
chē gōu
  • coupler;coupling;coupling gear;car body coupler
车钩 [chē gōu]
  • [coupler;coupling] 连接两个铁路车厢的一种装置

车钩[chē gōu]
  1. CO2硬化碱性酚醛树脂在车钩芯上的应用

    Application of CO_2 Hardness Alkalescent Phenolic Resin on Coupler Core

  2. 根据实测E级钢材料的拉伸试验,和弯曲疲劳实验得到的数据,以及大秦线载荷谱对车钩和钩尾框进行疲劳寿命计算。

    Use the experiment data of grade E steel and the Da-Qin line load spectrum , the fatigue life of coupler and yoke is computed .

  3. 基于PLC控制系统的火车车钩钩舌面自动堆焊机

    The Design of Automatic Resurfacing Welding Machine For Curvous Plane of Train Hook

  4. SS8型电力机车车钩提杆装置的故障分析及改进

    Malfunction Analyzing and Ameliorating of Coupler Lifting Device of SS_8 Type Electric Locomotive

  5. DY粘结剂在客车车钩制心上的应用

    Application of the DY binder in core-making for passenger car couplers

  6. HXD2机车车钩大容量缓冲器存在的问题及解决措施

    Failure and Treatment Measure of HX_D2 Locomotive ′ s Big Capacity Buffer with Coupler

  7. 在《牵引电算》软件基础上加入了ECP制动仿真模块和车钩力计算模块。

    Expand the train simulation software by adding the EPC brake simulation module and in-train force calculation module .

  8. 采用有限元方法中的1/4点位移法进行了钩尾框的应力强度因子计算,采用Paris公式计算了车钩、钩尾框的裂纹扩展寿命,并对结果进行了分析。

    Compute the stress intensity factors based on 1 / 4 displacement method in finite element method , calculate and analyze the crack propagation life of coupler and coupler yoke using Paris formula . 4 .

  9. 仿真计算表明,ECP系统的采用对于缩短制动距离和降低列车纵向车钩力有显著效果。

    The simulation results show that compared with conventional air brake system , ECP can reduce the brake distance and inter-car force remarkably .

  10. 提出采用13号大摆角车钩、ST型缓冲器,心盘、轮缘润滑采用干式润滑剂等方案,运用效果良好。

    It is put forward to apply such schemes as the No. 13 coupler with big swing angle , ST draft gears , and dry type lubricant for center plates and wheel flange . The result of operation is good .

  11. 25K型客车车钩钩舌厚度严重磨耗和钩耳裂纹的原因分析

    Analysis on Causes to Serious Wear of Coupler Thickness and Crack in Pivot Lugs on 25K Type Passenger Cars

  12. 以扩展后的软件为平台,计算了采用ECP和不采用ECP条件下,1万吨和2万吨重载单元列车的制动距离和车钩力并进行了初步比较。

    Based on the expanded program , simulation is done for 10,000-ton train 20,000-ton train , with ECP and without ECP . The brake distance and inter-car forces are calculated and compared .

  13. 介绍了该设备的结构、工作原理、技术参数及应用情况,并给出了用ANSYS软件对车钩拆装车挡板和平台进行强度分析的结果。

    The structure , operating principle , technical parameter and the application results of the equipment were described . By use of software ANSYS , the strength of locomotive coupler assembling and disassembling machine baffle and platform was performed , and the analysis results were given in the paper .

  14. 采用局部应力应变方法,根据AAR机务规范的载荷谱以及大秦铁路实测载荷谱对车钩、钩尾框进行了裂纹萌生寿命计算,并将两种载荷谱计算结果和实际寿命进行了比较分析。

    According to the AAR spectrum and test spectrum of Da-Qin Railway , the crack initiation life is estimated using local stress-strain method and comparison of computed results and actual life is processed . 3 .

  15. 对郑州机务段SS8型电力机车原车钩提杆装置造成危及行车安全的惯性故障进行了分析,并实施了行之有效的改进措施,确保了行车安全。

    The paper analyzed the inertia incident , which endangers the running safety , of original coupler lifting device of SS 8 type electric locomotive in Zhengzhou locomotive depot , and put forward the effective amelioration measures in practice for ensuring the safety of running .

  16. 超声波测距在机车车钩高度检测中的应用研究

    Applied Research on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement in Height-Measurement of Locomotive Coupler

  17. 铁道车辆车钩的创新设计及有限元强度计算

    Innovation Design and Finite Element Strength Analysis on Railway Vehicle Hook

  18. 机务试验车测力车钩缓冲装置

    Coupler and Draft Gear for Force Measurement on Locomotive Testing Car

  19. GB/T17425-1998货车车钩、钩尾框采购和验收技术条件

    Purchase and acceptance of couplers and coupler yokes for freight service

  20. 城轨车辆车钩缓冲器的配置与能量吸收挂钩连接火车车厢的挂钩

    Coupler and buffer configuration and energy absorption of mass transit vehicles

  21. 澳大利亚平车用13号鹅颈式车钩

    The No.13 Goose Neck Type Couplers for Flat Cars of Australia

  22. 新型城轨用密接式车钩国产化研究

    Study on Home-made New Tight-lock Coupler for the City Truck Traffic

  23. 17号车钩、钩尾框疲劳寿命及可靠性分析

    Fatigue Life and Reliability Analysis of NO.17 Coupler and Coupler Yoke

  24. 货车车钩分离原因分析及建议措施

    Analysis of Causes to Freight Car Coupler Separation and Suggestive Measures

  25. 影响16号车钩转动性能因素的改进及建议

    Improvement and Proposal on Factors that Affected 16 - coupler Rotating Property

  26. 高速列车及提速列车车钩缓冲装置研究

    Research on High-speed Train and Raising Speed Train Vehicle Hook Buffer Mechanism

  27. 欧洲货车密接式自动车钩的研制与试验

    Development and Test for Automatic Tightlock Couplers on Freight Cars in Europe

  28. 15号车钩受力状态简析及改进建议

    Analysis of Forces on No.15 Couplers and Suggestions for Improvement

  29. 货车车钩疲劳寿命预测与断裂分析

    Fatigue Life Prediction and Fracture Analysis of Freight Car Couplers

  30. 车辆通过小半径曲线与车钩间隙的关系

    Relation between Carving of Car on Small Radius Curve and Coupler Clearance