
qǐ shǐ
  • start;at first;the beginning;begin;origin;origination;germ;parentage
起始 [qǐ shǐ]
  • [the beginning] 某件事或某种行为的开始、起头

  • [at first] [口]∶开始

  • 莫高窟的开凿起始于南北朝

起始[qǐ shǐ]
  1. 起始点位置偏差对精密GPS差分定位影响的研究

    Study on Impact of Origin Positioning Deviation of DGPS Precise Surveying

  2. 会厌动脉起始处到甲状软骨上角的垂直距离(27·16±3·85)mm。

    The vertical distance between origin epiglottic artery and superior horn of thyroid cartilage was ( 27.16 ± 3.85 ) mm .

  3. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。

    The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years .

  4. 问题不仅仅是起始阶段的小麻烦那么简单。

    The problems went deeper than mere teething difficulties .

  5. 这一段起始赛道十分平缓,但车手们都铆足了劲往前冲。

    It was an easy opening circuit , but the riders attacked it with a will .

  6. 他的这个问题起始于孩提时代。

    His problem began when he was a child .

  7. 这些是奏鸣曲的起始和弦。

    These are the opening chords of a sonata .

  8. 起始我不喜欢他,但很快改变了看法。

    At first I didn 't like him , but I soon changed my mind .

  9. 返回或者设置位图绘制起始点的X坐标

    Gets or Sets the initial X offset in the bitmap tiling from .

  10. 结论MCP-1可能对EAN发病起始动作用

    Conclusion Chemokine MCP-1 might play an initiatory role in the course of EAN .

  11. 四角蛤蜊起始致死温是随驯化温度的变化而改变

    The incipient lethal temperature are shifted upward by acclimation to warmer temperature .

  12. 他拿着一张普通的纸站在起始线上。

    He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper .

  13. 真核DNA复制起始点的结构与功能研究进展

    Research Progress of Structure and Function on Eukaryotic Origins of DNA Replication

  14. 在试验的pH值范围内,起始培养最适pH值为7.4。

    The optimal pH was 7.4 in the range of pH experimented .

  15. 由园弧的起始角和园弧中心角确定园弧的BOX

    A Method of Defining the Arc 's BOX by Using Starting Angle and Center Angle

  16. 研究了反应时间、起始浓度、pH值对光催化放氢和污染物降解的影响。

    The effect of irradiation time , the initial concentrations and pH-value were investigated .

  17. 固定地面网起始点及起始方位角作GPS网平差转换的各种方法

    All Kinds of Methods for Transforming GPS Network with Fixed Initial Point and Initial Direction of Terrestrial Network

  18. 用A、B、C三种添加剂将聚乙烯改性,树枝起始电压竟提高2至4倍之多。

    The initial voltage is raised by as much as 2-4 times , when polyethylene is modified by three different kinds of additives A. B. C.

  19. 如果利用更复杂起始状态的CA会是什么样的音乐呢?

    What types of music can be found by " seeding " the CA with more complex starting states ?

  20. 猪瘟病毒RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶起始基因组RNA复制的分子机制研究

    Initiation of Genomic RNA Replication by a Recombinant Classical Swine Fever Virus RNA - dependent RNA Polymerase

  21. SBS相位共轭腔激光器的调Q效果与起始腔稳定性的关系

    Relation between Q-switch Effect and Primary Resonator Stability in Phase Conjugation Laser Based on SBS

  22. 研究了抛物方程(PE)远场近似条件及起始场的计算,得到了容许误差和最小参考距离之间的关系。

    The far-field approximation of Parabolic Equation ( PE ) and the numerical calculation of PE starter are studied .

  23. 所有基因均没有内含子,尤其是在CDS的起始区和终止区,序列完全相同。

    All the genes are without introns , and totally identical in the CDs region .

  24. 通常的起始点是一组标准的RUP工件和角色。

    The usual starting point is a set of standard RUP artifacts and roles .

  25. 5′RACE分析确定其转录起始位点是269nt处的A。

    Transcriptional initiation site A , which is at the 269 nucleotide , was preliminarily determined by using 5 ′ RACE method .

  26. 这个Events树列出了所有的测试执行事件,比如脚本起始和终结、循环、调用、通知,或者结果。

    The Events tree lists all test execution events , such as the script start and end , loop , invocation , message , or verdict .

  27. 以丙烯酰胺为起始原料,经乙胺加成后,再经Hofmann重排两步反应后合成了药物中间体N-乙基乙二胺(NEED)。

    Medicine intermediate N-ethylethylenediamine ( NEED ) was synthesized from acrylamide and ethylamine by addition reaction and Hofmann rearrangement .

  28. 目的探求螺旋CT脑血管造影检查中,保证脑CTA质量的扫描起始时间的确定法。

    Objective To find up a suitable beginning scan time so that to assure the image quantity during CTA of brain .

  29. 以组成型表达的β-actin基因为外对照,对两类组织来源的起始RNA量进行监测;

    Constitutive expression of B-actin gene was used as external control to monitor the beginning amounts of RNAs from two kinds of tissues .

  30. 为了便于设计石油膨胀管材料,推导了铁基合金ε马氏体的相变起始温度Ms(ε)的计算公式。

    In the end , the equation for calculating the initial transformation temperature Ms (?) of the ε martensite of the Fe-based alloy is derived .