
hè ěr xīn jī
  • Helsinki;Finland;Finland-Helsinki;HEL
  1. 他飞快赶往赫尔辛基。

    He took off for Helsinki like a bat out of hell .

  2. 你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。

    You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow

  3. 信封上盖有赫尔辛基的邮戳。

    The envelope was postmarked Helsinki .

  4. 这项研究是由伦敦大学学院、赫尔辛基大学和约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的研究人员开展的。

    It was carried out by researchers from University College London , the University of Helsinki and Johns Hopkins University .

  5. 但赫尔辛基大学的乔瓦尼·罗西和这项研究的主要作者说,这不仅仅只因为人们比较粗鲁。

    But Giovanni Rossi of the University of Helsinki and a lead author of the study said that this wasn 't just people being rude .

  6. 作者是赫尔辛基欧洲商界领袖大会NorthernLight的秘书长

    The writer is secretary-general of the Northern Light , a European business leaders ' convention based in Helsinki

  7. HMDGlobal公司位于赫尔辛基,它将负责设计新的智能手机和平板电脑。

    HMD Global , based in Helsinki , would design the new smartphones and tablets .

  8. Solid于1992年在芬兰赫尔辛基成立,提供创新的数据库解决方案,支持快速、防错的数据访问。

    Originally founded in1992 in Helsinki , Finland , Solid had the early vision to provide innovative database solutions that allow fast , failure-proof access to data .

  9. 位于芬兰赫尔辛基的开发商RemedyEntertainment通过之前的作品《英雄本色》(MaxPayne)和《心灵杀手》(AlanWake)模糊了好莱坞和游戏之间的界限。

    Helsinki-based developer Remedy Entertainment has blurred the line between Hollywood and games with previous incarnations Max Payne and Alan Wake .

  10. 在周五召开的赫尔辛基峰会之前,我想谈一谈自己对于俄罗斯与欧盟(EU)之间关系的看法,主要是这种关系的战略层面。

    I would like to share my views on relations between Russia and the European Union ahead of Friday 's summit in Helsinki , primarily their strategic aspects .

  11. 上周末,中国与欧盟(EU)在芬兰首都赫尔辛基举行了双边会谈。但在会上,中国向欧盟市场倾销廉价商品的争端,仍然妨碍着双方之间的经济关系。

    The dispute over the dumping of cheap goods from China on European Union markets continued to hamper economic relations between the two at a bilateral meeting in Helsinki at the weekend .

  12. 在科技初创公司大会上(比如去年12月在赫尔辛基举办的Slush),各方都在讨论体验。

    At tech start-up conferences , such as Slush in Helsinki in December , everyone was talking about experiences .

  13. 诺基亚股票周二在赫尔辛基跃升34%,至3.97欧元(合5.24美元),人们认为对于已经严重依赖微软Windows技术的移动设备业务来说,该交易是最好的解决方案。

    Nokia shares jumped 34 % to 3.97 euros ( $ 5.24 ) in Helsinki trading Tuesday amid sentiment that the deal is the best solution for a mobile-device operation that already relied heavily on Microsoft Windows technology .

  14. 卢森堡运动员约瑟夫.巴塞获得PUMA的首枚奥运金牌,(1500m)在芬兰的赫尔辛基。

    Josef Barthel of Luxembourg wins PUMA 's first Olympic Gold ( 1500m ) in Helsinki , Finland .

  15. 也就是说,旅客每天都可以乘坐666号航班飞往HEL(赫尔辛基国际机场的代号,与意指地狱的hell同音)。

    Which means fliers can , on a daily basis , take Flight 666 to HEL . ( That 's Helsinki 's international airport code . )

  16. 这与埃洛普近来在赫尔辛基遭到的冷遇形成了鲜明对比,赫尔辛基的一些人已经开始叫他“埃笨伯”(StephenEflop)。

    It is a stark reversal to the chilly reception Mr. Elop has recently weathered in Helsinki , where some had taken to calling him ' Stephen Eflop . '

  17. 家住赫尔辛基的威尔登•汤普森(WeldonThompson)对乘火车旅行的另一大好处倾心不已,那就是简便的海关手续。

    Weldon Thompson , a Helsinki resident and frequent train traveler , raves about another creature comfort : an easier customs process .

  18. 作品主要是《在奥地利巴德·古森BadGoisen系列》、《在芬兰赫尔辛基系列》。

    During their three months there , they continued to create works in nature , including In Bad Goisen , Austria Series and In Helsinki , Finland Series .

  19. 卡梅伦今日飞往赫尔辛基与北欧及波罗的海国家的领导人开展磋商。他面临着芬兰东道主的警告:劳动者迁徙自由是一条神圣原则,而对欧盟(EU)条约进行重大改革的支持十分微弱。

    Mr Cameron , who flies to Helsinki today for talks with Nordic and Baltic leaders , faces warnings from his Finnish host that free movement of workers is a holy principle , while there is meagre support for major EU treaty reform .

  20. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)将在本文中为您介绍这个欣欣向荣的市场中一些最成功的企业,它们囊括了从加州山景城的互联网巨头到芬兰赫尔辛基逐个字节挑战极限的游戏公司。

    Here , fortune profiles some of the most successful entrepreneurs in this thriving market , from an Internet giant in mountain view , California to a game company in Helsinki , Finland pushing the envelope one byte at a time .

  21. 赫尔辛基滨海区,一家咖啡馆外,夕阳照耀下,诺基亚(Nokia)的过去与原本可能拥有的未来在这里交织。这家咖啡馆就坐落在诺基亚的旧电缆厂。

    Nokia 's past and what could have been Nokia 's future come together in the evening sun on the Helsinki waterfront , outside a caf é housed in the Finnish group 's old cable factory .

  22. 1991年,托瓦尔兹开始工作的非商业替代MINIX虽然他参加了赫尔辛基大学。

    In1991 , Torvalds began to work on a non-commercial replacement for MINIX while he was attending the University of Helsinki .

  23. 芬兰航空公司热诚地期待您搭乘全新空客A340飞机经赫尔辛基前往欧洲!

    Warmly welcome on board with Finnair 's brand new aircraft A340 from Shanghai via Helsinki to Europe !

  24. 另据说KenHale,这位于2011年去世的麻省理工学院的语言学家,生前学习了50种语言,甚至在一架飞往赫尔辛基的航班上学会被公认极难的芬兰语。

    Ken Hale , who was a linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and died in 2001 , was said to have learned 50 languages , including notoriously difficult Finnish while on a flight to Helsinki .

  25. 2010年夏天Yaser作为访问学者前往芬兰赫尔辛基大学,主持了在领先的IT和电信公司内的实地研究。

    During the summer of2010 , Yaser was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland where he conducted field studies in leading IT and telecommunication companies .

  26. MinnaParikka,来自赫尔辛基的针织衫和配饰,性感的针织品,纳帕软皮手套,为活泼可爱的女孩们设计的可爱的鞋和靴子。

    Minna Parikka , knits and accessories from Helsinki , sexy knitwear , nappa leather gloves , adorable shoes and boots for the sassy , cute girl .

  27. 一份ESET工程师接下去几周要做的向导文件,包括在赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)的EICAR和AMTSO以及CARO车间的演示。

    A guide to what ESET researchers will be doing in the next few weeks , including presentations at EICAR and the AMTSO and CARO workshops in Helsinki .

  28. 在赫尔辛基西北部一家诺基亚智能手机设备厂所在地萨洛(Salo),1200名员工中的一位问鲍尔默:“这是不是意味着我们都会拿到Xbox?”鲍尔默回答会的。

    In Salo , a Nokia smartphone facility northwest of Helsinki , Mr Ballmer was asked by one of 1200 staff : " Does this mean we all get Xboxes ? " He said they would .

  29. 这款产品对于所有诺基亚粉和找不到适合安卓系统的平板粉们来说都是一个福音,诺基亚技术中心的产品负责人塞巴斯蒂安奈斯特龙说道,他在赫尔辛基的Slush技术大会上发布了这款产品。

    This is a great product for Nokia fans and everyone who has not found the right Android tablet yet , said Sebastian Nystrom , head of products at Nokia Technologies , who announced the product at the Slush technology conference in Helsinki .

  30. tallink表示,在它的所有航线中,赫尔辛基与爱沙尼亚首都塔林之间的航线吸引的商务旅客最多。

    Tallink says that of all its routes , that between Helsinki and the Estonian capital Tallinn attracts the highest number of business travellers .