
ɡēn zōnɡ diào chá
  • monitor;follow-up survey/investigation
  1. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

    The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates .

  2. 例如,一项研究对佛罗里达州238名志愿者进行了一年多的跟踪调查。

    For instance , one study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year .

  3. 这项研究对21名经常在凌晨两点以后睡觉的人进行了跟踪调查。

    The study looked at 21 people who were regularly going to bed after 2am .

  4. Fuzzy综合评判在毕业生质量跟踪调查研究中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Composite Judgment to the Follow-up Investigation of Graduates ' Quality

  5. 而在教育研究上,纵向量表可成为长期跟踪调查(longitudinalstudy)之有力工具。4长期跟踪评价。

    Vertical scale can also be a useful tool for longitudinal study . and ④ To conduct the evaluation following the tracks of projects .

  6. 对一汽集团长春齿轮厂的42台CNC车床的故障情况进行了跟踪调查。

    An investigation is made on troubles taken place on 42 CNC lathes in operating in Changchun Gear Works .

  7. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)跟踪调查了24个大型发展中国家;其调查显示,1年前它们当中四分之三的通胀率都能达到或低于原定目标;

    A year ago , in a group of24 large developing nations tracked by Bank of America , about three-quarters were either meeting or staying below their inflation targets .

  8. 福州市PSA异常的老年男性前列腺疾病跟踪调查与分析

    Follow-up and analysis of prostate diseases in the aged men with abnormal PSA Level in Fuzhou area

  9. 本文根据对毕业生跟踪调查所获得的信息,运用Fuzzy数学综合评判的方法,进行定量分析,从而得出综合评价结论。

    In this paper we precent an evaluation of the quality of our graduates on the basis of a quantitative analysis by Fuzzy Composite Judgment of the information gathered in the follow-up investigation .

  10. 方法:首先,采用网上跟踪调查法,统计分析了CochraneLibrary系统综述文摘来源文献的检索方法和信息资源;

    Methods : Firstly , calculated and analyzed the search methods and the information resources of material for SRs in Cochrane Library using network survey ;

  11. 方法对青海高等职业技术学院385名学生采用24h膳食回顾法连续3d跟踪调查,计算学生每人每日营养素摄入量,并与推荐摄入量比较。

    Methods By adopting the 3 days ' successive survey of 24h retrospective method , 385 students ' daily intakes were calculated and compared with the dietary reference intakes ( DRIs ) .

  12. 其次,运用二分类logistic回归的方法,对2005年上海市老年人口状况与意愿跟踪调查的数据进行了分析,实证研究了家庭支持以及家庭构成对老年人生活质量的影响。

    Then , the article quantitatively analyses the way family support influences life quality of aged people with data sourcing from aged people life status investigation of Shanghai 2005 , using logistic regression method .

  13. 跟踪调查显示哺乳期妇女尿脱氧吡啶酚排泄率仍维持较高水平(5.83±2.14)nmol/mmolCr,P<0.01)。

    Follow - up investigation showed that the urine deoxypyridinoline during lactation maintained considerably higher level ( 5 . 83 ± 2 . 14 nmol / mmol Cr , P < 0 . 0 1 ) .

  14. 来自Baltimore城市自闭和相关病症中心的研究人员分析了有年长同胞患自闭症的儿童并且在他们三岁以前,一直做跟踪调查。

    Researchers from Baltimore 's Center for Autism and Related Disorders analyzed children who had an older sibling with autism and followed them until their third birthday .

  15. 通过对调查问卷的统计分析及个别访谈、跟踪调查,挖掘FZ公司影响员工流失的深层次原因,并对提高员工满意度,控制员工流失从多方面提出了解决方案。

    The deep-seated reasons of the employee turnover was summarized and demonstrated by analysis of the questionnaire , individual interviews and follow-up survey .

  16. 奥罗拉副总裁史密斯(DavidSmith)博士称,基于对睡眠和工作习惯的跟踪调查,奥罗拉发现参加失眠治疗课程的学员平均每人节省了672美元的生产力。

    Based on follow-up surveys that asked about both sleep and work habits , Aurora sees an average of $ 672 in productivity savings per participant in the insomnia module , said Dr. David Smith , an Aurora vice president .

  17. 本文利用中国老年健康长寿跟踪调查2002年数据对比分析了高、低龄老人ADL个体影响因素的异同状况。

    Abstract : Based on the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey conducted in 2002 , this paper analyzes the similarities and differences in individual determinants of ADL between the oldest old and the young old .

  18. 结论血清中羟脯氨酸、氨基已糖含量可以反映职业危害因素VCM对肝细胞的损伤情况,可以用该指标来进行定期职业健康监护或跟踪调查的项目。

    Conclusion Hydroxy proline and hexosamine contents inside serum can reflect the occupational dangerous factor of VCM that leads to liver cell harm . The index can be used as an item in periodical occupational health survey as follow-up investigation .

  19. 高期望值和婚姻关系中压力和周期循环的并存似乎是很多婚姻失败的一个重要原因,位于奥斯汀德州大学的人类生态学和心理学教授TedHuston说道。他对168对夫妻进行了为期13年半的跟踪调查。

    The juxtaposition of high expectations with the stress and cycles of relationships appears to be an important reason why many relationships don 't work , said Ted Huston , a professor of human ecology and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , who tracked 168 couples over 13 and a half years

  20. 就像你以前跟踪调查我一样。

    The same way you did when you came after me .

  21. 大连海事大学毕业生质量跟踪调查报告(摘登)

    Findings Report on the Graduates Quality of Dalian Maritime University ;

  22. 另外,通过对这些矿井的全面跟踪调查,作者发现产生粉尘污染的主要来源是放炮作业。

    The main pollution sources of dust came from exploding Operation .

  23. 并且对试验路使用状况进行了跟踪调查,并对出现问题进行了分析。

    And also tracking the performance of the trial - road .

  24. 跟踪调查与定点监测比较,差异无显著性。

    Compared the fixed-point and follow up investigation , difference was non-significant .

  25. 研究人员招募了222对新结婚的夫妇,跟踪调查了他们三年。

    Researchers recruited 222 newlywed couples and followed them for three years .

  26. 福建省商业高等专科学校学生体质状况的跟踪调查

    The Followed up Investigation into Students'Physique Condition at Our College

  27. 高校毕业生就业跟踪调查及对策分析&以安徽教育学院为例

    The follow-up Investigation and Policy Research of AIE 's Graduates

  28. 你有跟踪调查最近的新闻吗?

    Have you been following up on the news recently ?

  29. 研究人员跟踪调查了900名不活跃但身体健康的成人,他们均开始跑步。

    Researchers tracked 900 inactive but healthy adults who took up running .

  30. 中国一流大学图书馆特色资源跟踪调查与研究

    Follow-up Research on Characteristic Resources of Chinese Top Academic Libraries