲西部海岸外的一座岛屿,上述合同所需经费将由该国支付。

    Equatorial Guinea , most of which is an island off western Africa , will pay for the contract .

  10. 像安哥拉和赤道几内亚这样的一些国家以经济高速增长著称。

    Some countries praised for their breakneck economic growth , such as Angola and Equatorial Guinea , are oil-sodden kleptocracies .

  11. 地形坡度和越赤道大尺度低空气流赤道几内亚的农业生产现状


  12. 早年他的父母逃出赤道几内亚(为西非之一国),他父亲越狱后被视为政治异见者;

    Earlier his parents had fled from Equatorial Guinea , his father having escaped from prison just before being shot as a political dissident ;

  13. 法国兴业银行的足迹则遍布突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、赤道几内亚、南非和西非大部。

    Societe Generale 's locations meanwhile include Tunisia , Algeria , Morocco , Mauritania , Equatorial Guinea , South Africa and most of West Africa .

  14. 在赤道几内亚举行的峰会的尾声,非洲领导人表示,该逮捕令使他们寻找政治解决方案的努力更加复杂。

    At the end of a summit in Equatorial Guinea , the African leaders said that the warrant seriously complicated their efforts to find a political solution .

  15. 它包括了6个该地区国家:喀麦隆,加蓬,刚果,中非共和国,赤道几内亚和乍得。

    It gathers six countries of central Africa , Cameroon , the Central African Republic , the Republic of Congo , Gabon , Equatorial Guinea and Chad .

  16. 目前,这个伙伴组织正在帮助阿尔及利亚、喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、哈萨克和卡塔尔在确定的时间内实现零燃除或最低燃除的目标。

    The partnership is assisting Algeria , Cameroon , Equatorial Guinea , Kazakhstan , Nigeria , and Qatar to meet target dates for zero or minimum flaring .

  17. 一个星期来,我先后访问了埃塞俄比亚、阿尔及利亚、赤道几内亚、刚果(金),昨晚到了赞比亚。

    Over the past week , I have visited Ethiopia , Algeria , Equatorial Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo . I arrived in Zambia yesterday evening .

  18. 石油价格的大幅度下跌影响了像刚果、赤道几内亚、加蓬和尼日利亚那样的石油收入占其总收入一半以上的国家。

    The steep drop in oil prices has impacted countries such as Congo , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon and Nigeria , where it generates more than half of all revenues .

  19. 赤道几内亚是中非国家经济共同体和中部非洲关税和经济联盟成员,是中非地区近年来经济稳定、快速发展的国家;

    Equatorial Guinea , whose economy developed rapidly and steadily in recent years , is the member of Economic Community of Central African States and Central African Customs and Economic Union .

  20. 但之后,奥比昂何以能在赤道几内亚掌权这么长时间,而他的政党又何以能在1983年至2013年都以最高达99%的得票率赢得大选?

    How does one man manage to stay in power for so long , winning elections with up to 99 per cent of the vote , as his party has done between 1983 and 2013 ?

  21. 长期以来,非洲一直处于能源困境。像赤道几内亚或刚果共和国等石油、天然气和矿产资源丰富的国家,有极少的一部分人富了起来,但这些国家腐败泛滥,多数市民仍处于贫困之中。

    Africa has long been plagued by the resource curse , where abundant oil , gas and minerals in places like Equatorial Guinea or the Republic of Congo have made a select few rich , led to widespread corruption and left the majority of citizens poor .

  22. 中方通过提供优惠性质的贷款,支持非洲国家的基础设施建设,加纳布维水电站、津巴布韦水泥厂、赤道几内亚居民住宅、坦桑尼亚国家电信骨干网等一大批项目正在建设中,这必将促进非洲各国发展经济、改善民生。

    By providing concessional loans , China is supporting infrastructure projects across Africa . The Bui hydro station in Ghana , cement plant in Zimbabwe , housing project in Equatorial Guinea , telecom network in Tanzania are examples of projects under construction . All this will surely promote economic prosperity and improve livelihood in Africa .