
chāo shēnɡ bō
  • ultrasonic ;ultrasound;supersonic
超声波 [chāo shēng bō]
  • [ultrasonic wave] 频率高于20000赫的声波。其特征是:波长短,近似作直线传播,在固体和液体内衰减比电磁波小;能量集中,可形成高强度、剧烈振动,引起激震波、液体中的空化作用等,产生机械、光、热、电、化学和生物等各种效应,被现代科技广泛应用

  1. 他测出了超声波穿过骨头的速度。

    He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone .

  2. 我进行了超声波检查,看看妊娠情况如何。

    I had an ultrasound scan to see how the pregnancy was progressing .

  3. 大多数处于妊娠期的妇女将被建议接受超声波检查,不过这不是强制性的。

    Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy , although it 's not obligatory

  4. 机器人就像蝙蝠那样地发出超声波讯号。

    Much as bats do , robots send out ultrasonic signals .

  5. 超声波传感器会发出不同的声音。

    And the ultrasonic sensor makes different kinds of sounds .

  6. 手套背面装有带电池的超声波传感器。

    An ultrasonic sensor with a battery is put on the back of the glove .

  7. 我们将用这笔钱开发一种更小更轻的超声波传感器。

    We ' re going to use the money to develop a smaller and lighter ultrasonic sensor .

  8. 其中一位设计师说,"现在手套上的超声波传感器相当大了。"

    One of the designers said , " Now the ultrasonic sensor on the glove is quite large . "

  9. 当使用者戴着手套靠近某个物体时,手套会发出超声波。

    When the user wearing the glove is close to an object , ultrasonic waves from the glove are sent out .

  10. 材料q值的超声波测定方法。

    Supersonic methods for determining the q value of material .

  11. 学校、火车站、体育场、博物馆、图书馆甚至游泳池都是超声波“重灾区”。

    Schools , railways stations , sports grounds , museums , libraries and swimming pools are all potential sources of exposure .

  12. 科学家认为,公共广播系统、扩音器、自动门等利用超声波控制的设备日益增多,可能会导致“超声病”的流行。

    Scientists say that a boom in public announcement systems , loudspeakers and automatic doors may be spawning1 an epidemic2 of ultrasonic3 sickness .

  13. 家用超声波驱鼠(猫)器等电子设备也会使人出现恶心、眩晕、疲倦、胃痛以及头痛等症状。

    Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea4 , dizziness , and tiredness , stomach pain , and headaches .

  14. 科学家尚不确定超声波会如何损害健康,但它有可能会影响耳朵中精密的平衡感应器,令大脑感到“困惑”,从而引发各种眩晕恶心症状。

    Scientists are not sure how ultrasound may harm health but one possibility is that it disturbs the delicate balance sensors5 in the ear , confusing the brain and calling seasickness-like symptoms .

  15. 扩张Kalman滤波法在超声波CT反演计算中的应用

    Application of extending Kalman filtering theory in the inversion of Ultrasonic CT

  16. 基于DSP的超声波流量计

    The Ultrasonic Flowmeter Based on DSP

  17. G型加载途径下岩石的声发射及超声波衰减特性

    Characteristics of Acoustic Emission and Attenuation of ultrasonic Waves in Rocks during the Stress Paths of Case G

  18. 点焊缝焊控制技术评述T、K、Y管书点焊缝超声波探伤&第三讲缺陷的判定


  19. 本公司的主要产品有:超声波技术防水型LED护栏管、LED数码管、LED数码屏;

    The company 's main products are : ultrasonic technology waterproof LED guardrail tube , LED digital tube , LED digital screen ;

  20. 环形超声波电动机定子振动的固有频率RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Natural Frequency of the stator of Ring Ultrasonic Motor Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  21. 超声波冲击与TIG熔修复合强化改善高强钢焊接接头的疲劳性能

    Improving fatigue behavior of the high-strength welded joints compound treated by TIG Dressing and ultrasonic peening

  22. 一定强度的超声波处理,能明显削弱这种吸附。由此证明NGF对庆大霉素所致的内耳损伤具有明显的保护作用。

    Ultrasonic treatment can weaken the adsorption greatly . It is indicated that NGF can weaken ototoxicity of gentamycin .

  23. 结果表明,重水堆用锆管超声波探伤试块中,用U形人工缺陷取代V形人工缺陷是可行的。

    The result showed it was reasonable to use U shape notch to replace V shape notch in test blocks for ultrasonic testing of zirconium tube applied in Candu reactor .

  24. 建立用超声波萃取-高效液相色谱法同时检测海洋沉积物中16种优先监控的多环芳烃(PAHs)的方法。

    A method using ultrasonic extraction combined with separation by HPLC was established for the simultaneous determination of 16 PAHs in marine sediments .

  25. 液晶显示器磨边后超声波清洗及STN液晶盒设计优化的研究

    Research of Cleaning Effect and Cell Parameter Modification through Us Cleaning after LCD Edge Grinding

  26. 利用模糊神经网络避障控制器融合CCD摄像机与超声波传感器探测到的环境信息,以实现机器人的安全避障。

    In order to avoid the obstacles successfully , detection results from CCD and ultrasonic sensors are fused by a fuzzy neural network , which acts as an avoidance controller .

  27. 其中包括氧化脱毛、高pH值铬鞣、促进铬吸收的胶原改性、粉沫涂饰、化学摔软、超声波在制革工业中的应用等。

    The contents introduced include oxidization unhairing , chrome tanning with high pH value , chemical modification of hide , powder coating for leather finishing , chemical milling and application of ultrasound in leather industry .

  28. 利用超声波协同MTG酶对真丝电力纺进行复合抗皱整理。

    Silk habotai was treated by ultrasonic and microbial transglutaminase ( MTG ) to improve its crease-resistance .

  29. 结果表明,超声波和MTG酶协同作用显著地改善了真丝织物的抗皱性,且其他性能也都有所提高。

    It is shown that silk fabric with synergic treatment of ultrasonic and MTG shows better crease-resistance and other performances .

  30. 利用超声波分散、偶联剂对纳米SiO2进行了表面改性,用共混法制备了LLDPE/纳米SiO2复合材料。

    The surface of nano SiO 2 was modified by supersonic wave dispersing and silane coupling agent , and then blended with LLDPE to prepare LLDPE / nano SiO 2 composites .