
chāo jí yònɡ hù
  • superuser;super user
  1. 系统服务的所有者可能是特殊用户或超级用户root。

    System services might be owned by special users or by the superuser , root .

  2. 超级用户root也可以使用chown或changeowner命令来更改文件所有权。

    The superuser , root , can also change file ownership by using the chown , or change owner , command .

  3. 超级用户root可以向任何进程发送信号。

    The superuser , root , can signal any process .

  4. 在Linux中,超级用户称为root。

    In Linux , the Super User is called root .

  5. 连接到交换机,输入enable进入超级用户配置模式。

    Connect to the switch and enter super-user configuration mode by typing enable .

  6. 记住,您必须是超级用户才能为进程指定更高的调度优先级,或者说让它们的nice值更低。

    Remember that you have to be the superuser to give your processes higher scheduling priority and make them less nice .

  7. Oracle中超级用户权限的管理

    Management Superuser Jurisdiction Based on Oracle

  8. 允许编写脚本的外壳:允许Galaxy的超级用户编写自定义Galaxy扩展

    Scripting shell – allows Galaxy power users to write custom extensions to Galaxy

  9. Administrator是超级用户角色,包括Operator和Viewer的所有权限。

    The Administrator is a super-user role that implicitly includes all the privileges that Operators and Viewers have .

  10. 当您的行为类似于超级用户(即root用户)时,shell提示符会变成,您可能对此感到惊奇。

    Have you ever wondered how the shell prompt changes to the octothorpe ( # ) whenever you are or behave like the superuser , root ?

  11. 这意味着超级用户权限被授予属于本地Administrators组的所有合法帐户。

    This means that super-user authority is granted to any valid account that belongs to the local Administrators group .

  12. 调用进程的有效用户ID必须是超级用户,或者可以与该信号量集的创建者或所有者匹配的用户。

    The effective user ID of the calling process must be that of the super-user or match the creator or owner of the semaphore set .

  13. 记住,这是Django的超级用户,而不是系统的超级用户。

    Remember that this is the Django superuser , not your system 's.

  14. NOVELL网中的局域超级用户

    The local superuser of the Novell net

  15. SoapUIPro是一款企业版软件,它为超级用户提供了更多特性,比如需求跟踪等。

    SoapUI Pro is the enterprise version and contains additional features for power users including requirements traceability .

  16. 对一些操作,fink需要有超级用户权限。

    For some operations , Fink needs super user rights .

  17. 市场缺少的就是真正好用的Chrome系统笔记本,尤其是对软件开发商、以及需要高运算速度和高分辨率屏幕的超级用户而言。

    What 's been lacking is a really good Chrome-based laptop , especially for software developers and other power users who demand speed and high-resolution displays .

  18. 如果要使用这个页面上描述的任何特性(比如惟一性检查),那么要确保选中对应的框,并输入对ContentManager具有超级用户权限的用户ID和口令。

    If you are using any of the features described on that page ( such as uniqueness checks ), make sure to check the box and enter a user ID and password that has superuser authority for Content Manager .

  19. 我们在内部都是超级用户,我自己使用Gmail差不多完全靠快捷键和搜索。

    We 're all power users internally , so I navigate Gmail almost entirely through keyboard shortcuts and search .

  20. 这些Facebook的“超级用户”可能记录了他们去的每个地方,“赞”了他们喜欢的每一本书、每一首歌、每个品牌。

    These are facebook " super-users " who likely check in every place they go , and click the like button on every book , song or brand they , well , like .

  21. 警告:在启用超级用户组后,该组的成员能够获取所有受rm保护内容的所有者用户许可证。

    Warning : when the super users group is enabled , members of this group are able to retrieve owner use licenses for all rm-protected content .

  22. 但务必牢记,如果必须作为超级用户(使用sudo)或root用户运行Snort,也就必须使用相同的权限打开此文件。

    Remember , though , if you had to run Snort as supervisor ( using sudo ) or root , you 'll have to open the file using the same permissions .

  23. 不一定要作为超级用户(根用户)运行rsync守护进程,但是这种做法可以保护机器上的其他文件。

    Running the rsync daemon as the superuser , root , is not strictly necessary , but the practice protects other files on your machine .

  24. 删除您认为有害的命令和不允许的内容,比如sudo(作为超级用户运行)或rm(删除)。

    Strip out any commands that you think might be harmful and disallow things , such as sudo ( running with superuser privileges ) or rm ( delete ) .

  25. 注意,syncdb命令要求我们创建一个超级用户帐号。

    Note that the syncdb command asks you to create a superuser account .

  26. 与通过源代码安装Snort类似,您可能需要作为root用户登录来运行此命令,或使用sudo命令来作为超级用户安装RPM。

    As with installing Snort from source code , you will probably need to either log in as the root user to run this command or use the sudo command to install the RPM as the supervisor .

  27. 这一特点降低了iOS平台对影响力较大的超级用户和那些想要有一个平台“玩耍”的黑客社区的吸引力,但却也使其对普罗大众的吸引力增加了。

    That reduces the appeal of the the iOS platform to the vocal power-users and hacker community who want a platform to play with , but it also makes the handset much more appealing to the general public .

  28. 本文通过重点分析针对UNIX操作系统的一些攻击实例,指出现有的UNIX操作系统自主访问机制和超级用户特权实现方式是最主要的安全问题。

    After the analysis of the typical instance of the security attack on the UNIX operating system , it can be concluded that the discretionary accessing mechanism and the implementation of the privileged super-user are both the source of the security problems of the UNIX .

  29. 一旦devfs被正确配置(包括在内核添加devfs支持和对启动脚本进行一些稍复杂的更改),超级用户重新启动系统。

    Once devfs is configured correctly , which involves adding devfs support to the kernel as well as performing a number of semi-tricky changes to startup scripts , the superuser reboots the system .

  30. 然而,只有超级用户才能够执行/sbin中的程序,因此这个目录称为“superuser-bin”或者/sbin。

    However , the programs found in / sbin can be executed only by superusers & hence ," superuser-bin " or / sbin .