
  • 网络Cross border payment;cross-border supply
  1. 欧盟(EuropeanUnion)的方针是,确保跨境支付处理像国内交易一样方便。

    The European Union 's directive is looking to ensure that payments across national borders are handled as conveniently as domestic transactions .

  2. 目前已经出现了一些跨境支付格局被打乱的迹象。

    There are already signs of payments across borders being disrupted .

  3. 至此,花旗的人民币跨境支付结算速度已处于市场领先地位。

    Up to now , Citigroup 's cross-border payment and settlement rate of RMB has been the market leader .

  4. 在继续发展跨境支付业务的同时,我们与所有支付公司一样,希望最终参与中国国内的支付市场。

    While we continue to grow our cross-border payments business , like all payment companies we look forward to eventually participating in the domestic payments market .

  5. 人民币跨境支付交易中,只有8%是真正对外的,也就是说交易的一方来自中国内地和香港以外的地方。

    Only 8 per cent of the transactions are truly offshore , in the sense that one leg of the transaction is outside China or Hong Kong .

  6. 去年3月起,大陆和香港建立的覆盖多币种的跨境支付清算合作机制已经运行,多币种包含了港币、美元、欧元以及英镑等。

    The multi-currency cross-border payment arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong , which cover the Hong Kong dollar , US dollar , Euro and British pound , have been in operation since last March .

  7. 根据全球支付系统Swift的数据,80%以上的跨境人民币支付与香港有关。

    According to Swift , the global payments system , more than 80 per cent of all cross-border renminbi payments involve Hong Kong .

  8. 国际收支记录了两种不同的经济交易:一是记录在经常账户上的商品及服务支付(即进出口),二是跨境资产的支付。

    The balance of payments records two different kinds of transactions : cross-border payments for goods and services ( ie , exports and imports ) , which are recorded in the " current account " , and cross-border payments for assets .