
  • 网络super-resolution;superresolution;Super-Resolution OR Scale-Up
  1. 基于MAP框架的时空联合自适应视频序列超分辨率重建

    Spatio-temporal Adaptive Super-resolution Reconstruction of Video Sequence Based on MAP Frame

  2. 一种新的基于MAP的纹理自适应超分辨率图像复原算法

    A New MAP Based Texture Adaptive Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Algorithm

  3. 预估计混叠度的MAP超分辨率处理算法

    An Aliasing Degree Pre-Estimated MAP Algorithm of Super-Resolution Processing

  4. 一种基于MAP的超分辨率图像重建的快速算法

    A Novel Fast Algorithm for MAP Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction

  5. 基于MAP框架的图像序列超分辨率和模板匹配

    Combined Resolution Enhancement and Pattern Matching in Image Sequence Based on MAP Frame

  6. 小波超分辨率重建算法及其在SPOT影像中的应用

    Wavelet Super-Resolution Algorithm and Its Application to SPOT Images

  7. 一种空间自适应正则化MAP超分辨率重建算法

    Spatial adaptive regularized map super-resolution reconstruction algorithm

  8. 基于频域多尺度小波变换的CR图像超分辨率增强

    Super-Resolution Enhancement of CR Based on Frequency Domain Multi-Scale Wavelet Transformation

  9. 基于BP神经网络的超分辨率图像重建

    Reconstruction of super-resolution image based on BP neural network

  10. MAP序列多帧图像超分辨率复原

    MAP super-resolution restoration from image sequences

  11. 应用最大后验概率(MAP)算法实现超分辨率复原。

    Maximum posterior probability ( MAP ) algorithm was used to realize the super-resolution ( SR ) recovery .

  12. Na双线全息光谱的超分辨率

    Super - resolution of Holographic Spectrum for Na Double Lines

  13. 基于SIFT的超分辨率图像配准及MATLAB实现

    Super-resolution Image Registration Based on SIFT and its Realization with MATLAB

  14. 基于Markov约束的泊松最大后验概率超分辨率图象复原法

    Poisson-map super-resolution image restoration algorithm with Markov constraint

  15. 基于Bayesian理论的压缩视频超分辨率重构

    Compressed Video Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Bayesian Theory

  16. MAP和POCS算法实现超分辨率图像的重建

    Reconstruction of Super-resolution Image using MAP and POCS Algorithms

  17. 基于PDE演化的视频图像序列超分辨率重建

    Super Resolution Reconstruction of the Video Image Sequence Based on PDE Diffusion

  18. 文中就超分辨率MUSIC算法在低SNR时定阶难以实现的问题,提出了基于互谱估计的MUSIC算法,利用了白噪声序列的互相关为0的特性有效抑制了噪声对子空间划分的影响。

    To the difficulties in the rank-deciding in low SNR situations , a cross-spectral MUSIC algorithm was proposed , reducing efficiently the influence of the noise .

  19. L1范数的图像超分辨率重建改进算法

    Improved Image Super-resolution Reconstruction Algorithm Based on L1-norm

  20. 基于各向异性MRF建模的多帧图像变分超分辨率重建

    Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Anisotropic Markov Random Field Modeling

  21. 一种基于CCA空间超分辨率的人脸识别方法

    A Method Based on CCA-Domain Super-Resolution for Face Recognition

  22. 最后给出基于小波的SPOT影像超分辨率重建结果,表明遥感影像的超分辨率重建在应用中取得进展。

    Finally , some examples of wavelet superresolution for SPOT image are given . It announces the progress made in the application of superresolution algorithm for remote sensing images .

  23. 提出了一种基于L1范数和总变分规整化的超分辨率图像重建算法。

    A super-resolution algorithm based on L1 norm and total variation ( TV ) regularization is proposed .

  24. 为此,本文提出了一种空域多帧图像超分辨率处理算法&基于Delaunay三角剖分的多帧图像超分辨率算法。

    Therefore , a multi-frame image super-resolution algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation in spatial domain is proposed .

  25. 在视频超分辨率重建系统实现方面,本文基于DirectShow框架,设计和实现了一个演示系统。

    For the design and implementation of video SR system , we design the system with DirectShow framework .

  26. 基于分层运动估计的POCS超分辨率图像重建

    POCS Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Based on Hierarchical Motion Estimation

  27. 本文采用POCS方法进行超分辨率图像复原研究。

    Projection onto convex sets ( POCS ) is used in this paper .

  28. 然后在详细研究了各种超分辨率图像复原算法的基础上,采用基于贝叶斯框架的最大后验概率(MAP)复原算法实现了超分辨率图像重建。

    After studying in detail a variety of super-resolution image reconstruction algorithm , we use MAP ( maximum a posteriori probability ) algorithm , which is based on Bayesian framework , to archive super-resolution image reconstruction .

  29. 提出了一种基于小波域隐马尔可夫树(HMT)模型的RGB彩色图像超分辨率算法。

    This paper presents a wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Tree ( HMT ) - based color image superresolution algorithm .

  30. 基于小波域HMT模型的序列图像超分辨率重建

    Super-resolution reconstruction of image sequence based on wavelet-HMT