
  • Lucifer;light-bearing,light-born
  1. 路西法,是不是叫洛西华更好听呢?

    Lucifer , is not it called Rocifer better listen ?

  2. 路西法与失乐园的故事。

    Something and some thoughts about Lucifer and Lost Paradise .

  3. 路西法反叛和随后的隔离,把分离及其可能性提到了一个史无前例的然而是合理的水平。

    The Lucifer rebellion and the subsequent quarantine took separation and its possibilities to an unprecedented but logical level .

  4. 爱丽丝贝利将路西法基金易名露丝时基金,因为路西法基金会太清楚地揭出新纪元运动的本质。

    Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust , because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly .

  5. 路西法及其追随者选择让自己成为上帝,扰乱了此星球正常的演化进程。

    Lucifer and his cohorts chose to make of themselves the Gods , and interrupted the normal progression of evolution upon the planet .

  6. 甚至有些按规矩活动、一直按规矩活动的国家,也会在这些路西法、撒旦的高层重要人物手中受苦

    Even some nations that have played ball and have always played ball , will suffer at the hands of these Luciferian , Satanic high mucky-mucks

  7. 路西法信讬基金成立于1922由爱丽丝贝利路西法出版公司信讬,宣传贝利和布拉瓦茨基的通灵学、新纪元运动的书籍。

    Lucis Trust was established in1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society .

  8. 路西法:曾是撒旦尼亚系统的管理者,他选择了违抗神圣计划,想将该系统从更高宇宙的掌控中分离出来。

    Lucifer : the one time governor of Satania , who chose to rebel against the divine plan , wishing to separate this system from the rule of the higher universe .

  9. 一个邪恶程度超乎想象的存在&末日使者路西法在世界各地不停寻找着新的方法来满足他的贪婪和对骚乱的热衷。

    A towering being of unimaginable evil , Lucifer the Doom Bringer marches the farthest reaches of the world in search of new and exciting ways to satisfy his taste for unrest and greed .