
chē fénɡ
  • Sewing;narrow space between vehicles
  1. 只有车缝过程仿真结果达到预期工艺要求的模板DXF文件才可直接转换成NC代码,用于后续的车缝自动化生产。

    And only when the results of the sewing process simulation achieves the desired process requirement can the template DXF file be directly converted into NC code for sequential sewing automated production .

  2. 为了实现数据优化处理,本文基于对DXF文件格式的认识和车缝工艺的要求,特制定了模板DXF文件格式协议,用于规范模板DXF文件的生成和读取。

    In order to realize the data optimization , this paper specially made the format protocol for template DXF file , based on the format of DXF file and the sewing process , which is used to regulate the generation and read of template DXF file .

  3. 以及包装,熨烫,车缝,裁床。

    As well as packaging , ironing , sewing , cutting .

  4. 车缝时,推动??与裁片同步推进。

    To push the moving table and work piece simultaneously .

  5. 一般车缝,适用于高级衣物之装饰车缝。

    Applicable to General sewing , clothing and the decoration for advanced sewing .

  6. 检查服装裁片的缝口牢度和车缝疵点并判断是否接受。

    Check the strength and defect of stitching , approval accept or not .

  7. 多样化的功能,可依使用者的需求自行设计所需的车缝花样。

    Flexible performance , follow the user 's demand to design their needed sewing patterns .

  8. 车缝附件在服装生产中的应用

    Application of Sewing Attachments in Clothing Production

  9. 车缝过程中针温的测定与分析

    Sewing Needle Temperature Measurement and Analysis

  10. 同时还生产和加工各式车缝制品的综合性企业。

    At the same time production and processing all kinds of sewing products , integrated enterprise .

  11. 检查左袖口外面及里面的车缝情况及缝骨牢度。

    Inspect left sleeve cuff outside and inside for stitching defects , open seams and seam stretch .

  12. 本机前附有两侧切刀,用以修剪成适当尺寸,方便裤耳车缝。

    With both sides of the front of the cutter to cut into appropriate size , easy pants sewing ears .

  13. 采用旋梭驱动轴补偿机构,可确保无故障与均匀一致的人字车缝。

    It adopts rotating hook driving axes as repairing structure which can ensure zigzag stitch evenly and without any fault .

  14. 综合式送料,送料力量更强大,能精准与轻易车缝多层之厚重物料,缝目精确美观。

    With powerful unison feed , the machine can sew accurately and easily several sheets of heavy weight materials piled up together .

  15. 当车缝领时,请确保近领最高点的肩边接缝余量固定朝向成衣的后边。

    When stitching neck please ensure shoulder seam allowance at HSP is caught in so that it lays toward back of garment .

  16. 这个特别的降落伞组成的12个经度,或小组,个别削减从织物材料,及车缝在一起,形成檐篷。

    This particular parachute is comprised of12 gores , or panels , individually cut from the fabric material , and sewn together to form the canopy .

  17. 车缝中松紧带可以在压布脚前自动快递切断再重叠车缝,接头平整美观;

    It can auto cut the tape fast in front of the Presser Foot for covering sewing to make the flat and flat and beautiful sewing .

  18. 用两层棉布加上一层麻布车缝而成,同时具备切削及一定程度的抛光能力,主要用在预备抛光的金属制品上。

    One Layer of bias sisal sewed with two layers of cotton cloth , provides it good cutting and polishing properties , mainly used for pre-polishing of metal ware .

  19. 把右袖折向前面,检查右袖窿后面的车缝情况及缝骨牢度。留意衣袖和大身之间是否有色差。

    Fold right sleeve across front of garment . Inspect back right armhole for seam appearance , needle holes and seam stretch properties . Check for shading between body and sleeves .

  20. 可用于集装箱、厢式车的缝密封,钢材和铝材之间的粘接。

    Sealing joint of container , box , and adhesion between steels and aluminous .

  21. 车线不直或车线移位,缝入邻近的部门;

    Stitching not straight or running into adjoining panels .