
  • Coupler buffer device;【铁道】coupler and draft gear
  1. 机务试验车测力车钩缓冲装置

    Coupler and Draft Gear for Force Measurement on Locomotive Testing Car

  2. 高速列车及提速列车车钩缓冲装置研究

    Research on High-speed Train and Raising Speed Train Vehicle Hook Buffer Mechanism

  3. 25型客车密接式车钩缓冲装置的研制

    Development of Tight-lock Coupler and Draft Gear Using on 25 Type Passenger Cars

  4. 货车车钩缓冲装置检修流水线的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Inspection and Repair Line for Coupler Draft Gears on Freight Cars

  5. 关于机车车辆车钩缓冲装置的选型分析

    The Analysis of Model Selection of Coupler Draft Gears for Locomotive & Rolling Stock

  6. 提高车钩缓冲装置的可靠性

    Improving Reliability of Coupler Draft Gears

  7. 本文综述日本客、货车车钩缓冲装置的发展过程;

    The Japanese car coupling devices both use the American experiences for reference and develop independently .

  8. 对无间隙牵引杆的曲线通过性能与传统车钩缓冲装置作了对比;

    The curve negotiation performance of slackless drawbar is compared with that of the traditional coupler buffer device ;

  9. 介绍美国铁路车钩缓冲装置的发展过程、结构特点及运用情况。

    Described are the development process , structure features and operation of the railway coupler draft gears in U.S.A.

  10. 火车的车厢是用钩链连接在一起的。25型客车密接式车钩缓冲装置的研制

    The cars of the train are coupled together y shackles Development of Tight-lock Coupler and Draft Gear Using on 25 Type Passenger Cars

  11. 介绍俄罗斯联邦铁路采用新的车钩缓冲装置的检修和运用规程的情况及规程的内容。

    The conditions and contents of the new inspection , maintenance and operation code for coupler draft gears in the Russian Federal Railway are described .

  12. 统计分析了13号车钩缓冲装置故障原因,提出提高检修质量的措施及建议。

    This paper analyzed the reason of No 13 coupler and draft gear malfunctions statistically , and put forward the measurement and proposal for improving the inspection and repair quality .

  13. 履带式拖拉机作业性能的计算机模型对无间隙牵引杆的曲线通过性能与传统车钩缓冲装置作了对比;

    COMPUTER SIMULATION OF DRAWBAR PERFORMANCE FOR A TRACKED TRACTOR IN THE FIELD The curve negotiation performance of slackless drawbar is compared with that of the traditional coupler buffer device ;

  14. 在分析列车阻尼系统与列车车钩缓冲装置的基础上,将重载组合列车抽象为多质点弹性阻尼系统,采用动力学模型的方法建立了列车纵向冲动的数学模型。

    To modeling longitudinal dynamical model of heavy-haul train , dynamical method has been used and the heavy-haul trains is described to spring damping system . Train vehicle cushion devices have also been considered .

  15. 但随着机车牵引吨数和列车长度的增加,车体和车钩缓冲装置所承受的纵向、横向动态载荷急剧增大。

    However , because of the increasing traction tonnage and the length of train of locomotive , the longitudinal and lateral dynamic loads which loaded on body between coupler and draft gear will sharply increase .

  16. 并对比国外高速列车采用的车钩缓冲装置的结构与特点,提出了对装用于高速列车及提速列车的国产车钩缓冲装置的改进内容与建议。

    And it contrast the structure and the characteristic of overseas high-speed train using the vehicle hook buffer mechanism , and proposed the improvement the suggestion to the domestically produced vehicle hook buffer mechanism installed in high-speed and raising speed train .

  17. 车钩缓冲装置作为列车系统中的关键子系统之一,其运行行为对列车动力学性能及安全性能的显著影响已经在可查文献及数次列车脱轨事故中得到充分证明。

    As a key system in train , coupler / draft gear systems have been proven to greatly affect the train dynamics by their run-time behaviour . This truth has been validated in a large volume of published papers and derailment reports .

  18. 货车13号车钩及缓冲装置检修故障分析及建议

    Inspection and Repair Malfunction Analysis and Proposal of 13 Coupler and Draft Gear of Freight Car

  19. 一条小火轮缓缓地冲破那光滑的水面,威风凛凛地叫了一声。GB/T4549.4-1984铁道车辆名词术语车钩缓冲及风挡装置

    A steam-launch pushed its leisurely way through the smooth waters of the river with an occasional majestic hoot . " Rolling stock terms & Coupler , draft gear and vestibule diaphragm "