
  • 网络Achilles tendonitis;Achilles tendinitis
  1. 我们要当心脚踝扭伤、跟腱炎和足部应力性骨折。

    We see ankle sprains , we see Achilles Tendonitis , we see stress fractures .

  2. 我曾患有跟腱炎,脚跟疼和关节痛。

    I 've had my bouts with achilles tendonitis , heel pain , and knee pain .

  3. 针灸从肾经论治跟腱炎20例

    A report on 20 cases of tendinitis achillea treated by acupuncture through the kidney channel

  4. 过敏性休克、跟腱炎、肝损害虽少见,但程度严重。

    Furthermore , anaphylactic shock , achilles tendonitis , and hepatic lesion were rare but severe adverse reactions .

  5. 一旦被诊断为跟腱炎卡伦尝试各种治疗,包括理疗,针灸,整骨疗法。

    Once it was diagnosed as Achilles tendonitis Karen tried various treatments including physiotherapy , acupuncture and osteopathy .

  6. 目的探讨从肾经论治跟腱炎的临床疗效。

    Objectives To explore the clinical therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment of tendinitis achillea by acupuncturing the kidney channel .

  7. 腰肌劳损、膝关节髌腱腱病、跟腱炎、踝外侧韧带损伤占全部损伤的71.69%。

    Chronic lumbar injuries , patellar tendon injuries , patellar teno-termination injuries , peritendinitis of patellar tendon , peritendinitis of Achilles tendon , lateral ligament injuries of ankle joint account for 71.69 % of total injuries .

  8. 临床试验研究发现低强度激光疗法对肌纤维织炎、网球肘和跟腱炎有良好疗效,而对肩袖肌腱炎和延迟性肌肉酸痛疗效不定或缺乏疗效。

    It was implied in clinical trials that LLL therapy was quite effective for myofascitis , epicondylitis and Achilles tendonitis , and had not definite effects or lacked effects on rotator cuff tendinitis and delayed muscular soreness .