
chē tǐ
  • car body
车体[chē tǐ]
  1. 车体隔热壁传热系数K的有限差分计算法

    Definite Differential Calculation on Heat Coefficient K of the Car Body Heat Insulation Wall

  2. 文中运用I-DEAS有限元分析软件对车体结构进行了仿真分析。

    The steel structure of car body was simulation-aided analyzed with FEA software I-DEAS .

  3. 基于局部P氏熵的车体区域定位凿岩机器人的车体定位

    The location of car-body based on the limit area entropy

  4. 研究结果表明,基于局部P氏熵的图像分析方法,在车体区域定位中是可行的。

    The result indicates the method is feasible in the location of car-body .

  5. 车体控制模组ccd母线(+)碰撞辐射等离子体模型

    Body Control Module CCD Bus ( + ) collisional radiative plasma model

  6. 基于ANSYS的耐冲击性客车车体模态分析

    Modal Analysis for the Crashworthy Passenger Train Based on ANSYS

  7. 车体控制模组ccd母线(+)

    Body Control Module CCD Bus ( + )

  8. 东风4D系列内燃机车东风(4D)型调车机车车体设计

    Car body design of DF_ ( 4D ) diesel shunting locomotive

  9. 介绍一种车体焊装CAD系统,给出焊装胎具的CAD设计方法;

    A kind of CAD systems for vehicle body welding producing line is presented . The method for designing welding jig by the CAD system is described .

  10. CAF试验新型车体倾摆系统

    CAF Tests New Body Tilting System

  11. 使用ANSYS有限元软件建立车体结构的有限元模型,对车体结构进行了静强度和疲劳强度分析。

    By using the finite element model of the body structure established in ANSYS , calculated static strength and fatigue strength of the body structure .

  12. 基于越野车辆ASR系统的车体速度测量方法的研究

    A Study on Vehicle Speed Measurement Method Based on the ASR System for Cross-country Vehicles

  13. VFD汽车显示与车体控制系统

    VFD Automobile 's Digital Gauge and Autobody Control System

  14. 基于美国AAR标准的货车车体疲劳寿命预测软件系统的程序设计

    Programming of Fatigue Life Prediction Software System for Wagon Body Based on American AAR Standard

  15. 基于SOLIDWORKS平台建立各分总成及整车的CAD装配模型,为建立车体结构CAE分析的有限元模型打下基础;

    The CAD model of each part and whole body were established according to the SOLIDWORKS platform to lay foundation for establishing the bodywork construction CAE analysis model .

  16. 在讨论了著名的I-DEAS软件的优化算法后,对高速客车车体进行了优化设计。

    The optimum algorithm of famous I-DEAS software was discussed , then , high-speed car body was optimized .

  17. 最后进行了不同位姿情况下的直线轨迹跟踪仿真研究,仿真结果表明,本研究中建立的模糊控制器能够快速纠偏,使车体达到期望位姿,满足农业AGV的要求。

    The simulation results shows fuzzy controller can quickly get expected position . The fuzzy controller satisfied the need of agriculture AGV .

  18. XN6型集装箱平车车体应力测试

    Stress Test of XN_6 Freight Container Flat Car Body

  19. 装空气滤清器的DF(8B)型机车车体结构改进及减重优化美国人的体重问题

    Structural improvement and weight-lowering optimization of the car body of DF_ 8B locomotive equipped with air filter Weight of Americans

  20. 在客车安全中尚有许多值得深入研究的领域,如客车安全相关法规、客车车体结构、客车CAE工作和安全车身的制作等。

    But there have been a lot of problems about bus and coach safety to be solved , such as safety regulation , structure , CAE work , manufacture .

  21. XN(17A)平车车体制造工艺

    Manufacturing the body of XN_ ( 17A ) flat car

  22. 全面分析了200km/h高速客车车体的结构特点,阐述了该车车体钢结构轻量化设计的思路。

    The structure characteristic of 200km / h high-speed car body is generally analyzed , the thought of lightening design about steel structure of the car body is described .

  23. 瑞士ICN列车的车体倾摆

    The Car-Body Tilting on ICN Train in Switzerland

  24. 在垂直载荷作用下,DK4型地铁客车车体侧墙钢结构可简化为由刚性和弹性杆件组成的多孔空腹平面刚架结构。

    DK_4 side wall steel structure can be simplified as the plane vierendeel Rahmen of the rigid and elastic menbers under vertical loads .

  25. 6K型电力机车转向架对车体水平面位移的分析

    Analysis to the Level Displacement of the Body to the Bogie of 6 K Electric Locomotive

  26. 介绍一种基于PLC的集散控制系统及其在汽车车体磷化处理生产线中的应用,阐述了集散控制系统的组成、PLC的选型、控制程序设计、系统组态等。

    The application of DCS ( Distributed Control System ) based on PLC in the production line of vehicle body phosphate pre-disposal is presented , and the composition of DCS , type selection of PLC , control program design and system configuration are described .

  27. 61T集装箱平车车体结构形状优化策略研究

    Structure Shape Optimization Strategy Research with the Body of 61T Container Plat Vehicle

  28. 简要介绍汽车车体尺寸精度控制的方法,即2mm工程。

    This article presents the description of the method of maintain of precision dimensional tolerance on automobile bodies , i. e , the so called 2 mm engineering .

  29. 碳纤维不仅用于制造钓鱼竿和网球拍,还大量应用于飞机制造业,如梦幻波音喷射客机787(Boeing787Dreamliner)以及一级方程式赛车车体制造。

    Carbon fiber has found its way into fishing rods and tennis rackets , and in larger quantities into airplanes like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the bodies of formula one racecars .

  30. 介绍在设计合理的工装保证下,采用MIG焊焊接方法和氩弧调修工艺,成功地控制了铝合金焊接变形,顺利完成200km/h动力车车体铝合金顶盖的生产。

    : The article introduces the manufacture technology of aluminum alloy roof for 200 km / h locomotive carbody . With practical manufacture process equipment and fixtures , the aluminum alloy distortion is controlled successfully by using MIG welding method and argon arc regulating process .