
  • 网络Super Sunday
  1. 现在欧洲即将有超级星期天&在所有28个欧盟(EU)成员国举行的欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)选举将于5月25日结束。

    Europe is about to have a Super Sunday , with elections for the European Parliament taking place across the 28-member EU , ending on May 25 .

  2. 超级杯星期天是美国一年里电视观众最多的节目。

    Super Bowl Sunday is the most-watched U.S.television broadcast of the year .

  3. 那么昨天是超级碗星期天这就意味着今天是经典笑话星期一

    All right yesterday was superbowl Sunday that means today is classical joke Monday

  4. 超级杯星期天还是美国食品消耗第二多的日子,仅排在感恩节的后面。

    Super Bowl Sunday is also the second-largest U.S.food consumption day , following Thanksgiving .

  5. 在这样一个超级碗星期天,我哪怕是快不行了都要从床上爬起来到这儿来卖披萨饼。

    I 'd get off my death bed to come in and sell pizzas on Super Bowl Sunday .