
  • 网络FLUCTUATION;Fluctuating;UPS and downs;Undulations
  1. 冒险活动的波动制造出一种起伏不定的经济环境。

    Swings in venture activity created a fluctuating economic environment .

  2. 黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。

    The fluctuating value of gold and silver . The Silver Age came next , inferior to the golden .

  3. 自从我到了这里,情绪就起伏不定。

    I 've been on an emotional roller-coaster since I 've been here

  4. 她心中的情感似波涛汹涌,起伏不定。

    Inside , she was a maelstrom of churning emotions .

  5. 过去7个月中废旧货市场一直起伏不定。

    The junk market has been unsettled for the past seven months .

  6. 在起伏不定的政治生涯里,他对争议和讥讽早已习以为常。

    He has been no stranger to controversy and vitriol during a tumultuous political career .

  7. 1980年利率开始攀升至20%,随后又起伏不定。

    Interest rates began to gyrate up towards 20 per cent in 1980 and then down and up again .

  8. 随着外资的减少,政府将更加受制于起伏不定的国际油价。

    With the reduction in foreign investments , the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price

  9. 11月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

    Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups , signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation .

  10. 毕马威业绩与技术业务主管斯科特帕克(ScottParker)表示,市场一直起伏不定,一些经济部门在雇用管理顾问,另一些经济部门则在继续解聘管理顾问。

    Scott Parker , head of performance and technology at KPMG , says the market has been a rollercoaster , with some sectors of the economy hiring management consultants , as others continue to axe them .

  11. “市场如此起伏不定,所以我们想知道,每次起起落落时,谁是输家,谁又会成为受益人,”oriel的投资信托分析师艾恩斯库勒(iainscouller)说。

    " Markets have been so volatile that we wanted to see who will be the losers and the beneficiaries of any rise or fall , " says Iain scouller , investment trust analyst at oriel .

  12. 尽管经济仍起伏不定,旅游已踏上复苏之路:最新的TripAdvisor行业指数显示,空置率已下降,47%的美国酒店经营商预计今年秋季房价将高于去年。

    Despite the shaky economy , travel has been staging a comeback : vacancy rates have dropped , and 47 % of U.S. hoteliers expect higher rates this fall compared with last year , according to the latest TripAdvisor industry index .

  13. 起伏不定的汇率并没有为他们带来多少裨益;而当地唯一的大型葡萄酒生产商distell主要依赖的是烈酒和国内市场。

    They have not been helped by seesawing exchange rates and the fact that the only big South African wine producer , distell , leans so heavily on spirits and on domestic sales .

  14. 回收物品的市场不可避免地起伏不定。

    Inevitably , markets for collected recyclables go up and down .

  15. 有些周期起伏不定,有些则完成得很完美。

    Some cycles have been choppy , some were perfectly executed .

  16. 由于温度起伏不定,他们测验的结果很不准确。

    Fluctuations in temperature put their results out by a mile .

  17. 市场的涨跌使得雇员的养老资产也起伏不定。

    As markets rose or fell , employees'nest eggs expanded or shriveled .

  18. 如何在钢材市场起伏不定的情况下保持利润?

    How to keep the margin in uncertain steel market ?

  19. 病人的体温起伏不定。电子[控制]定形温度

    The patient 's temperature fluctuates . electronic setting temperature

  20. 并且当进程数大于8时,模拟所消耗的时间起伏不定。

    As number of parallel processes is more than 8 , cost-time fluctuates .

  21. 在这样一个起伏不定的游戏中,仅仅靠一点点小聪明是远远不够的。

    Smart is less than enough in this game full of ups and downs .

  22. 能源价格起伏不定;

    The prices of energy resources are unstable .

  23. 这行起伏不定,而且必需的设备昂贵又危险。

    Lots of ups and downs , the necessary equipment is expensive fantasy dangerous .

  24. 过去,起伏不定的价格走势已迫使中国以外的生产商离开了市场。

    Volatile prices have in the past forced non-Chinese producers out of the market .

  25. 起伏不定的山丘在对岸拔地而起。

    moody hills rise on the opposite shore .

  26. 今年的暑期电影档极其起伏不定。

    Quite an up-and-down summer movie season .

  27. 我们日常工作的特征就是变化迅速、充满未知和起伏不定。

    Fast-pace change , uncertainty , and volatility are the lexicon of our work lives .

  28. 病人的体温起伏不定。

    The patient 's temperature fluctuates .

  29. 龚琳娜演唱的《忐忑》中音符和歌声的起伏不定使得这首歌不可能被翻译成任何语言。

    The continuous ups and downs of notes and vocals make Tante untranslatable into any language .

  30. 此次合作还突显了起伏不定的铁矿石价格对中型钢企造成的压力。

    The co-operation also highlights the pressures that volatile iron ore prices impose on mid-sized steel mills .